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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Science » Cougaar12_4 » org.cougaar.lib.vishnu.client 
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All known Subclasses:   org.cougaar.lib.vishnu.client.VishnuAllocatorPlugin,  org.cougaar.lib.vishnu.client.VishnuAggregatorPlugin,  org.cougaar.lib.vishnu.client.VishnuExpanderPlugin,
abstract public class VishnuPlugin extends UTILBufferingPluginAdapter implements UTILAssetListener,DirectModeListener,ResultListener(Code)
 ALP-Vishnu bridge.
 Base class for interacting with the Vishnu scheduler.
 There are 3 main dimensions of behavior for this plugin: 
 - SchedulerMode (External, Internal, or Direct)         
 - Job type      (Batch or Incremental)                  
 - Translation   (Automatic or Custom)                   
 Supports three main scheduler modes : External, Internal, and Direct.  These
 are classes which implement the SchedulerLifecycle interface.  They
 orchestrate the steps to use the Vishnu Scheduler.  The VishnuPlugin
 is a ModeListener and its as a mode listener that the modes communicate
 with the plugin.
 External mode uses the web server and expects the scheduling to be 
 done by a separate Vishnu Scheduler process.  All communication is done with 
 Internal mode uses an internal Vishnu Scheduler process, but 
 communicates exclusively through XML.
 Direct mode extends internal mode, but directly translates between
 Cougaar objects and Vishnu scheduling objects.
 The results of a scheduling job are handled by a ResultHandler, which
 can be either an XMLResultHandler, or a DirectResultHandler. Each mode is a
 ResultListener and communicates with its result handler.
 Orthogonal to the scheduling modes, the scheduling jobs can be either 
 batch or incremental.  Batch starts from scratch every time, but 
 incremental mode maintains scheduler state from previous batches.
 Further, XML translation can either be automatic or custom.  Automatic
 mode uses introspection to determine the object format of the problem,
 whereas custom forces the developer to define it and participate in 
 the translation process.
 Abstract because it does not define :
 - createThreadCallback
 each of which is defined in the allocator, aggregator, and expander 

See Also:   org.cougaar.lib.filter.UTILBufferingPluginAdapter.createThreadCallback
See Also:   org.cougaar.lib.vishnu.client.VishnuAggregatorPlugin.createThreadCallback
See Also:   org.cougaar.lib.vishnu.client.VishnuAllocatorPlugin.createThreadCallback
See Also:   org.cougaar.lib.vishnu.client.VishnuExpanderPlugin.createThreadCallback
See Also:   

Field Summary
protected  VishnuCommcomm
protected  VishnuConfigconfig
protected  VishnuDomUtildomUtil
protected  intfirstTemplateTasks
protected  booleanincrementalScheduling
protected  booleanlocalDidRehydrate
protected  booleanmakeSetupAndWrapupTasks
protected  SchedulerLifecyclemode
protected  UTILAssetCallbackmyAssetCallback
protected  MapmyAssetUIDtoObject
protected  SetmyChangedAssets
protected  SetmyNewAssets
protected  MapmyTaskUIDtoObject
protected  DocumentobjectFormatDoc
protected  ResultHandlerresultHandler
protected  booleanrunDirectly
protected  booleanrunInternal
protected  booleansentFormatAlready
protected  booleanshowTiming
protected  AllocationResultAggregatorskipTransitARA
     Must use a special allocation result aggregator that does NOT include the transit (setup, wrapup) tasks in it's time calculations.
protected  booleanstopOnFailure
protected  inttotal
protected  booleanuseStoredFormat
protected  booleanwantMediumConfidenceOnExpansion
protected  XMLProcessorxmlProcessor

Method Summary
protected  voidappendGlobalDataFormat(Document problemFormatDoc)
     Talks to VishnuConfig to find out if there is an other data format file.
protected  voidattachAssociatedFiles(Document problemFormatDoc)
     Attaches various files to format document.
public  voidclearChangedAssets()
     Implemented for ModeListener interface

After the scheduler is informed of the changed assets, forget about them.

protected  voidclearTasks()
protected  UTILAssetCallbackcreateAssetCallback()
protected  SchedulerLifecyclecreateDirectMode()
protected  DirectResultHandlercreateDirectResultHandler()
protected  SchedulerLifecyclecreateExternalMode()
protected  SchedulerLifecyclecreateInternalMode()
protected  TaskcreateMainTask(Task task, Asset asset, Date start, Date end, Date setupStart, Date wrapupEnd)
protected  TaskcreateSetupTask(Task task, Asset asset, Date start, Date end, Date setupStart, Date wrapupEnd)
protected  VishnuCommcreateVishnuComm()
protected  VishnuConfigcreateVishnuConfig()
protected  VishnuDomUtilcreateVishnuDomUtil()
protected  TaskcreateWrapupTask(Task task, Asset asset, Date start, Date end, Date setupStart, Date wrapupEnd)
protected  XMLProcessorcreateXMLProcessor()
protected  XMLResultHandlercreateXMLResultHandler()
protected  CollectiongetAllAssets()
     If you're not in incremental mode, send all assets.
protected  UTILAssetCallbackgetAssetCallback()
public  AssetgetAssetForKey(StringKey key)
public  CollectiongetChangedAssets()
public  XMLizergetDataXMLizer()
public  intgetNumAssets()
public  intgetNumTasks()
protected  VectorgetPreferences(Task parentTask, Date readyAt, Date earliest, Date best, Date latest)
 Adjust preferences so that the start time preference is the assigned 
 start time, and the end time preference has a best date that is the 
 assigned end time.
protected  VectorgetPrepPhrases(Task parentTask, Asset a)
     Defines how the task holds the asset for the task->asset association.
public  booleangetRunDirectly()
public  TaskgetTaskForKey(StringKey key)
public  StringgetTaskName()
public  CollectiongetTasks()
public  voidhandleAssignment(org.cougaar.planning.ldm.plan.Task task, Asset asset, Date start, Date end, Date setupStart, Date wrapupEnd, String contribs, String taskText)
 Should define in subclass -- create an allocation 
 The parameters are what got returned from the vishnu scheduler.
public  voidhandleChangedAssets(Enumeration changedAssets)
     Place to handle changed assets.
public  voidhandleIllFormedTask(Task t)
     Implemented for UTILTaskChecker interface.
protected  voidhandleImpossibleTasks(Collection impossibleTasks)
     Given a collection of impossible tasks, make failed disposition for each.
public  voidhandleMultiAssignment(Vector tasks, Asset asset, Date start, Date end, Date setupStart, Date wrapupEnd, boolean assetWasUsedBefore)
 Should define in subclass -- create an aggregation
 The parameters are what got returned from the vishnu scheduler.
public  voidhandleNewAssets(Enumeration newAssets)
     Collect new assets into a set to eventually give to scheduler (after translation).
protected  voidhandleRemovedTasks(Enumeration removedTasks)
     Place to handle rescinded tasks.
protected  voidinitializeWithStoredFormat()
     little helper method called by processTasks, if using a stored object format

Reads object format if hasn't been yet.

public  booleaninterestingAsset(Asset a)
     Implemented for UTILAssetListener

OVERRIDE to see which assets you think are interesting.

public  booleaninterestingTask(Task t)
     Is the task interesting to the plugin? This is the inner-most part of the predicate.
public  voidlocalSetup()
     Here all the various runtime parameters get set.
protected  ListmakeSetupWrapupExpansion(Task task, Asset asset, Date start, Date end, Date setupStart, Date wrapupEnd)
     Make expansion of mptask that attached between one and three subtasks

May attach setup and wrapup tasks, if there are specs defined for them and
if the makeSetupAndWrapupTasks boolean parameter is set.

protected  voidprepareData(List stuffToSend, Document objectFormatDoc)
     Tasks a list of tasks and the object format document and sends the data to the scheduler.
protected  voidprepareObjectFormat(List tasks)
     Automatically generate object format from Cougaar input tasks (and assets).
protected  DocumentprepareStoredObjectFormat()
     Like VishnuPlugin.prepareObjectFormat

Send the file called .dff.xml as the default object format for the problem.

public  voidprepareVishnuObjects(List tasksAndResources, Collection changedAssets, List vishnuTasks, List vishnuResources, List changedVishnuResources, Document objectFormat, SchedulingData schedData)
     Creates lists of Vishnu objects.
public  voidprocessTasks(List tasks)
 Heart of the plugin.
protected  voidpublishAddWithCheck(Object obj)
public  voidpublishSubtasks(boolean wantConfidence, Task t, List subtasks)
     This method Expands the given Task.
public  voidremoveTask(StringKey key)
protected  MapsendFormat(Collection templates, String assetClassName)
     Send the dataformat section of the problem to the postdata URL.
protected  voidsetUIDToObjectMap(Collection objects, Map UIDtoObject)
     Utility for setting up UID to object map.
public  voidsetupFilters()
protected  voidunfreezeTasks(Collection tasks)
protected  voidwaitForAnswer()
     Ask the mode to run, which includes handling the assignments.

Field Detail
protected VishnuComm comm(Code)
manages communication with URLs or internally

protected VishnuConfig config(Code)
config files, gets representative tasks and assets for automatic translation

protected VishnuDomUtil domUtil(Code)
utility functions for manipulating DOM documents

protected int firstTemplateTasks(Code)
how many tasks to examine to automatically determine format in automatic translation mode

protected boolean incrementalScheduling(Code)
incremental or batch mode

protected boolean localDidRehydrate(Code)

protected boolean makeSetupAndWrapupTasks(Code)
option : create setup and wrapup tasks, in addition to assignment task

protected SchedulerLifecycle mode(Code)
mode - manages scheduler lifecycle

protected UTILAssetCallback myAssetCallback(Code)
assets to use

protected Map myAssetUIDtoObject(Code)
memory of which assets are available -- used when assignments are returned

protected Set myChangedAssets(Code)
changed assets to tell the scheduler about

protected Set myNewAssets(Code)
recently received assets to tell the scheduler about

protected Map myTaskUIDtoObject(Code)
memory for which tasks are being processed in this batch -- used when assignments are returned

protected Document objectFormatDoc(Code)
object format doc, either generated or from a file

protected ResultHandler resultHandler(Code)
handles results, calls methods in plugin to create plan elements

protected boolean runDirectly(Code)
determines whether to do XML or direct translation of Cougaar objects

protected boolean runInternal(Code)
determines whether to run in internal or external (with web server) mode

protected boolean sentFormatAlready(Code)
sent the format already? Send it only once unless in batch mode

protected boolean showTiming(Code)
report debug output showing timing info

protected AllocationResultAggregator skipTransitARA(Code)
Must use a special allocation result aggregator that does NOT include the transit (setup, wrapup) tasks in it's time calculations.

protected boolean stopOnFailure(Code)
controls whether to do exit on failure, sometimes useful for debugging

protected int total(Code)

protected boolean useStoredFormat(Code)
controls whether to use custom translation

protected boolean wantMediumConfidenceOnExpansion(Code)

protected XMLProcessor xmlProcessor(Code)
automatic translator

Method Detail
protected void appendGlobalDataFormat(Document problemFormatDoc)(Code)
Talks to VishnuConfig to find out if there is an other data format file.
If there is, appends it to problem format doc. Adds it beneath DATAFORMAT tag.
  problemFormatDoc - document to add other data format to

protected void attachAssociatedFiles(Document problemFormatDoc)(Code)
Attaches various files to format document.

- attach global object format file
- attach specs file
- attach ga parameters file

  problemFormatDoc - - document to add to

public void clearChangedAssets()(Code)
Implemented for ModeListener interface

After the scheduler is informed of the changed assets, forget about them.

protected void clearTasks()(Code)
called by waitForAnswer -- we don't have to remember taskUID-to-object mappings after answer is returned

protected UTILAssetCallback createAssetCallback()(Code)
Create the standard Asset callback UTILAssetCallback that was created and has this plugin as a listener

protected SchedulerLifecycle createDirectMode()(Code)

protected DirectResultHandler createDirectResultHandler()(Code)

protected SchedulerLifecycle createExternalMode()(Code)

protected SchedulerLifecycle createInternalMode()(Code)

protected Task createMainTask(Task task, Asset asset, Date start, Date end, Date setupStart, Date wrapupEnd)(Code)
 create first and possibly only subtask of MPTask
 Time preferences have 
 1) the start time = earliest arrival = start of main task
 2) the best arrival time = latest arrival = end of main task
 Attaches WITH prep that shows which asset was used

protected Task createSetupTask(Task task, Asset asset, Date start, Date end, Date setupStart, Date wrapupEnd)(Code)
 create setup task that goes before main subtask
 Time preferences have 
 1) the start time = earliest arrival = setup start
 2) the best arrival time = latest arrival = start of main task
 Attaches WITH prep that shows which asset was used

protected VishnuComm createVishnuComm()(Code)

protected VishnuConfig createVishnuConfig()(Code)

protected VishnuDomUtil createVishnuDomUtil()(Code)

protected Task createWrapupTask(Task task, Asset asset, Date start, Date end, Date setupStart, Date wrapupEnd)(Code)
 create wrapup task that goes after main subtask
 Time preferences have 
 1) the start time = earliest arrival = end of main task
 2) the best arrival time = latest arrival = end of wrapup
 Attaches WITH prep that shows which asset was used

protected XMLProcessor createXMLProcessor()(Code)

protected XMLResultHandler createXMLResultHandler()(Code)

protected Collection getAllAssets()(Code)
If you're not in incremental mode, send all assets.
Otherwise, only send those that have come in on the subscription add list. Collection of assets to send to Vishnu

protected UTILAssetCallback getAssetCallback()(Code)
UTILAssetCallback that was previously created and has this plugin as a listener

public Asset getAssetForKey(StringKey key)(Code)
Used when XML assignment information is returned to find matching resource asset

implemented for ResultListener interface

public Collection getChangedAssets()(Code)
Implemented for ModeListener interface

Which assets were changed since they were added as new assets? myChangedAssets set of assets on the changed list

public XMLizer getDataXMLizer()(Code)

public int getNumAssets()(Code)
implemented for ModeListener interface

public int getNumTasks()(Code)
implemented for ModeListener interface

protected Vector getPreferences(Task parentTask, Date readyAt, Date earliest, Date best, Date latest)(Code)
 Adjust preferences so that the start time preference is the assigned 
 start time, and the end time preference has a best date that is the 
 assigned end time.  The early and late dates of the end time preference
 are the same as the first parent task. (This isn't very important, as the
 downstream allocator should just allocate to the start and best times.)

  parentTask - - parent task
  readyAt - - the date for the START_TIME preference
  best - - the best date for the END_TIME preference Vector - list of preferences for the MPTask

protected Vector getPrepPhrases(Task parentTask, Asset a)(Code)
Defines how the task holds the asset for the task->asset association. Critical, because the allocator downstream will probably look for this prep and pluck the asset off to make the allocation or use it in some way.
  a - - asset to attach to task
  parentTask - - parent task the original set of prep phrases from the first parent task PLUS the WITHprep with the asset

public boolean getRunDirectly()(Code)
anything you added with register, you will be informed about here upon rehydration

public Task getTaskForKey(StringKey key)(Code)
Used when XML assignment information is returned to find matching resource asset

implemented for ResultListener interface

public String getTaskName()(Code)
implemented for ModeListener interface

public Collection getTasks()(Code)
implemented for ModeListener interface

public void handleAssignment(org.cougaar.planning.ldm.plan.Task task, Asset asset, Date start, Date end, Date setupStart, Date wrapupEnd, String contribs, String taskText)(Code)
 Should define in subclass -- create an allocation 
 The parameters are what got returned from the vishnu scheduler.
 implemented for ResultListener interface 

See Also:   VishnuAllocatorPlugin.handleAssignment
  task - task that was assigned to asset
  asset - asset handling task
  start - of main task
  end - of main task
  setupStart - start of setup task
  wrapupEnd - end of wrapup task

public void handleChangedAssets(Enumeration changedAssets)(Code)
Place to handle changed assets. Does nothing by default - reports changed assets when isInfoEnabled() set.
  changedAssets - changed assets found in the container

public void handleIllFormedTask(Task t)(Code)
Implemented for UTILTaskChecker interface.

DEFAULT : Don't do anything with ill-formed tasks.
See Also:   org.cougaar.lib.filter.UTILTaskChecker.handleIllFormedTask

protected void handleImpossibleTasks(Collection impossibleTasks)(Code)
Given a collection of impossible tasks, make failed disposition for each.

If stopOnFailure is true, exits.
  impossibleTasks - -- tasks that the scheduler couldn't figure out what to do with

public void handleMultiAssignment(Vector tasks, Asset asset, Date start, Date end, Date setupStart, Date wrapupEnd, boolean assetWasUsedBefore)(Code)
 Should define in subclass -- create an aggregation
 The parameters are what got returned from the vishnu scheduler.
 implemented for ResultListener interface 

See Also:   VishnuAggregatorPlugin.handleMultiAssignment
  tasks - tasks to be aggregated together and assigned to asset
  asset - asset handling task
  start - of main task
  end - of main task
  setupStart - start of setup task
  wrapupEnd - end of wrapup task

public void handleNewAssets(Enumeration newAssets)(Code)
Collect new assets into a set to eventually give to scheduler (after translation).
  newAssets - new assets found in the container

protected void handleRemovedTasks(Enumeration removedTasks)(Code)
Place to handle rescinded tasks.

Sends XML to unfreeze the task assignment and delete it. Asks the mode to do this.
  removedTasks - changed assets found in the container
See Also:   org.cougaar.lib.vishnu.client.SchedulerLifecycle.handleRemovedTasks

protected void initializeWithStoredFormat()(Code)
little helper method called by processTasks, if using a stored object format

Reads object format if hasn't been yet. Sends format if it hasn't been sent yet.

public boolean interestingAsset(Asset a)(Code)
Implemented for UTILAssetListener

OVERRIDE to see which assets you think are interesting.

For instance, if you are scheduling trucks/ships/planes, you'd want to check like this : return (GLMAsset).hasContainPG ();
  a - asset to check boolean true if asset is interesting

public boolean interestingTask(Task t)(Code)
Is the task interesting to the plugin? This is the inner-most part of the predicate.
By default, it ignores tasks produced from this plugin
If you redefine this, it's good to call this using super.
  t - - the task begin checked
See Also:   org.cougaar.lib.callback.UTILGenericListener.interestingTask

public void localSetup()(Code)
Here all the various runtime parameters get set. See documentation for details.

protected List makeSetupWrapupExpansion(Task task, Asset asset, Date start, Date end, Date setupStart, Date wrapupEnd)(Code)
Make expansion of mptask that attached between one and three subtasks

May attach setup and wrapup tasks, if there are specs defined for them and
if the makeSetupAndWrapupTasks boolean parameter is set.

The parameters are what got returned from the vishnu scheduler.
  task - task that was assigned to asset
  asset - asset handling task
  start - of main task
  end - of main task
  setupStart - start of setup task
  wrapupEnd - end of wrapup task List of subtasks created

protected void prepareData(List stuffToSend, Document objectFormatDoc)(Code)
Tasks a list of tasks and the object format document and sends the data to the scheduler. If incremental scheduling, appends assets to the list of data if they haven't been sent before. Otherwise if not in incremental mode, always sends assets.

See Also:   org.cougaar.lib.vishnu.client.ExternalMode.prepareData
See Also:   VishnuPlugin.prepareVishnuObjects
See Also:   org.cougaar.lib.vishnu.client.ExternalMode.sendDataToVishnu
  stuffToSend - - initially the list of tasks to send to scheduler
  objectFormatDoc - - optional object format used by data xmlizersto determine types for fields when running directly

protected void prepareObjectFormat(List tasks)(Code)
Automatically generate object format from Cougaar input tasks (and assets).

Calls VishnuConfig to get representative sample of input tasks and assets to use as the base for automatic translation. Also gets the class name of the resource asset.

Sends the object format and creates a data xmlizer, if needed.
  tasks - - tasks to examine

protected Document prepareStoredObjectFormat()(Code)
Like VishnuPlugin.prepareObjectFormat

Send the file called .dff.xml as the default object format for the problem.
Does NOT discover the object format from sampling the tasks.

This file can also be indicated by setting the parameter defaultFormat.

public void prepareVishnuObjects(List tasksAndResources, Collection changedAssets, List vishnuTasks, List vishnuResources, List changedVishnuResources, Document objectFormat, SchedulingData schedData)(Code)
Creates lists of Vishnu objects.

Complains that you need to define this method by default.

Implemented for DirectResultListener interface.
  tasksAndResources - - Cougaar tasks and resources to translate
  changedAssets - - list of changed Cougaar assets
  vishnuTasks - - list to add Vishnu tasks to
  vishnuResources - - list to add Vishnu resources to
  changedVishnuResources - - list of changed Vishnu resources

public void processTasks(List tasks)(Code)
 Heart of the plugin.
 Deal with the tasks that we have accumulated.
 1) Sets up the scheduler
 2) Sends the problem's object format, if it hasn't already been sent.
 - generated introspectively or from a file
 - will keep sending the object format if running in batch mode
 3) Prepares and sends the data (obtained from tasks and assets)
 - ask the mode to translate the tasks and assets
 4) Waits for a result (all in the mode)
 - start the scheduler
 - wait for a result
 - call handleAssignment on each returned assignment
 - deal with un-assigned tasks
 - clear tasks, ready to start on a new batch

  tasks - the tasks to handle

protected void publishAddWithCheck(Object obj)(Code)

public void publishSubtasks(boolean wantConfidence, Task t, List subtasks)(Code)
This method Expands the given Task.
  wantConfidence - set the confidence to 100% on expansion
  t - the task to be expanded.
  subtasks - the expanded subtasks

public void removeTask(StringKey key)(Code)
implemented for ResultListener interface

protected Map sendFormat(Collection templates, String assetClassName)(Code)
Send the dataformat section of the problem to the postdata URL. This will define the structure of input tasks and resources, as well as the scheduling specs and the ga parameters. Each of the items in the template collection will be translated into an xml OBJECTFORMAT tag. Attaches associated files.
  templates - -- a collection of all the template resources and a template task.
  assetClassName - - used to figure out which asset is to be the Vishnu resource map of the object types to their object descriptions

protected void setUIDToObjectMap(Collection objects, Map UIDtoObject)(Code)
Utility for setting up UID to object map. Uses StringKeys for speed.
  objects - to add to map
  UIDtoObject - map to populate

public void setupFilters()(Code)
filter for assets

protected void unfreezeTasks(Collection tasks)(Code)

protected void waitForAnswer()(Code)
Ask the mode to run, which includes handling the assignments.

Deal with un-scheduled tasks, and then forget about them. Any tasks not handled = any which are left in the myTaskUIDtoObject map get sent to handleImpossibleTasks.
See Also:
See Also:
See Also:
See Also:
See Also:   VishnuPlugin.getTasks
See Also:   VishnuPlugin.handleImpossibleTasks
See Also:   VishnuPlugin.clearTasks

Fields inherited from org.cougaar.lib.filter.UTILBufferingPluginAdapter
protected AgentIdentificationService agentIDService(Code)(Java Doc)
protected UTILBufferingThread bufferingThread(Code)(Java Doc)
protected PluginAlarm currentAlarm(Code)(Java Doc)
protected UTILPreference prefHelper(Code)(Java Doc)
protected QuiescenceReportService qService(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Schedulable schedulable(Code)(Java Doc)
protected ThreadService threadService(Code)(Java Doc)
protected UTILVerify verify(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from org.cougaar.lib.filter.UTILBufferingPluginAdapter
protected UTILBufferingThread createBufferingThread()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected UTILFilterCallback createThreadCallback(UTILGenericListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void examineBufferAgainIn(long delayTime)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void execute()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected UTILBufferingThread getBufferingThread()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean interestingTask(Task t)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isTaskWellFormed(Task t)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void localSetup()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void processTasks(List tasks)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void reportIllFormedTask(Task t)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void resume()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void setQuiescenceReportService(QuiescenceReportService qService)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setupFilters()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void wakeUp()(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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