| A servlet that handles all "/agents" requests by optionally
displaying locally-registered names or globally-registered names
(in the nameserver).
The supported URL-parameter arguments are:
- "?suffix=" -- list the local agent names (default)
- "?suffix=text" -- list the agent names in the
global white pages with the matching suffix, where "."
is the root. If the suffix doesn't start with ".",
the substring starting at the first "." is used, and
if there is no "." then the root (".") is used.
- "?format=text" -- specify the output format,
where the options are:
- "?depth=int -- if the suffix is specified, this
limits the recursion depth, where -1 is no limit (default
is specified by the "-Dorg.cougaar.lib.web.list.depth"
system property, which defaults to 1)
- "?size=int -- limit the list length, where -1 is
no limit (default is specified by the
"-Dorg.cougaar.lib.web.list.size" system property,
which defaults to -1)
- "?time=long -- if the suffix is specified, this
limits any single lookup time in milliseconds, where 0
is no limit and -1 is cache-only (default is specified by
the "-Dorg.cougaar.lib.web.list.timeout" system property,
which defaults to 0)
- "?sorted=boolean -- sort the names in alphabetical
order (default is "true")
- "?split=boolean -- for "?format=html", should links
be split along hierarchy levels (default is "true")
- "?scope=all" -- backwards compatibility for listing
agents, equivalent to "?suffix=."
For example: "/agents?suffix=.&format=text"
Note this nice feature: With the normal "/$name" redirects and this
servlet, the client can request "/$name/agents" to list all
co-located agents, regardless of where the named agent happens to
be located.