| java.lang.Object org.cougaar.mlm.debug.ui.UIAsset
UIAsset | public class UIAsset (Code) | | Return a string description of a physical asset or cluster; used
to display asset information in log plans, etc.
getDescription | public static String getDescription(Asset asset)(Code) | | Return an asset description:
For PhysicalAsset,
return name (from above) and ItemIdentificationPG.ItemIdentification
For OrganizationAsset, return ItemIdentificationPG.AlternateItemId
For AggregateAsset, return name (from above) and quantity
For all other assets, return toString
getName | public static String getName(Asset asset)(Code) | | Return a name for this asset:
if typeIdentificationProperty is non-null
then if nomenclature is defined, use it, else use typeIdentification
else use toString
For Requisition, use documentNumber
For SupplySource, use vendorName