This is the parent class of all
LinkProtocol s that use a
remote-procedure-call (rpc) semantics. Instantiable extensions
must provide implementations for a small set of abstract methods,
covering protocol specifics.
findOrMakeNodeServant() Ensure that some abstract form of 'servant' object exists for
this protocol that will allow other Nodes to send messages to his
Return a protocol-specific
DestinationLink for the
target address. The name should not be taken to mean that a
new link will be created for every call.
Releases all resources associated with this link protocol.
This method is invoked when the MTS is unloaded so the garbage
collector can reclaim all resources that had been allocated.
Fix for bug 3965:
Force the proticol to remake its 'servant', typically because
the address of the Host on which the Node is running has changed.
Some protoocol (eg HTTP) can ignore this.