| org.cougaar.mts.std.AspectSupport
AspectSupport | public interface AspectSupport extends Service(Code) | | This is an MTS-internal utility service which supports the use of
aspects. It's used to add new aspects, typically at load time, and
to attach aspect delegates at run time.
addAspect | void addAspect(StandardAspect aspect)(Code) | | Add an aspect to the global list. This method is vestigial,
since StandardAspects are also MessageTransportAspects.
attachAspects | Object attachAspects(Object object, Class type)(Code) | | Allow each global aspect to attach a delegate to given
object at the cut-point indictated by the given type.
attachAspects | Object attachAspects(Object delegate, Class type, ArrayList candidates)(Code) | | Allow each aspect in the list of canidates to attach a delegate
to given object at the cut-point indictated by the given type.
findAspect | MessageTransportAspect findAspect(String classname)(Code) | | Return an aspect object whose class is as given. If there's
more than one, returns the last one added. If there are none,
return null.