| org.cougaar.planning.ldm.LogPlan
All known Subclasses: org.cougaar.planning.ldm.LogPlanImpl,
LogPlan | public interface LogPlan extends XPlan(Code) | | Planning-specify view of the blackboard.
findAsset | Asset findAsset(Asset asset)(Code) | | Find the Asset in the logplan. This will be an identity operation
modulo serialization and copying.
findAsset | Asset findAsset(String id)(Code) | | find the Asset in the logplan by its itemIdentification.
findPlanElement | PlanElement findPlanElement(Task task)(Code) | | find the PlanElement associated with a task in the LogPlan.
This is an optimization of searchLogPlan, since it needs to be done
far more often than the general case.
findPlanElement | PlanElement findPlanElement(String task)(Code) | | like findPlanElement(Task) but looks up based on task's proxiable ID *
findTask | Task findTask(Task task)(Code) | | find the LogPlan task matching Task. This is normally the
identity operation, though it may be that (via serialization and
task proxies) two task instances may actually refer to the same task.
findTask | Task findTask(String id)(Code) | | like findTask(Task), but looks up via proxiable id *
incAssetCount | void incAssetCount(int inc)(Code) | | |
incPlanElementCount | void incPlanElementCount(int inc)(Code) | | |
incTaskCount | void incTaskCount(int inc)(Code) | | |
incWorkflowCount | void incWorkflowCount(int inc)(Code) | | |