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Source Cross Reference  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc)

final public class DBExperiment extends ExperimentBase (Code)
A CSMART Experiment. Holds the components being run, and the configuration of host/node/agents.

Constructor Summary
public  DBExperiment(String name, SocietyComponent societyComponent, RecipeComponent[] recipes)
public  DBExperiment(String name)
public  DBExperiment(String name, String expID, String trialID)

Method Summary
public  ModifiableComponentcopy(String uniqueName)
     Return a deep copy of the experiment.
public  voiddumpHNA()
     Dumps a Host / Node / Agent mapping to an XML file.
public  voiddumpINIFiles()
     Dump out the INI files for the first trial to the local results directory for that trial.
public  booleangenerateCompleteSociety()
public  IteratorgetConfigFiles(NodeComponent[] nodes)
public  ComponentDatagetSocietyComponentData()
     Get component data for the society in the experiment.
public  booleanhasUnboundProperties()
     If the experiment has still unbound properties, then we can't run it yet.
public  voidsave(DBConflictHandler ch)
     Save the experiment to the database, regardless of whether or not it's been modified. To avoid useless saves, the caller should check the modified flag with isModified.
protected  voidsetDefaultNodeArguments()
public  voidsetName(String newName)
     Sets the Name of this Component.

Constructor Detail
public DBExperiment(String name, SocietyComponent societyComponent, RecipeComponent[] recipes)(Code)

public DBExperiment(String name)(Code)

public DBExperiment(String name, String expID, String trialID)(Code)

Method Detail
public ModifiableComponent copy(String uniqueName)(Code)
Return a deep copy of the experiment. Called when an experiment is selected in the organizer. Add experiments and society to workspace. the copy of the experiment.

public void dumpHNA()(Code)
Dumps a Host / Node / Agent mapping to an XML file. The stored file can then be imported at a later date to re-create all mappings in the current experiment.

public void dumpINIFiles()(Code)
Dump out the INI files for the first trial to the local results directory for that trial. This saves the experiment to the database. The caller is responsible for not unnecessarily saving the experiment to the database.

public boolean generateCompleteSociety()(Code)
Generate a complete ComponentData tree for the experiment a boolean, true if any component was removed

public Iterator getConfigFiles(NodeComponent[] nodes)(Code)

public ComponentData getSocietyComponentData()(Code)
Get component data for the society in the experiment. If the experiment is not in the database, then it constructs the society component data here. ComponentData the component data for the society

public boolean hasUnboundProperties()(Code)
If the experiment has still unbound properties, then we can't run it yet.
For each property in the experiment, if it is not set, and we don't have a set of experimental values, return true; a boolean value

public void save(DBConflictHandler ch)(Code)
Save the experiment to the database, regardless of whether or not it's been modified. To avoid useless saves, the caller should check the modified flag with isModified. This method specifically does not check the modified flag to allow the user to force saving the experiment. If the experiment has been modified, save it to the database. This creates the full ComponentData tree and then uses PopulateDb to save it to the database
  ch - a DBConflictHandler to graphically handle conflicts
See Also:

protected void setDefaultNodeArguments()(Code)

public void setName(String newName)(Code)
Sets the Name of this Component.
  newName - - New Component Name

Fields inherited from
ComponentData completeSociety(Code)(Java Doc)
transient LeafOnlyConfigWriter configWriter(Code)(Java Doc)
ReadOnlyProperties defaultNodeArguments(Code)(Java Doc)
transient Logger log(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean modified(Code)(Java Doc)
final List recipes(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
final public void addComponent(ModifiableComponent comp) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public HostComponent addHost(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public NodeComponent addNode(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc)
final void addNodeComponent(ExperimentNode node)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void addRecipeComponent(RecipeComponent recipe) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void addSocietyComponent(SocietyComponent sc) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public boolean agentNameUnique(String name)(Code)(Java Doc)
final boolean askComponentsToAddCDATA()(Code)(Java Doc)
final void createConfigWriter()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void createDefaultConfiguration()(Code)(Java Doc)
final void createLogger()(Code)(Java Doc)
final void createObserver()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void experimentStopped()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void fireModification()(Code)(Java Doc)
final void generateHNACDATA()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public AgentComponent[] getAgents()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public List getAgentsList()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public String getCommAsbID()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public int getComponentCount()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public List getComponents()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public ModifiableComponent[] getComponentsAsArray()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public Properties getDefaultNodeArguments()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public URL getDescription()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public String getExperimentID()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public String getExperimentName()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public HostComponent[] getHostComponents()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public HostComponent[] getHostComponentsNoReconcile()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public NodeComponent[] getNodeComponents()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public RecipeComponent getRecipeComponent(int i) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public int getRecipeComponentCount()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public RecipeComponent[] getRecipeComponents()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public File getResultDirectory()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public SocietyComponent getSocietyComponent()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public int getSocietyComponentCount()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public String getTrialID()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public boolean hasConfiguration()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void importHNA(Component parent)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void initProperties()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public boolean isEditInProgress()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public boolean isModified()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public boolean isRunInProgress()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public boolean isRunnable()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void removeComponent(ModifiableComponent comp) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void removeHost(HostComponent hostComponent)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void removeNode(NodeComponent nc)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void removeRecipeComponent(RecipeComponent recipe)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void removeSocietyComponent()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void renameHost(HostComponent hostComponent, String name) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void renameNode(NodeComponent nc, String name) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void resetModified()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void save(DBConflictHandler ch)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void setCommAsbID(String id)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void setDefaultNodeArguments()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void setEditInProgress(boolean newEditInProgress)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void setExperimentID(String expID)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void setRecipeComponents(RecipeComponent[] newRecipes)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void setResultDirectory(File resultDirectory)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void setRunInProgress(boolean newRunInProgress)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setSocietyComponent(SocietyComponent society)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setTrialID(String trialID)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void stop()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void updateNameServerHostName()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void writeContents(String filename, OutputStream out)(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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