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All known Subclasses:,
public class ContextFactory (Code)
Factory class that Rhino runtime uses to create new Context instances. A ContextFactory can also notify listeners about context creation and release.

When the Rhino runtime needs to create new Context instance during execution of Context.enter or Context , it will call ContextFactory.makeContext() of the current global ContextFactory. See ContextFactory.getGlobal() and ContextFactory.initGlobal(ContextFactory) .

It is also possible to use explicit ContextFactory instances for Context creation. This is useful to have a set of independent Rhino runtime instances under single JVM. See .

The following example demonstrates Context customization to terminate scripts running more then 10 seconds and to provide better compatibility with JavaScript code using MSIE-specific features.

 import org.mozilla.javascript.*;
 class MyFactory extends ContextFactory
 // Custom 
Context  to store execution time.
 private static class MyContext extends Context
 long startTime;
 static {
 // Initialize GlobalFactory with custom factory
 ContextFactory.initGlobal(new MyFactory());
 // Override 
ContextFactory.makeContext() protected Context makeContext()
 MyContext cx = new MyContext();
 // Use pure interpreter mode to allow for
ContextFactory.observeInstructionCount(Context,int)  to work
 // Make Rhino runtime to call observeInstructionCount
 // each 10000 bytecode instructions
 return cx;
 // Override 
ContextFactory.hasFeature(Context,int) public boolean hasFeature(Context cx, int featureIndex)
 // Turn on maximum compatibility with MSIE scripts
 switch (featureIndex) {
 return true;
 return true;
 return true;
 return false;
 return super.hasFeature(cx, featureIndex);
 // Override 
ContextFactory.observeInstructionCount(Context,int) protected void observeInstructionCount(Context cx, int instructionCount)
 MyContext mcx = (MyContext)cx;
 long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
 if (currentTime - mcx.startTime > 10*1000) {
 // More then 10 seconds from Context creation time:
 // it is time to stop the script.
 // Throw Error instance to ensure that script will never
 // get control back through catch or finally.
 throw new Error();
 // Override 
ContextFactory.doTopCall(Callable,Context,Scriptable,Scriptable,Object[]) protected Object doTopCall(Callable callable,
 Context cx, Scriptable scope,
 Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args)
 MyContext mcx = (MyContext)cx;
 mcx.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
 return super.doTopCall(callable, cx, scope, thisObj, args);

Inner Class :public interface Listener

Method Summary
final public  voidaddListener(Listener listener)
final public  Objectcall(ContextAction action)
     Call cx) using the Context instance associated with the current thread. If no Context is associated with the thread, then ContextFactory.makeContext() will be called to construct new Context instance.
final protected  voidcheckNotSealed()
protected  GeneratedClassLoadercreateClassLoader(ClassLoader parent)
     Create class loader for generated classes. This method creates an instance of the default implementation of GeneratedClassLoader .
final  voiddisableContextListening()
protected  ObjectdoTopCall(Callable callable, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args)
     Execute top call to script or function. When the runtime is about to execute a script or function that will create the first stack frame with scriptable code, it calls this method to perform the real call.
final public  Contextenter()
public  ContextenterContext()
     Get a context associated with the current thread, creating one if need be.
final public  ContextenterContext(Context cx)
     Get a Context associated with the current thread, using the given Context if need be.
final public  voidexit()
final public  ClassLoadergetApplicationClassLoader()
     Get ClassLoader to use when searching for Java classes.
protected  org.mozilla.javascript.xml.XMLLib.FactorygetE4xImplementationFactory()
     Provides a default org.mozilla.javascript.xml.XMLLib.Factory XMLLib.Factory to be used by the Context instances produced by this factory.
public static  ContextFactorygetGlobal()
     Get global ContextFactory.
public static  booleanhasExplicitGlobal()
     Check if global factory was set.
protected  booleanhasFeature(Context cx, int featureIndex)
     Implementation of Context.hasFeature(int featureIndex) .
final public  voidinitApplicationClassLoader(ClassLoader loader)
     Set explicit class loader to use when searching for Java classes.
public static synchronized  voidinitGlobal(ContextFactory factory)
     Set global ContextFactory.
final public  booleanisSealed()
     Checks if this is a sealed ContextFactory.
protected  ContextmakeContext()
     Create new Context instance to be associated with the current thread. This is a callback method used by Rhino to create Context instance when it is necessary to associate one with the current execution thread.
protected  voidobserveInstructionCount(Context cx, int instructionCount)
     Implementation of Context.observeInstructionCount(int instructionCount) .
protected  voidonContextCreated(Context cx)
protected  voidonContextReleased(Context cx)
final public  voidremoveListener(Listener listener)
final public  voidseal()
     Seal this ContextFactory so any attempt to modify it like to add or remove its listeners will throw an exception.

Method Detail
final public void addListener(Listener listener)(Code)

final public Object call(ContextAction action)(Code)
Call cx) using the Context instance associated with the current thread. If no Context is associated with the thread, then ContextFactory.makeContext() will be called to construct new Context instance. The instance will be temporary associated with the thread during call to .
See Also:
See Also: factoryCallable callableScriptable scopeScriptable thisObjObject[] args)

final protected void checkNotSealed()(Code)

protected GeneratedClassLoader createClassLoader(ClassLoader parent)(Code)
Create class loader for generated classes. This method creates an instance of the default implementation of GeneratedClassLoader . Rhino uses this interface to load generated JVM classes when no SecurityController is installed. Application can override the method to provide custom class loading.

final void disableContextListening()(Code)
The method is used only to implement Context.disableStaticContextListening()

protected Object doTopCall(Callable callable, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args)(Code)
Execute top call to script or function. When the runtime is about to execute a script or function that will create the first stack frame with scriptable code, it calls this method to perform the real call. In this way execution of any script happens inside this function.

final public Context enter()(Code)
ContextFactory.enterContext() a Context associated with the current thread

public Context enterContext()(Code)
Get a context associated with the current thread, creating one if need be. The Context stores the execution state of the JavaScript engine, so it is required that the context be entered before execution may begin. Once a thread has entered a Context, then getCurrentContext() may be called to find the context that is associated with the current thread.

Calling enterContext() will return either the Context currently associated with the thread, or will create a new context and associate it with the current thread. Each call to enterContext() must have a matching call to Context.exit .

 Context cx = contextFactory.enterContext();
 try {
 } finally {
Instead of using enterContext(), exit() pair consider using which guarantees proper association of Context instances with the current thread. With this method the above example becomes: ContextAction() {
 public Object run(Context cx) {
 return null;
a Context associated with the current thread
See Also:   Context.getCurrentContext
See Also:   Context.exit
See Also:

final public Context enterContext(Context cx)(Code)
Get a Context associated with the current thread, using the given Context if need be.

The same as enterContext() except that cx is associated with the current thread and returned if the current thread has no associated context and cx is not associated with any other thread.
  cx - a Context to associate with the thread if possible a Context associated with the current thread
See Also:   ContextFactory.enterContext()
See Also:
  IllegalStateException - if cx is already associatedwith a different thread

final public void exit()(Code)

final public ClassLoader getApplicationClassLoader()(Code)
Get ClassLoader to use when searching for Java classes. Unless it was explicitly initialized with ContextFactory.initApplicationClassLoader(ClassLoader) the method returns null to indicate that Thread.getContextClassLoader() should be used.

protected org.mozilla.javascript.xml.XMLLib.Factory getE4xImplementationFactory()(Code)
Provides a default org.mozilla.javascript.xml.XMLLib.Factory XMLLib.Factory to be used by the Context instances produced by this factory. See Context.getE4xImplementationFactory for details. May return null, in which case E4X functionality is not supported in Rhino. The default implementation now prefers the DOM3 E4X implementation.

public static ContextFactory getGlobal()(Code)
Get global ContextFactory.
See Also:   ContextFactory.hasExplicitGlobal()
See Also:   ContextFactory.initGlobal(ContextFactory)

public static boolean hasExplicitGlobal()(Code)
Check if global factory was set. Return true to indicate that ContextFactory.initGlobal(ContextFactory) was already called and false to indicate that the global factory was not explicitly set.
See Also:   ContextFactory.getGlobal()
See Also:   ContextFactory.initGlobal(ContextFactory)

protected boolean hasFeature(Context cx, int featureIndex)(Code)
Implementation of Context.hasFeature(int featureIndex) . This can be used to customize Context without introducing additional subclasses.

final public void initApplicationClassLoader(ClassLoader loader)(Code)
Set explicit class loader to use when searching for Java classes.
See Also:   ContextFactory.getApplicationClassLoader()

public static synchronized void initGlobal(ContextFactory factory)(Code)
Set global ContextFactory. The method can only be called once.
See Also:   ContextFactory.getGlobal()
See Also:   ContextFactory.hasExplicitGlobal()

final public boolean isSealed()(Code)
Checks if this is a sealed ContextFactory.
See Also:   ContextFactory.seal()

protected Context makeContext()(Code)
Create new Context instance to be associated with the current thread. This is a callback method used by Rhino to create Context instance when it is necessary to associate one with the current execution thread. makeContext() is allowed to call Context.seal(Object) on the result to prevent Context changes by hostile scripts or applets.

protected void observeInstructionCount(Context cx, int instructionCount)(Code)
Implementation of Context.observeInstructionCount(int instructionCount) . This can be used to customize Context without introducing additional subclasses.

protected void onContextCreated(Context cx)(Code)

protected void onContextReleased(Context cx)(Code)

final public void removeListener(Listener listener)(Code)

final public void seal()(Code)
Seal this ContextFactory so any attempt to modify it like to add or remove its listeners will throw an exception.
See Also:   ContextFactory.isSealed()

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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