com.jofti.oswego.concurrent |
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment | | Class | This class implements a policy for reader/writer locks in which
threads contend in a First-in/First-out manner for access (modulo
the limitations of FIFOSemaphore, which is used for queuing). | | Class | A First-in/First-out implementation of a Semaphore.
Waiting requests will be satisified in
the order that the processing of those requests got to a certain point.
If this sounds vague it is meant to be. | | Class | Abstract base class for semaphores relying on queued wait nodes.
[ Introduction to this package. | | Interface | ReadWriteLocks maintain a pair of associated locks.
The readLock may be held simultanously by multiple
reader threads, so long as there are no writers. | | Class | Base class for counting semaphores.
Conceptually, a semaphore maintains a set of permits.
Each acquire() blocks if necessary
until a permit is available, and then takes it. | | Interface | Main interface for locks, gates, and conditions.
Sync objects isolate waiting and notification for particular
logical states, resource availability, events, and the like that are
shared across multiple threads. | | Class | A ReadWriteLock that prefers waiting writers over
waiting readers when there is contention. |