A Generic query plugin designed to be given a simple query expression
from a user, which it will then query against a variety of
pre-configured fields, in a variety of ways, using BooleanQueries,
DisjunctionMaxQueries, and PhraseQueries.
All of the following options may be configured for this plugin
in the solrconfig as defaults, and may be overriden as request parameters
- q.alt - An alternate query to be used in cases where the main
query (q) is not specified (or blank). This query should
be expressed in the Standard SolrQueryParser syntax (you
can use
q.alt=*:* to denote that all documents
should be returned when no query is specified)
- tie - (Tie breaker) float value to use as tiebreaker in
DisjunctionMaxQueries (should be something much less than 1)
- qf - (Query Fields) fields and boosts to use when building
DisjunctionMaxQueries from the users query. Format is:
fieldA^1.0 fieldB^2.2 ".
This param can be specified multiple times, and the fields
are additive.
- mm - (Minimum Match) this supports a wide variety of
complex expressions.
SolrPluginUtils.setMinShouldMatch SolrPluginUtils.setMinShouldMatch and mm expression format for details.
- pf - (Phrase Fields) fields/boosts to make phrase queries out
of, to boost the users query for exact matches on the specified fields.
Format is: "
fieldA^1.0 fieldB^2.2 ".
This param can be specified multiple times, and the fields
are additive.
- ps - (Phrase Slop) amount of slop on phrase queries built for pf
- qs - (Query Slop) amount of slop on phrase queries explicitly
specified in the "q" for qf fields.
- bq - (Boost Query) a raw lucene query that will be included in the
users query to influence the score. If this is a BooleanQuery
with a default boost (1.0f), then the individual clauses will be
added directly to the main query. Otherwise, the query will be
included as is.
This param can be specified multiple times, and the boosts are
are additive. NOTE: the behaviour listed above is only in effect
if a single
bq paramter is specified. Hence you can
disable it by specifying an additional, blank, bq
- bf - (Boost Functions) functions (with optional boosts) that will be
included in the users query to influence the score.
Format is: "
funcB(arg3,arg4)^2.2 ". NOTE: Whitespace is not allowed
in the function arguments.
This param can be specified multiple times, and the functions
are additive.
- fq - (Filter Query) a raw lucene query that can be used
to restrict the super set of products we are interested in - more
efficient then using bq, but doesn't influence score.
This param can be specified multiple times, and the filters
are additive.
The following options are only available as request params...
- q - (Query) the raw unparsed, unescaped, query from the user.
- sort - (Order By) list of fields and direction to sort on.
:TODO: document facet param support