| java.lang.Object org.compass.core.mapping.ResourcePropertyLookup
ResourcePropertyLookup | final public class ResourcePropertyLookup (Code) | | A simple lookup class, for a given path, will provide simple access to
it's path and value converter. Also supports path escaping ('a.b' or will
result in a.b and not alias a and resource property b).
getAliasMapping | public AliasMapping getAliasMapping()(Code) | | Returns the alias mapping if using dot path notation. Returns null if dot path notation
was not used.
getAnalyzer | public String getAnalyzer()(Code) | | Returns the analyzer associated with the resource property. null if none
is configured on the resource property or resource level.
getDotPathAlias | public String getDotPathAlias()(Code) | | Returns the alias used if using dot path notation. Returns null if dot path notation
was not used.
getLookupName | public String getLookupName()(Code) | | Returns the lookup name used in order to find the meta-data/property name.
getPath | public String getPath()(Code) | | Returns the path matching the provided name. The path is the actual name used to store in
the index.
getResourcePropertyMapping | public ResourcePropertyMapping getResourcePropertyMapping()(Code) | | Returns the property mapping for the provided name. If not using dot path notation, will
return the first one that match the "meta-data" name within all of Compass mappings.
getResourcePropertyMappings | public ResourcePropertyMapping[] getResourcePropertyMappings()(Code) | | Returns a list of property mappings for the provided name. When not using "dot path" which
allows to narrows down to a specific property mapping, and a general meta-data name is used
(such as title), will return all the property mappings for it within Compass mappings.
hasSpecificConverter | public boolean hasSpecificConverter()(Code) | | Returns true if there is a specific converter that can be used to convert the
Note, when
ResourcePropertyLookup.setConvertOnlyWithDotPath(boolean) is set the true , and
the name passed to the lookup does not contain "dot notation", false will be returned.
setConvertOnlyWithDotPath | public void setConvertOnlyWithDotPath(boolean convertOnlyWithDotPath)(Code) | | Perform specialized convert only when dot path is used. Defaults to true .
Sometimes, several meta-data names are used with different converteres. For example
map to title both a pure String value and also a numeric value. If using dot path
notation, Compass will narrow down to the specfic converter (for example a.title.title).
When not using dot path notation, Compass now has two options for conversion. If this
flag is set to true (and not using dot path notation), Compass will use a converter based
on the object type. If this flag is set to false, the first mapping is used to convert.