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abstract public class StringUtils (Code)
Miscellaneous string utility methods. Mainly for internal use within the framework; consider Jakarta's Commons Lang for a more comprehensive suite of string utilities.

This class delivers some simple functionality that should really be provided by the core Java String and StringBuffer classes, such as the ability to replace all occurrences of a given substring in a target string. It also provides easy-to-use methods to convert between delimited strings, such as CSV strings, and collections and arrays.

Method Summary
public static  String[]addStringToArray(String[] arr, String str)
     Append the given String to the given String array, returning a new array consisting of the input array contents plus the given String.
public static  StringapplyRelativePath(String path, String relativePath)
     Apply the given relative path to the given path, assuming standard Java folder separation (i.e.
public static  StringarrayToCommaDelimitedString(Object[] arr)
     Convenience method to return a String array as a CSV String. E.g.
public static  StringarrayToDelimitedString(Object[] arr, String delim)
     Convenience method to return a String array as a delimited (e.g.
public static  StringarrayToDelimitedString(Object[] arr, char delim)
     Convenience method to return a String array as a delimited (e.g.
public static  Stringcapitalize(String str)
     Capitalize a String, changing the first letter to upper case as per Character.toUpperCase(char) .
public static  StringcleanPath(String path)
     Normalize the path by suppressing sequences like "path/.." and inner simple dots.

The result is convenient for path comparison.

public static  StringcollectionToCommaDelimitedString(Collection coll)
     Convenience method to return a Collection as a CSV String. E.g.
public static  StringcollectionToDelimitedString(Collection coll, String delim, String prefix, String suffix)
     Convenience method to return a Collection as a delimited (e.g.
public static  StringcollectionToDelimitedString(Collection coll, String delim)
     Convenience method to return a Collection as a delimited (e.g.
public static  SetcommaDelimitedListToSet(String str)
     Convenience method to convert a CSV string list to a set.
public static  String[]commaDelimitedListToStringArray(String str)
     Convert a CSV list into an array of Strings.
public static  intcountOccurrencesOf(String str, String sub)
     Count the occurrences of the substring in string s.
  str - string to search in.
public static  Stringdelete(String inString, String pattern)
     Delete all occurrences of the given substring.
public static  StringdeleteAny(String inString, String charsToDelete)
     Delete any character in a given string.
  charsToDelete - a set of characters to delete.E.g.
public static  String[]delimitedListToStringArray(String str, String delimiter)
     Take a String which is a delimited list and convert it to a String array.
public static  booleanendsWithIgnoreCase(String str, String suffix)
     Test if the given String ends with the specified suffix, ignoring upper/lower case.
public static  StringgetFilename(String path)
     Extract the filename from the given path, e.g.
public static  booleanhasLength(String str)
     Check if a String has length.
public static  booleanhasText(String str)
     Check if a String has text.
public static  LocaleparseLocaleString(String localeString)
     Parse the given locale string into a java.util.Locale. This is the inverse operation of Locale's toString.
  localeString - the locale string, followingjava.util.Locale's toString format ("en", "en_UK", etc).Also accepts spaces as separators, as alternative to underscores.
public static  booleanpathEquals(String path1, String path2)
     Compare two paths after normalization of them.
public static  Stringqualify(String prefix, String name)
public static  Stringreplace(String inString, String oldPattern, String newPattern)
     Replace all occurences of a substring within a string with another string.
public static  Stringreverse(String str)
     Reverses a string.
public static  String[]sortStringArray(String[] source)
     Turn given source String array into sorted array.
public static  String[]split(String toSplit, String delimiter)
     Split a String at the first occurrence of the delimiter.
public static  PropertiessplitArrayElementsIntoProperties(String[] array, String delimiter)
     Take an array Strings and split each element based on the given delimiter.
public static  PropertiessplitArrayElementsIntoProperties(String[] array, String delimiter, String charsToDelete)
     Take an array Strings and split each element based on the given delimiter.
public static  booleanstartsWithIgnoreCase(String str, String prefix)
     Test if the given String starts with the specified prefix, ignoring upper/lower case.
public static  String[]tokenizeToStringArray(String str, String delimiters)
     Tokenize the given String into a String array via a StringTokenizer. Trims tokens and omits empty tokens.

The given delimiters string is supposed to consist of any number of delimiter characters.

public static  String[]tokenizeToStringArray(String str, String delimiters, boolean trimTokens, boolean ignoreEmptyTokens)
     Tokenize the given String into a String array via a StringTokenizer.

The given delimiters string is supposed to consist of any number of delimiter characters.

public static  StringtrimLeadingWhitespace(String str)
     Trim leading whitespace from the given String.
public static  StringtrimTrailingWhitespace(String str)
     Trim trailing whitespace from the given String.
public static  Stringuncapitalize(String str)
     Uncapitalize a String, changing the first letter to lower case as per Character.toLowerCase(char) .
public static  Stringunqualify(String qualifiedName)
     Unqualify a string qualified by a '.' dot character.
public static  Stringunqualify(String qualifiedName, char separator)
     Unqualify a string qualified by a separator character.

Method Detail
public static String[] addStringToArray(String[] arr, String str)(Code)
Append the given String to the given String array, returning a new array consisting of the input array contents plus the given String.
  arr - the array to append to
  str - the String to append the new array

public static String applyRelativePath(String path, String relativePath)(Code)
Apply the given relative path to the given path, assuming standard Java folder separation (i.e. "/" separators);
  path - the path to start from (usually a full file path)
  relativePath - the relative path to apply(relative to the full file path above) the full file path that results from applying the relative path

public static String arrayToCommaDelimitedString(Object[] arr)(Code)
Convenience method to return a String array as a CSV String. E.g. useful for toString() implementations.
  arr - array to display. Elements may be of any type (toStringwill be called on each element).

public static String arrayToDelimitedString(Object[] arr, String delim)(Code)
Convenience method to return a String array as a delimited (e.g. CSV) String. E.g. useful for toString() implementations.
  arr - array to display. Elements may be of any type (toStringwill be called on each element).
  delim - delimiter to use (probably a ",")

public static String arrayToDelimitedString(Object[] arr, char delim)(Code)
Convenience method to return a String array as a delimited (e.g. CSV) String. E.g. useful for toString() implementations.
  arr - array to display. Elements may be of any type (toStringwill be called on each element).
  delim - delimiter to use (probably a ",")

public static String capitalize(String str)(Code)
Capitalize a String, changing the first letter to upper case as per Character.toUpperCase(char) . No other letters are changed.
  str - the String to capitalize, may be null the capitalized String, null if null

public static String cleanPath(String path)(Code)
Normalize the path by suppressing sequences like "path/.." and inner simple dots.

The result is convenient for path comparison. For other uses, notice that Windows separators ("\") are replaced by simple dashes.
  path - the original path the normalized path

public static String collectionToCommaDelimitedString(Collection coll)(Code)
Convenience method to return a Collection as a CSV String. E.g. useful for toString() implementations.
  coll - Collection to display

public static String collectionToDelimitedString(Collection coll, String delim, String prefix, String suffix)(Code)
Convenience method to return a Collection as a delimited (e.g. CSV) String. E.g. useful for toString() implementations.
  coll - Collection to display
  delim - delimiter to use (probably a ",")
  prefix - string to start each element with
  suffix - string to end each element with

public static String collectionToDelimitedString(Collection coll, String delim)(Code)
Convenience method to return a Collection as a delimited (e.g. CSV) String. E.g. useful for toString() implementations.
  coll - Collection to display
  delim - delimiter to use (probably a ",")

public static Set commaDelimitedListToSet(String str)(Code)
Convenience method to convert a CSV string list to a set. Note that this will suppress duplicates.
  str - CSV String a Set of String entries in the list

public static String[] commaDelimitedListToStringArray(String str)(Code)
Convert a CSV list into an array of Strings.
  str - CSV list an array of Strings, or the empty array if s is null

public static int countOccurrencesOf(String str, String sub)(Code)
Count the occurrences of the substring in string s.
  str - string to search in. Return 0 if this is null.
  sub - string to search for. Return 0 if this is null.

public static String delete(String inString, String pattern)(Code)
Delete all occurrences of the given substring.
  pattern - the pattern to delete all occurrences of

public static String deleteAny(String inString, String charsToDelete)(Code)
Delete any character in a given string.
  charsToDelete - a set of characters to delete.E.g. "az\n" will delete 'a's, 'z's and new lines.

public static String[] delimitedListToStringArray(String str, String delimiter)(Code)
Take a String which is a delimited list and convert it to a String array.

A single delimiter can consists of more than one character: It will still be considered as single delimiter string, rather than as bunch of potential delimiter characters - in contrast to tokenizeToStringArray.
  str - the input String
  delimiter - the delimiter between elements (this is a single delimiter,rather than a bunch individual delimiter characters) an array of the tokens in the list
See Also:   StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray

public static boolean endsWithIgnoreCase(String str, String suffix)(Code)
Test if the given String ends with the specified suffix, ignoring upper/lower case.
  str - the String to check
  suffix - the suffix to look for
See Also:   String.endsWith

public static String getFilename(String path)(Code)
Extract the filename from the given path, e.g. "mypath/myfile.txt" -> "myfile.txt".
  path - the file path the extracted filename

public static boolean hasLength(String str)(Code)
Check if a String has length.

 StringUtils.hasLength(null) = false
 StringUtils.hasLength("") = false
 StringUtils.hasLength(" ") = true
 StringUtils.hasLength("Hello") = true

  str - the String to check, may be null true if the String is not null and has length

public static boolean hasText(String str)(Code)
Check if a String has text. More specifically, returns true if the string not null, it's length is > 0, and it has at least one non-whitespace character.

 StringUtils.hasText(null) = false
 StringUtils.hasText("") = false
 StringUtils.hasText(" ") = false
 StringUtils.hasText("12345") = true
 StringUtils.hasText(" 12345 ") = true

  str - the String to check, may be null true if the String is not null, length > 0,and not whitespace only
See Also:   Character.isWhitespace

public static Locale parseLocaleString(String localeString)(Code)
Parse the given locale string into a java.util.Locale. This is the inverse operation of Locale's toString.
  localeString - the locale string, followingjava.util.Locale's toString format ("en", "en_UK", etc).Also accepts spaces as separators, as alternative to underscores. a corresponding Locale instance

public static boolean pathEquals(String path1, String path2)(Code)
Compare two paths after normalization of them.
  path1 - First path for comparizon
  path2 - Second path for comparizon True if the two paths are equivalent after normalization

public static String qualify(String prefix, String name)(Code)

public static String replace(String inString, String oldPattern, String newPattern)(Code)
Replace all occurences of a substring within a string with another string.
  inString - String to examine
  oldPattern - String to replace
  newPattern - String to insert a String with the replacements

public static String reverse(String str)(Code)
Reverses a string.
  str - The String to reverse The reversed string

public static String[] sortStringArray(String[] source)(Code)
Turn given source String array into sorted array.
  source - the source array the sorted array (never null)

public static String[] split(String toSplit, String delimiter)(Code)
Split a String at the first occurrence of the delimiter. Does not include the delimiter in the result.
  toSplit - the string to split
  delimiter - to split the string up with a two element array with index 0 being before the delimiter, andindex 1 being after the delimiter (neither element includes the delimiter);or null if the delimiter wasn't found in the given input String

public static Properties splitArrayElementsIntoProperties(String[] array, String delimiter)(Code)
Take an array Strings and split each element based on the given delimiter. A Properties instance is then generated, with the left of the delimiter providing the key, and the right of the delimiter providing the value.

Will trim both the key and value before adding them to the Properties instance.
  array - the array to process
  delimiter - to split each element using (typically the equals symbol) a Properties instance representing the array contents,or null if the array to process was null or empty

public static Properties splitArrayElementsIntoProperties(String[] array, String delimiter, String charsToDelete)(Code)
Take an array Strings and split each element based on the given delimiter. A Properties instance is then generated, with the left of the delimiter providing the key, and the right of the delimiter providing the value.

Will trim both the key and value before adding them to the Properties instance.
  array - the array to process
  delimiter - to split each element using (typically the equals symbol)
  charsToDelete - one or more characters to remove from each elementprior to attempting the split operation (typically the quotation marksymbol), or null if no removal should occur a Properties instance representing the array contents,or null if the array to process was null or empty

public static boolean startsWithIgnoreCase(String str, String prefix)(Code)
Test if the given String starts with the specified prefix, ignoring upper/lower case.
  str - the String to check
  prefix - the prefix to look for
See Also:   String.startsWith

public static String[] tokenizeToStringArray(String str, String delimiters)(Code)
Tokenize the given String into a String array via a StringTokenizer. Trims tokens and omits empty tokens.

The given delimiters string is supposed to consist of any number of delimiter characters. Each of those characters can be used to separate tokens. A delimiter is always a single character; for multi-character delimiters, consider using delimitedListToStringArray
  str - the String to tokenize
  delimiters - the delimiter characters, assembled as String(each of those characters is individually considered as delimiter). an array of the tokens
See Also:   java.util.StringTokenizer
See Also:   String.trim
See Also:   StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray

public static String[] tokenizeToStringArray(String str, String delimiters, boolean trimTokens, boolean ignoreEmptyTokens)(Code)
Tokenize the given String into a String array via a StringTokenizer.

The given delimiters string is supposed to consist of any number of delimiter characters. Each of those characters can be used to separate tokens. A delimiter is always a single character; for multi-character delimiters, consider using delimitedListToStringArray
  str - the String to tokenize
  delimiters - the delimiter characters, assembled as String(each of those characters is individually considered as delimiter)
  trimTokens - trim the tokens via String's trim
  ignoreEmptyTokens - omit empty tokens from the result array(only applies to tokens that are empty after trimming; StringTokenizerwill not consider subsequent delimiters as token in the first place). an array of the tokens
See Also:   java.util.StringTokenizer
See Also:   String.trim
See Also:   StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray

public static String trimLeadingWhitespace(String str)(Code)
Trim leading whitespace from the given String.
  str - the String to check the trimmed String
See Also:   Character.isWhitespace

public static String trimTrailingWhitespace(String str)(Code)
Trim trailing whitespace from the given String.
  str - the String to check the trimmed String
See Also:   Character.isWhitespace

public static String uncapitalize(String str)(Code)
Uncapitalize a String, changing the first letter to lower case as per Character.toLowerCase(char) . No other letters are changed.
  str - the String to uncapitalize, may be null the uncapitalized String, null if null

public static String unqualify(String qualifiedName)(Code)
Unqualify a string qualified by a '.' dot character. For example, "", returns "qualified".
  qualifiedName - the qualified name

public static String unqualify(String qualifiedName, char separator)(Code)
Unqualify a string qualified by a separator character. For example, "this:name:is:qualified" returns "qualified" if using a ':' separator.
  qualifiedName - the qualified name
  separator - the separator

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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