Low level classes for dealing with OpenPGP objects.
These classes deal with things at a raw OpenPGP packet level. For the most part
you are probably better off looking at the org.bouncycastle.openpgp package
for what you want.
High level classes for dealing with S/MIME objects (RFC 3851).
There is one thing that is worth commenting about with these. If you're using
AS2 on some other standard which specifies a different default content transfer encoding from RFC 2405, make
sure you use the constructors on SMIMESigned and SMIMESignedGenerator that allow you to
set the default ("binary" in the case of AS2 as opposed to "bit7" which is the default).
High level classes for dealing with OpenPGP objects.
Note: These are based on the org.bouncycastle.bcpg classes and use a streaming
model, so for some objects which have an input stream associated it is necessary
to read to the end of the input stream on the object before trying to read
another object from the orginal input stream.
A word on key ring files. For the purpose of this package a PGP key ring is a master key and
a collection of sub-keys associated with it. These public and secret key rings are handled by
the PGPPublicKey ring class and the PGPSecretKeyRing class respectively. In the case where
you are trying to read an key file which has multiple key rings in it, use PGPSecretKeyRingCollection
for the secret key file and PGPPublicKeyRingCollection for the public key file.