| Given a domain object instance passed as a method argument, ensures the principal has appropriate permission
as indicated by the
AclService .
The AclService is used to retrieve the access control list (ACL) permissions associated with a
domain object instance for the current Authentication object.
The voter will vote if any
ConfigAttribute.getAttribute matches the
AclEntryVoter.processConfigAttribute . The provider will then locate the first method argument of type
AclEntryVoter.processDomainObjectClass . Assuming that method argument is non-null, the provider will then lookup the ACLs from
the AclManager and ensure the principal is
Acl.isGranted(org.acegisecurity.acls.Permission[]org.acegisecurity.acls.sid.Sid[]boolean) when presenting the
AclEntryVoter.requirePermission array to that method.
If the method argument is null , the voter will abstain from voting. If the method argument
could not be found, an
org.acegisecurity.AuthorizationServiceException will be thrown.
In practical terms users will typically setup a number of AclEntryVoter s. Each will have a
AclEntryVoter.processDomainObjectClass ,
AclEntryVoter.processConfigAttribute and
AclEntryVoter.requirePermission combination. For example, a small application might employ the following instances of AclEntryVoter :
- Process domain object class
BankAccount , configuration attribute
VOTE_ACL_BANK_ACCONT_READ , require permission BasePermission.READ
- Process domain object class
BankAccount , configuration attribute
VOTE_ACL_BANK_ACCOUNT_WRITE , require permission list BasePermission.WRITE and
BasePermission.CREATE (allowing the principal to have either of these two permissions
- Process domain object class
Customer , configuration attribute
VOTE_ACL_CUSTOMER_READ , require permission BasePermission.READ
- Process domain object class
Customer , configuration attribute
VOTE_ACL_CUSTOMER_WRITE , require permission list BasePermission.WRITE and
Alternatively, you could have used a common superclass or interface for the
AclEntryVoter.processDomainObjectClass if both BankAccount and Customer had common parents.
If the principal does not have sufficient permissions, the voter will vote to deny access.
All comparisons and prefixes are case sensitive.
author: Ben Alex version: $Id: AclEntryVoter.java 1784 2007-02-24 21:00:24Z luke_t $ |