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public class StandardWrapper extends ContainerBase implements ServletConfig,Wrapper,NotificationEmitter(Code)
Standard implementation of the Wrapper interface that represents an individual servlet definition. No child Containers are allowed, and the parent Container must be a Context.
   Craig R. McClanahan
   Remy Maucherat
   $Revision: 505593 $ $Date: 2007-02-10 01:54:56 +0100 (sam., 10 févr. 2007) $

Field Summary
final protected static  String[]DEFAULT_SERVLET_METHODS
protected  longavailable
     The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available.
protected  NotificationBroadcasterSupportbroadcaster
     The broadcaster that sends j2ee notifications.
protected  intclassLoadTime
protected static  Class[]classType
     Static class array used when the SecurityManager is turned on and Servlet.init is invoked.
protected static  Class[]classTypeUsedInService
     Static class array used when the SecurityManager is turned on and Servlet.service is invoked.
protected  intcountAllocated
     The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).
protected  StandardWrapperFacadefacade
     The facade associated with this wrapper.
final protected static  Stringinfo
     The descriptive information string for this implementation.
protected  Servletinstance
     The (single) initialized instance of this servlet.
protected  StackinstancePool
     Stack containing the STM instances.
protected  InstanceSupportinstanceSupport
     The support object for our instance listeners.
protected  booleanisJspServlet
protected  StringjspFile
     The context-relative URI of the JSP file for this servlet.
protected  ObjectNamejspMonitorON
protected  intloadOnStartup
     The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.
protected  longloadTime
protected static  org.apache.juli.logging.Loglog
protected  ArrayListmappings
     Mappings associated with the wrapper.
protected  intmaxInstances
     Maximum number of STM instances.
protected  intnInstances
     Number of instances currently loaded for a STM servlet.
protected  MBeanNotificationInfo[]notificationInfo
protected  HashMapparameters
     The initialization parameters for this servlet, keyed by parameter name.
protected  HashMapreferences
     The security role references for this servlet, keyed by role name used in the servlet.
protected static  PropertiesrestrictedServlets
     Restricted servlets (which can only be loaded by a privileged webapp).
protected  StringrunAs
     The run-as identity for this servlet.
protected  longsequenceNumber
     The notification sequence number.
protected  StringservletClass
     The fully qualified servlet class name for this servlet.
protected  booleansingleThreadModel
protected  StandardWrapperValveswValve
protected  booleanswallowOutput
protected  longunloadDelay
     Wait time for servlet unload in ms.
protected  booleanunloading

Constructor Summary
public  StandardWrapper()
     Create a new StandardWrapper component with the default basic Valve.

Method Summary
public  voidaddChild(Container child)
     Refuse to add a child Container, because Wrappers are the lowest level of the Container hierarchy.
protected  voidaddDefaultMapper(String mapperClass)
     Add a default Mapper implementation if none have been configured explicitly.
public  voidaddInitParameter(String name, String value)
     Add a new servlet initialization parameter for this servlet.
public  voidaddInstanceListener(InstanceListener listener)
     Add a new listener interested in InstanceEvents.
public  voidaddMapping(String mapping)
     Add a mapping associated with the Wrapper.
public  voidaddNotificationListener(NotificationListener listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object object)
public  voidaddSecurityReference(String name, String link)
     Add a new security role reference record to the set of records for this servlet.
public  Servletallocate()
     Allocate an initialized instance of this Servlet that is ready to have its service() method called.
public  voidbackgroundProcess()
     Execute a periodic task, such as reloading, etc.
public  voiddeallocate(Servlet servlet)
     Return this previously allocated servlet to the pool of available instances.
public  StringfindInitParameter(String name)
     Return the value for the specified initialization parameter name, if any; otherwise return null.
public  String[]findInitParameters()
     Return the names of all defined initialization parameters for this servlet.
public  WrapperfindMappingObject()
     FIXME: Fooling introspection ...
public  String[]findMappings()
     Return the mappings associated with this wrapper.
public  StringfindSecurityReference(String name)
     Return the security role link for the specified security role reference name, if any; otherwise return null.
public  String[]findSecurityReferences()
     Return the set of security role reference names associated with this servlet, if any; otherwise return a zero-length array.
protected  Method[]getAllDeclaredMethods(Class c)
public  longgetAvailable()
     Return the available date/time for this servlet, in milliseconds since the epoch.
public  intgetClassLoadTime()
public  intgetCountAllocated()
     Return the number of active allocations of this servlet, even if they are all for the same instance (as will be true for servlets that do not implement SingleThreadModel.
public  StringgetEngineName()
public  intgetErrorCount()
public  StringgetInfo()
     Return descriptive information about this Container implementation and the corresponding version number, in the format <description>/<version>.
public  StringgetInitParameter(String name)
     Return the initialization parameter value for the specified name, if any; otherwise return null.
public  EnumerationgetInitParameterNames()
     Return the set of initialization parameter names defined for this servlet.
public  InstanceSupportgetInstanceSupport()
     Return the InstanceSupport object for this Wrapper instance.
public  StringgetJspFile()
     Return the context-relative URI of the JSP file for this servlet.
public  intgetLoadOnStartup()
     Return the load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call).
public  StringgetLoadOnStartupString()
public  longgetLoadTime()
public  intgetMaxInstances()
     Return maximum number of instances that will be allocated when a single thread model servlet is used.
public  longgetMaxTime()
public  longgetMinTime()
public  MBeanNotificationInfo[]getNotificationInfo()
public  longgetProcessingTime()
public  intgetRequestCount()
public static  ThrowablegetRootCause(ServletException e)
     Extract the root cause from a servlet exception.
public  StringgetRunAs()
     Return the run-as identity for this servlet.
public  ServletgetServlet()
     Return the associated servlet instance.
public  StringgetServletClass()
     Return the fully qualified servlet class name for this servlet.
public  ServletContextgetServletContext()
     Return the servlet context with which this servlet is associated.
public  String[]getServletMethods()
     Gets the names of the methods supported by the underlying servlet.
public  StringgetServletName()
     Return the name of this servlet.
public  voidincrementErrorCount()
     Increment the error count used for monitoring.
protected  booleanisContainerProvidedServlet(String classname)
     Return true if the specified class name represents a container provided servlet class that should be loaded by the server class loader.
public  booleanisEventProvider()
protected  booleanisServletAllowed(Object servlet)
     Return true if loading this servlet is allowed.
public  booleanisSingleThreadModel()
     Return true if the servlet class represented by this component implements the SingleThreadModel interface.
public  booleanisStateManageable()
public  booleanisStatisticsProvider()
public  booleanisUnavailable()
public synchronized  voidload()
     Load and initialize an instance of this servlet, if there is not already at least one initialized instance.
public synchronized  ServletloadServlet()
     Load and initialize an instance of this servlet, if there is not already at least one initialized instance.
protected  voidregisterJMX(StandardContext ctx)
public  voidremoveInitParameter(String name)
     Remove the specified initialization parameter from this servlet.
public  voidremoveInstanceListener(InstanceListener listener)
     Remove a listener no longer interested in InstanceEvents.
public  voidremoveMapping(String mapping)
     Remove a mapping associated with the wrapper.
public  voidremoveNotificationListener(NotificationListener listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object object)
public  voidremoveNotificationListener(NotificationListener listener)
public  voidremoveSecurityReference(String name)
     Remove any security role reference for the specified role name.
public  voidsetAvailable(long available)
     Set the available date/time for this servlet, in milliseconds since the epoch.
public  voidsetErrorCount(int errorCount)
public  voidsetJspFile(String jspFile)
     Set the context-relative URI of the JSP file for this servlet.
public  voidsetLoadOnStartup(int value)
     Set the load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call).
public  voidsetLoadOnStartupString(String value)
     Set the load-on-startup order value from a (possibly null) string.
public  voidsetLoadTime(long loadTime)
public  voidsetMaxInstances(int maxInstances)
     Set the maximum number of instances that will be allocated when a single thread model servlet is used.
public  voidsetMaxTime(long maxTime)
public  voidsetMinTime(long minTime)
public  voidsetParent(Container container)
     Set the parent Container of this Wrapper, but only if it is a Context.
public  voidsetProcessingTime(long processingTime)
public  voidsetRequestCount(int requestCount)
public  voidsetRunAs(String runAs)
     Set the run-as identity for this servlet.
public  voidsetServletClass(String servletClass)
     Set the fully qualified servlet class name for this servlet.
public  voidsetServletName(String name)
     Set the name of this servlet.
public  voidstart()
     Start this component, pre-loading the servlet if the load-on-startup value is set appropriately.
public  voidstop()
     Stop this component, gracefully shutting down the servlet if it has been initialized.
public  StringtoString()
     Return a String representation of this component.
public  voidunavailable(UnavailableException unavailable)
     Process an UnavailableException, marking this servlet as unavailable for the specified amount of time.
public synchronized  voidunload()
     Unload all initialized instances of this servlet, after calling the destroy() method for each instance.

Field Detail
final protected static String[] DEFAULT_SERVLET_METHODS(Code)

protected long available(Code)
The date and time at which this servlet will become available (in milliseconds since the epoch), or zero if the servlet is available. If this value equals Long.MAX_VALUE, the unavailability of this servlet is considered permanent.

protected NotificationBroadcasterSupport broadcaster(Code)
The broadcaster that sends j2ee notifications.

protected int classLoadTime(Code)

protected static Class[] classType(Code)
Static class array used when the SecurityManager is turned on and Servlet.init is invoked.

protected static Class[] classTypeUsedInService(Code)
Static class array used when the SecurityManager is turned on and Servlet.service is invoked.

protected int countAllocated(Code)
The count of allocations that are currently active (even if they are for the same instance, as will be true on a non-STM servlet).

protected StandardWrapperFacade facade(Code)
The facade associated with this wrapper.

final protected static String info(Code)
The descriptive information string for this implementation.

protected Servlet instance(Code)
The (single) initialized instance of this servlet.

protected Stack instancePool(Code)
Stack containing the STM instances.

protected InstanceSupport instanceSupport(Code)
The support object for our instance listeners.

protected boolean isJspServlet(Code)
True if this StandardWrapper is for the JspServlet

protected String jspFile(Code)
The context-relative URI of the JSP file for this servlet.

protected ObjectName jspMonitorON(Code)
The ObjectName of the JSP monitoring mbean

protected int loadOnStartup(Code)
The load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call) for this servlet.

protected long loadTime(Code)

protected static org.apache.juli.logging.Log log(Code)

protected ArrayList mappings(Code)
Mappings associated with the wrapper.

protected int maxInstances(Code)
Maximum number of STM instances.

protected int nInstances(Code)
Number of instances currently loaded for a STM servlet.

protected MBeanNotificationInfo[] notificationInfo(Code)

protected HashMap parameters(Code)
The initialization parameters for this servlet, keyed by parameter name.

protected HashMap references(Code)
The security role references for this servlet, keyed by role name used in the servlet. The corresponding value is the role name of the web application itself.

protected static Properties restrictedServlets(Code)
Restricted servlets (which can only be loaded by a privileged webapp).

protected String runAs(Code)
The run-as identity for this servlet.

protected long sequenceNumber(Code)
The notification sequence number.

protected String servletClass(Code)
The fully qualified servlet class name for this servlet.

protected boolean singleThreadModel(Code)
Does this servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface?

protected StandardWrapperValve swValve(Code)

protected boolean swallowOutput(Code)
Should we swallow System.out

protected long unloadDelay(Code)
Wait time for servlet unload in ms.

protected boolean unloading(Code)
Are we unloading our servlet instance at the moment?

Constructor Detail
public StandardWrapper()(Code)
Create a new StandardWrapper component with the default basic Valve.

Method Detail
public void addChild(Container child)(Code)
Refuse to add a child Container, because Wrappers are the lowest level of the Container hierarchy.
  child - Child container to be added

protected void addDefaultMapper(String mapperClass)(Code)
Add a default Mapper implementation if none have been configured explicitly.
  mapperClass - Java class name of the default Mapper

public void addInitParameter(String name, String value)(Code)
Add a new servlet initialization parameter for this servlet.
  name - Name of this initialization parameter to add
  value - Value of this initialization parameter to add

public void addInstanceListener(InstanceListener listener)(Code)
Add a new listener interested in InstanceEvents.
  listener - The new listener

public void addMapping(String mapping)(Code)
Add a mapping associated with the Wrapper.
  mapping - The new wrapper mapping

public void addNotificationListener(NotificationListener listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object object) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)

public void addSecurityReference(String name, String link)(Code)
Add a new security role reference record to the set of records for this servlet.
  name - Role name used within this servlet
  link - Role name used within the web application

public Servlet allocate() throws ServletException(Code)
Allocate an initialized instance of this Servlet that is ready to have its service() method called. If the servlet class does not implement SingleThreadModel, the (only) initialized instance may be returned immediately. If the servlet class implements SingleThreadModel, the Wrapper implementation must ensure that this instance is not allocated again until it is deallocated by a call to deallocate().
  ServletException - if the servlet init() method threwan exception
  ServletException - if a loading error occurs

public void backgroundProcess()(Code)
Execute a periodic task, such as reloading, etc. This method will be invoked inside the classloading context of this container. Unexpected throwables will be caught and logged.

public void deallocate(Servlet servlet) throws ServletException(Code)
Return this previously allocated servlet to the pool of available instances. If this servlet class does not implement SingleThreadModel, no action is actually required.
  servlet - The servlet to be returned
  ServletException - if a deallocation error occurs

public String findInitParameter(String name)(Code)
Return the value for the specified initialization parameter name, if any; otherwise return null.
  name - Name of the requested initialization parameter

public String[] findInitParameters()(Code)
Return the names of all defined initialization parameters for this servlet.

public Wrapper findMappingObject()(Code)
FIXME: Fooling introspection ...

public String[] findMappings()(Code)
Return the mappings associated with this wrapper.

public String findSecurityReference(String name)(Code)
Return the security role link for the specified security role reference name, if any; otherwise return null.
  name - Security role reference used within this servlet

public String[] findSecurityReferences()(Code)
Return the set of security role reference names associated with this servlet, if any; otherwise return a zero-length array.

protected Method[] getAllDeclaredMethods(Class c)(Code)

public long getAvailable()(Code)
Return the available date/time for this servlet, in milliseconds since the epoch. If this date/time is Long.MAX_VALUE, it is considered to mean that unavailability is permanent and any request for this servlet will return an SC_NOT_FOUND error. If this date/time is in the future, any request for this servlet will return an SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE error. If it is zero, the servlet is currently available.

public int getClassLoadTime()(Code)

public int getCountAllocated()(Code)
Return the number of active allocations of this servlet, even if they are all for the same instance (as will be true for servlets that do not implement SingleThreadModel.

public String getEngineName()(Code)

public int getErrorCount()(Code)

public String getInfo()(Code)
Return descriptive information about this Container implementation and the corresponding version number, in the format <description>/<version>.

public String getInitParameter(String name)(Code)
Return the initialization parameter value for the specified name, if any; otherwise return null.
  name - Name of the initialization parameter to retrieve

public Enumeration getInitParameterNames()(Code)
Return the set of initialization parameter names defined for this servlet. If none are defined, an empty Enumeration is returned.

public InstanceSupport getInstanceSupport()(Code)
Return the InstanceSupport object for this Wrapper instance.

public String getJspFile()(Code)
Return the context-relative URI of the JSP file for this servlet.

public int getLoadOnStartup()(Code)
Return the load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call).

public String getLoadOnStartupString()(Code)

public long getLoadTime()(Code)

public int getMaxInstances()(Code)
Return maximum number of instances that will be allocated when a single thread model servlet is used.

public long getMaxTime()(Code)

public long getMinTime()(Code)

public MBeanNotificationInfo[] getNotificationInfo()(Code)

public long getProcessingTime()(Code)

public int getRequestCount()(Code)

public static Throwable getRootCause(ServletException e)(Code)
Extract the root cause from a servlet exception.
  e - The servlet exception

public String getRunAs()(Code)
Return the run-as identity for this servlet.

public Servlet getServlet()(Code)
Return the associated servlet instance.

public String getServletClass()(Code)
Return the fully qualified servlet class name for this servlet.

public ServletContext getServletContext()(Code)
Return the servlet context with which this servlet is associated.

public String[] getServletMethods() throws ServletException(Code)
Gets the names of the methods supported by the underlying servlet. This is the same set of methods included in the Allow response header in response to an OPTIONS request method processed by the underlying servlet. Array of names of the methods supported by the underlyingservlet

public String getServletName()(Code)
Return the name of this servlet.

public void incrementErrorCount()(Code)
Increment the error count used for monitoring.

protected boolean isContainerProvidedServlet(String classname)(Code)
Return true if the specified class name represents a container provided servlet class that should be loaded by the server class loader.
  classname - Name of the class to be checked

public boolean isEventProvider()(Code)

protected boolean isServletAllowed(Object servlet)(Code)
Return true if loading this servlet is allowed.

public boolean isSingleThreadModel()(Code)
Return true if the servlet class represented by this component implements the SingleThreadModel interface.

public boolean isStateManageable()(Code)

public boolean isStatisticsProvider()(Code)

public boolean isUnavailable()(Code)
Is this servlet currently unavailable?

public synchronized void load() throws ServletException(Code)
Load and initialize an instance of this servlet, if there is not already at least one initialized instance. This can be used, for example, to load servlets that are marked in the deployment descriptor to be loaded at server startup time.

IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: Servlets whose classnames begin with org.apache.catalina. (so-called "container" servlets) are loaded by the same classloader that loaded this class, rather than the classloader for the current web application. This gives such classes access to Catalina internals, which are prevented for classes loaded for web applications.
  ServletException - if the servlet init() method threwan exception
  ServletException - if some other loading problem occurs

public synchronized Servlet loadServlet() throws ServletException(Code)
Load and initialize an instance of this servlet, if there is not already at least one initialized instance. This can be used, for example, to load servlets that are marked in the deployment descriptor to be loaded at server startup time.

protected void registerJMX(StandardContext ctx)(Code)

public void removeInitParameter(String name)(Code)
Remove the specified initialization parameter from this servlet.
  name - Name of the initialization parameter to remove

public void removeInstanceListener(InstanceListener listener)(Code)
Remove a listener no longer interested in InstanceEvents.
  listener - The listener to remove

public void removeMapping(String mapping)(Code)
Remove a mapping associated with the wrapper.
  mapping - The pattern to remove

public void removeNotificationListener(NotificationListener listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object object) throws ListenerNotFoundException(Code)

public void removeNotificationListener(NotificationListener listener) throws ListenerNotFoundException(Code)
Remove a JMX-NotificationListener
See Also:

public void removeSecurityReference(String name)(Code)
Remove any security role reference for the specified role name.
  name - Security role used within this servlet to be removed

public void setAvailable(long available)(Code)
Set the available date/time for this servlet, in milliseconds since the epoch. If this date/time is Long.MAX_VALUE, it is considered to mean that unavailability is permanent and any request for this servlet will return an SC_NOT_FOUND error. If this date/time is in the future, any request for this servlet will return an SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE error.
  available - The new available date/time

public void setErrorCount(int errorCount)(Code)

public void setJspFile(String jspFile)(Code)
Set the context-relative URI of the JSP file for this servlet.
  jspFile - JSP file URI

public void setLoadOnStartup(int value)(Code)
Set the load-on-startup order value (negative value means load on first call).
  value - New load-on-startup value

public void setLoadOnStartupString(String value)(Code)
Set the load-on-startup order value from a (possibly null) string. Per the specification, any missing or non-numeric value is converted to a zero, so that this servlet will still be loaded at startup time, but in an arbitrary order.
  value - New load-on-startup value

public void setLoadTime(long loadTime)(Code)

public void setMaxInstances(int maxInstances)(Code)
Set the maximum number of instances that will be allocated when a single thread model servlet is used.
  maxInstances - New value of maxInstances

public void setMaxTime(long maxTime)(Code)

public void setMinTime(long minTime)(Code)

public void setParent(Container container)(Code)
Set the parent Container of this Wrapper, but only if it is a Context.
  container - Proposed parent Container

public void setProcessingTime(long processingTime)(Code)

public void setRequestCount(int requestCount)(Code)

public void setRunAs(String runAs)(Code)
Set the run-as identity for this servlet.
  runAs - New run-as identity value

public void setServletClass(String servletClass)(Code)
Set the fully qualified servlet class name for this servlet.
  servletClass - Servlet class name

public void setServletName(String name)(Code)
Set the name of this servlet. This is an alias for the normal Container.setName() method, and complements the getServletName() method required by the ServletConfig interface.
  name - The new name of this servlet

public void start() throws LifecycleException(Code)
Start this component, pre-loading the servlet if the load-on-startup value is set appropriately.
  LifecycleException - if a fatal error occurs during startup

public void stop() throws LifecycleException(Code)
Stop this component, gracefully shutting down the servlet if it has been initialized.
  LifecycleException - if a fatal error occurs during shutdown

public String toString()(Code)
Return a String representation of this component.

public void unavailable(UnavailableException unavailable)(Code)
Process an UnavailableException, marking this servlet as unavailable for the specified amount of time.
  unavailable - The exception that occurred, or nullto mark this servlet as permanently unavailable

public synchronized void unload() throws ServletException(Code)
Unload all initialized instances of this servlet, after calling the destroy() method for each instance. This can be used, for example, prior to shutting down the entire servlet engine, or prior to reloading all of the classes from the Loader associated with our Loader's repository.
  ServletException - if an exception is thrown by thedestroy() method

Fields inherited from org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase
protected int backgroundProcessorDelay(Code)(Java Doc)
protected HashMap children(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Cluster cluster(Code)(Java Doc)
protected ObjectName controller(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String domain(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean initialized(Code)(Java Doc)
protected LifecycleSupport lifecycle(Code)(Java Doc)
protected ArrayList listeners(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Loader loader(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String logName(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Log logger(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Manager manager(Code)(Java Doc)
protected transient MBeanServer mserver(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String name(Code)(Java Doc)
protected ObjectName oname(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Container parent(Code)(Java Doc)
protected ClassLoader parentClassLoader(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Pipeline pipeline(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Realm realm(Code)(Java Doc)
protected DirContext resources(Code)(Java Doc)
protected static StringManager sm(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean startChildren(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean started(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String suffix(Code)(Java Doc)
protected PropertyChangeSupport support(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String type(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase
public void addChild(Container child)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addContainerListener(ContainerListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addLifecycleListener(LifecycleListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc)
public synchronized void addValve(Valve valve)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void backgroundProcess()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ObjectName createObjectName(String domain, ObjectName parent) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc)
public void destroy() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc)
public Container findChild(String name)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Container[] findChildren()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ContainerListener[] findContainerListeners()(Code)(Java Doc)
public LifecycleListener[] findLifecycleListeners()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void fireContainerEvent(String type, Object data)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getBackgroundProcessorDelay()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Valve getBasic()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ObjectName[] getChildren()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Cluster getCluster()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getContainerSuffix()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getDomain()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Valve getFirst()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getInfo()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String getJSR77Suffix()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ObjectName getJmxName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Loader getLoader()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Log getLogger()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Manager getManager()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Object getMappingObject()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getObjectName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Container getParent()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ClassLoader getParentClassLoader()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ObjectName getParentName() throws MalformedObjectNameException(Code)(Java Doc)
public Pipeline getPipeline()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Realm getRealm()(Code)(Java Doc)
public DirContext getResources()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean getStartChildren()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getType()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ObjectName[] getValveObjectNames()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Valve[] getValves()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void init() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc)
public void invoke(Request request, Response response) throws IOException, ServletException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String logName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void postDeregister()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void postRegister(Boolean registrationDone)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void preDeregister() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc)
public ObjectName preRegister(MBeanServer server, ObjectName name) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc)
public void removeChild(Container child)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void removeContainerListener(ContainerListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void removeLifecycleListener(LifecycleListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc)
public synchronized void removeValve(Valve valve)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setBackgroundProcessorDelay(int delay)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setBasic(Valve valve)(Code)(Java Doc)
public synchronized void setCluster(Cluster cluster)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setDomain(String domain)(Code)(Java Doc)
public synchronized void setLoader(Loader loader)(Code)(Java Doc)
public synchronized void setManager(Manager manager)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setName(String name)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setParent(Container container)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setParentClassLoader(ClassLoader parent)(Code)(Java Doc)
public synchronized void setRealm(Realm realm)(Code)(Java Doc)
public synchronized void setResources(DirContext resources)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setStartChildren(boolean startChildren)(Code)(Java Doc)
public synchronized void start() throws LifecycleException(Code)(Java Doc)
public synchronized void stop() throws LifecycleException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void threadStart()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void threadStop()(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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