Implements the ICE Engineering Java utilities.
This package implements a number of utilities used in
the development of Java applications at ICE Engineering.
The highlight of this package is
This class provides a complete, flexible, and very powerful
means of managing the properties that your application uses,
as well as storing dynamic properties such as the
position and size of windows, recently entered text, etc.
The class allows properties to be loaded from any valid
URL, including local files, FTP sites, and web pages. The
class also allows specific property overrides, including
per operating system, and per user.
@author Tim Endres
@version 4.7
@gjtrel $Name: $
@gjtdate $Date: 1998/09/30 05:13:25 $
@gjtjvm 1.1
@gjtcat utilities
@gjtcat development tool
@gjthome No Home Page
@gjtlicense LGPL