Package Name | Comment |
de.regnis.q.sequence | |
de.regnis.q.sequence.core | |
de.regnis.q.sequence.line | |
de.regnis.q.sequence.line.diff | |
de.regnis.q.sequence.line.simplifier | | | |
org.tigris.subversion.javahl | |
org.tigris.subversion.javahl.tests | |
org.tmatesoft.svn.cli | |
org.tmatesoft.svn.cli.command | |
org.tmatesoft.svn.core |
This package mostly contains common classes as well as interfaces used
throughout all the library. These include exception classes, data wrappers,
several interfaces and classes which are involved by most of other library
org.tmatesoft.svn.core.auth |
This package contains interfaces/classes used by the library to
authenticate a user to a repository server.
When a server pulls a client
for credentials, SVNRepository driver invokes an authentication
manager (ISVNAuthenticationManager) to ask for credentials.
Also an authentication manager provides and handles a lot of other
repository acces-related options (proxy options, secure SSL contexts, etc.)
SVNKit gives a developer an ability either to implement his own
authentication manager and provide it to SVNRepository drivers,
or use a default implementation which functionality is more or less similar
to the SVN command line client.
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.util | |
org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.util.jna | |
org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc | |
org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.admin | | |
This package provides a low-level API for direct interacting with a Subversion repository on
the SVN protocol level.
The main class which manages all the repository access related work is SVNRepository.
This class provides a developer a flexible interface which allows the developer not only to
perform all basic SVN commands (such as checkout, commit, update, etc.) but to control
those commands as well relying upon developer's implementations of ISVNReporter,ISVNEditor and
other interfaces which are accepted by most of major methods of SVNRepository.
In the first place SVNRepository as well as the entire low-level API
is intended for customizing developer's work with an SVN repository. So it has
not the concept of Working Copy in its functionality.
| |
This package contains the classes necessary for such purposes as: generating
delta windows upon comparing target bytes against source ones (also may be
vs. empty), applying delta windows to files, serializing windows to byte buffers.
Delta generator (SVNDeltaGenerator) is configurable to produce fixed size delta windows.
A delta window (SVNDiffWindow) itself never keeps its entire set of
decoded instructions (SVNDiffInstruction objects) in memory, but uses
an iterator to access them in sequence. Also it's possible to use a single instruction
object template to access window instructions in sequence - by simply changing
properties of the same instruction object per iteration.
org.tmatesoft.svn.core.javahl |
This package provides an implementation of the native Subversion javahl
binding interface SVNClientInterface that is distributed within
the org.tigris.subversion.javahl package. This implementation -
called SVNClientImpl - is a replacement for the Subversion's default one -
SVNClient (also distributed in org.tigris.subversion.javahl).
The main difference between these implementations concludes in that the
native javahl binding class SVNClient uses system dependent
native libraries (in most cases a user need to build those libraries by himself)
while SVNKit solution - SVNClientImpl - uses the SVNKit library itself
which is an absolutely pure Java client library that has no native dependancies.
org.tmatesoft.svn.core.replicator |
This package provides classes that allow to replicate existing
repositories. The main class is SVNRepositoryReplicator that provides
the necessary API to perform replication operations. It does not create
a target repository if it doesn't exist yet, so, a user should take care of
that by himself (although even here SVNKit can help him - please, read javadoc for the
class on how to create new blank FSFS-type repositories).
org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc |
This package provides a high-level API for managing Working Copies in a way
compatible with the native SVN command line client. That means if you
use org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc to operate on Working Copy files, directories
and their properties you won't loose a compatibility with the SVN client -
as if the copy items were managed by the SVN itself. In addition the package
classes and interfaces provide a developer a high flexibility in usage: all SVN
client's commands are mapped to methods of SVN*Client classes which are
responsible for all version control functionality (dealing either with Working Copies
or URLs). This functionality is logicaly allotted to separate classes, so that, for
example, all update related operations (update, switch, etc.) are handled by the same
class. And * for each of these classes is the name of that functional behaviour the
class is intended for - such as SVNUpdateClient or SVNCommitClient. To
have even more flexibility there's a kind of a manager class - SVNClientManager
- which aggregates all of these 'client' classes making developer's work easier and
more comfortable. At last the high-level API is even a bit more than just an implementation
of the SVN client's operations:
- the package gives a developer an ability to implement several types of operation
handlers that can be passed to some of SVN*Client's methods , thus the developer
can 'take part' in operation processing;
- some of SVN*Client classes have methods for which the SVN command line client
has no analogues
(such as the entire
SVNMoveClient class).
While the package represents a low-level API and therefore
'knows' nothing of the SVN native 'Working Copy' format and structure,
org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc is contrarily a kind of a Java implementation of the SVN
client's commands which can be used in a standalone Java application that needs to work with
Working Copies. However if a developer has no need or even don't want to have Working
Copies but something else (for instance, in case of an own client side version control system
specific to developer's needs) the developer should refer to
rather than to org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.
org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.admin |
This package provides API for administrative managing Subversion repositories on a local machine.
What it brings is similar to functionality of such Subversion command line utilities as svnadmin and
org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.xml |
package org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.xml
This package gives an advantage to write annotation, status and log
information in xml format to any SAX ContentHandler implementation.
The package also provides a default ContentHandler implementation
that writes xml formatted contents to an output stream or a writer which
is specified by a user.
org.tmatesoft.svn.examples.repository | |
org.tmatesoft.svn.examples.wc | |
org.tmatesoft.svn.util | |