| net.infonode.docking.DockingWindow net.infonode.docking.SplitWindow
SplitWindow | public class SplitWindow extends DockingWindow (Code) | | A window with a split pane that contains two child windows.
author: $Author: jesper $ version: $Revision: 1.50 $ |
Method Summary | |
protected PropertyMap | createPropertyObject() | protected DropAction | doAcceptDrop(Point p, DockingWindow window) | protected void | doRemoveWindow(DockingWindow window) | protected void | doReplace(DockingWindow oldWindow, DockingWindow newWindow) | protected int | getChildEdgeDepth(DockingWindow window, Direction dir) | public DockingWindow | getChildWindow(int index) | public int | getChildWindowCount() | public float | getDividerLocation() Returns the divider location as a fraction of this split window's size. | public Icon | getIcon() | public DockingWindow | getLeftWindow() Returns the left/upper child window. | protected PropertyMap | getPropertyObject() | public DockingWindow | getRightWindow() Returns the right/lower child window. | public SplitWindowProperties | getSplitWindowProperties() Returns the property values for this split window. | public boolean | isHorizontal() Returns true if this SplitWindow is a horizontal split, otherwise it's vertical. | protected DockingWindow | newRead(ObjectInputStream in, ReadContext context, ViewReader viewReader) | protected DockingWindow | oldRead(ObjectInputStream in, ReadContext context) | protected void | optimizeWindowLayout() | void | removeWindowComponent(DockingWindow window) | void | restoreWindowComponent(DockingWindow window) | protected void | rootChanged(RootWindow oldRoot, RootWindow newRoot) | public void | setDividerLocation(float dividerLocation) Sets the divider location as a fraction of this split window's size. | public void | setHorizontal(boolean horizontal) Sets the split to horizontal or vertical. | public void | setWindows(DockingWindow leftWindow, DockingWindow rightWindow) Sets the child windows of this split window. | protected void | update() | protected void | updateWindowItem(RootWindow rootWindow) | protected void | write(ObjectOutputStream out, WriteContext context, ViewWriter viewWriter) |
SplitWindow | public SplitWindow(boolean horizontal)(Code) | | Creates a split window.
Parameters: horizontal - true if the split is horizontal |
SplitWindow | public SplitWindow(boolean horizontal, DockingWindow leftWindow, DockingWindow rightWindow)(Code) | | Creates a split window with with the given child windows.
Parameters: horizontal - true if the split is horizontal Parameters: leftWindow - the left/upper window Parameters: rightWindow - the right/lower window |
SplitWindow | public SplitWindow(boolean horizontal, float dividerLocation, DockingWindow leftWindow, DockingWindow rightWindow)(Code) | | Creates a split window with with the given child windows.
Parameters: horizontal - true if the split is horizontal Parameters: dividerLocation - the divider location, 0 - 1 Parameters: leftWindow - the left/upper window Parameters: rightWindow - the right/lower window |
getChildWindowCount | public int getChildWindowCount()(Code) | | |
getDividerLocation | public float getDividerLocation()(Code) | | Returns the divider location as a fraction of this split window's size.
the divider location as a fraction of this split window's size |
getLeftWindow | public DockingWindow getLeftWindow()(Code) | | Returns the left/upper child window.
the left/upper child window |
getRightWindow | public DockingWindow getRightWindow()(Code) | | Returns the right/lower child window.
the right/lower child window |
getSplitWindowProperties | public SplitWindowProperties getSplitWindowProperties()(Code) | | Returns the property values for this split window.
the property values for this split window |
isHorizontal | public boolean isHorizontal()(Code) | | Returns true if this SplitWindow is a horizontal split, otherwise it's vertical.
true if this SplitWindow is a horizontal split, otherwise it's vertical since: IDW 1.2.0 |
optimizeWindowLayout | protected void optimizeWindowLayout()(Code) | | |
setDividerLocation | public void setDividerLocation(float dividerLocation)(Code) | | Sets the divider location as a fraction of this split window's size.
Parameters: dividerLocation - the divider location as a fraction of this split window's size |
setHorizontal | public void setHorizontal(boolean horizontal)(Code) | | Sets the split to horizontal or vertical.
Parameters: horizontal - if true the split is set to horizontal, otherwise vertical since: IDW 1.2.0 |
setWindows | public void setWindows(DockingWindow leftWindow, DockingWindow rightWindow)(Code) | | Sets the child windows of this split window.
Parameters: leftWindow - the left/upper child window Parameters: rightWindow - the right/lower child window |
update | protected void update()(Code) | | |
Methods inherited from net.infonode.docking.DockingWindow | protected DropAction acceptChildDrop(Point p, DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) DropAction acceptDrop(Point p, DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) protected DropAction acceptInteriorDrop(Point p, DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) protected DropAction acceptSplitDrop(Point p, DockingWindow window, int splitDistance)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean acceptsSplitWith(DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addListener(DockingWindowListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addTabMouseButtonListener(MouseButtonListener listenerDocking)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected DockingWindow addWindow(DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void addWindowItem(DockingWindow w, int index)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void afterWindowRemoved(DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void beforeDrop(DockingWindow target) throws OperationAbortedException(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void beginOptimize(DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void beginUpdateModel()(Code)(Java Doc) void childGainedFocus(DockingWindow child, View view)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean childInsideTab()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void childRemoved(DockingWindow child)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void cleanUpModel()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void clearChildrenFocus(DockingWindow child, View view)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void clearFocus(View view)(Code)(Java Doc) public void close()(Code)(Java Doc) public void closeWithAbort() throws OperationAbortedException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected PropertyMap createPropertyObject()(Code)(Java Doc) protected DropAction createTabWindow(DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected void detach()(Code)(Java Doc) protected DropAction doAcceptDrop(Point p, DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void doRemoveWindow(DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void doReplace(DockingWindow oldWindow, DockingWindow newWindow)(Code)(Java Doc) public void dock()(Code)(Java Doc) public void dockWithAbort() throws OperationAbortedException(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void endOptimize()(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void endUpdateModel()(Code)(Java Doc) void fireTabWindowMouseButtonEvent(MouseEvent event)(Code)(Java Doc) void fireTabWindowMouseButtonEvent(DockingWindow window, MouseEvent event)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void fireTitleChanged()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void fireViewFocusChanged(View previouslyFocusedView, View focusedView)(Code)(Java Doc) void fireWindowDocked(DockingWindow window, DockingWindow[] oldAncestors)(Code)(Java Doc) void fireWindowDocked(ArrayList dockedViews)(Code)(Java Doc) void fireWindowDocking(DockingWindow window) throws OperationAbortedException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void fireWindowHidden(DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) void fireWindowMaximized(DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) void fireWindowMaximizing(DockingWindow window) throws OperationAbortedException(Code)(Java Doc) void fireWindowMinimized(DockingWindow window, DockingWindow[] oldAncestors)(Code)(Java Doc) void fireWindowMinimizing(DockingWindow window) throws OperationAbortedException(Code)(Java Doc) void fireWindowRestored(DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) void fireWindowRestoring(DockingWindow window) throws OperationAbortedException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void fireWindowShown(DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) void fireWindowUndocked(DockingWindow window, DockingWindow[] oldAncestors)(Code)(Java Doc) void fireWindowUndocking(DockingWindow window) throws OperationAbortedException(Code)(Java Doc) protected DockingWindow[] getAncestors()(Code)(Java Doc) protected DockingWindow getBestFittedWindow(DockingWindow parentWindow)(Code)(Java Doc) DropFilter getChildDropFilter()(Code)(Java Doc) protected int getChildEdgeDepth(DockingWindow window, Direction dir)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public DockingWindow getChildWindow(int index)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public int getChildWindowCount()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getChildWindowIndex(DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) protected DockingWindow getContentWindow(DockingWindow parent)(Code)(Java Doc) DropAction getDefaultDropAction()(Code)(Java Doc) protected int getEdgeDepth(Direction dir)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public Icon getIcon()(Code)(Java Doc) DropFilter getInsertTabDropFilter()(Code)(Java Doc) DropFilter getInteriorDropFilter()(Code)(Java Doc) public DockingWindow getLastFocusedChildWindow()(Code)(Java Doc) protected DockingWindow getLocationWindow()(Code)(Java Doc) protected DockingWindow getOptimizedWindow()(Code)(Java Doc) public WindowPopupMenuFactory getPopupMenuFactory()(Code)(Java Doc) protected DockingWindow getPreferredFocusChild()(Code)(Java Doc) public Direction getPreferredMinimizeDirection()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected PropertyMap getPropertyObject()(Code)(Java Doc) public RootWindow getRootWindow()(Code)(Java Doc) DropFilter getSplitDropFilter()(Code)(Java Doc) WindowTab getTab()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getTitle()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean getUpdateModel()(Code)(Java Doc) protected WindowItem getWindowItem()(Code)(Java Doc) public DockingWindow getWindowParent()(Code)(Java Doc) public DockingWindowProperties getWindowProperties()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean hasParent(DockingWindow w)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void init()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean insideTab()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void internalClose()(Code)(Java Doc) protected DockingWindow internalReplaceChildWindow(DockingWindow oldWindow, DockingWindow newWindow)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isChildShowingInRootWindow(DockingWindow child)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isClosable()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isDockable()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isMaximizable()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isMaximized()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isMinimizable()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isMinimized()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isRestorable()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isShowingInRootWindow()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isUndockable()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isUndocked()(Code)(Java Doc) public void makeVisible()(Code)(Java Doc) final public void maximize()(Code)(Java Doc) public void maximizeWithAbort() throws OperationAbortedException(Code)(Java Doc) public void minimize()(Code)(Java Doc) public void minimize(Direction direction)(Code)(Java Doc) public void minimizeWithAbort() throws OperationAbortedException(Code)(Java Doc) public void minimizeWithAbort(Direction direction) throws OperationAbortedException(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean needsTitleWindow()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void notifyListeners(WindowAncestors ancestors)(Code)(Java Doc) protected DockingWindow oldRead(ObjectInputStream in, ReadContext context) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void optimizeAfter(DockingWindow window, Runnable runnable)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void optimizeWindowLayout()(Code)(Java Doc) final protected void readLocations(ObjectInputStream in, RootWindow rootWindow, int version) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) final protected void removeChildWindow(DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeListener(DockingWindowListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeTabMouseButtonListener(MouseButtonListener listenerDocking)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected void removeWindow(DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract void removeWindowComponent(DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) public void replaceChildWindow(DockingWindow oldWindow, DockingWindow newWindow)(Code)(Java Doc) public void restore()(Code)(Java Doc) public void restoreFocus()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract void restoreWindowComponent(DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) public void restoreWithAbort() throws OperationAbortedException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void rootChanged(RootWindow oldRoot, RootWindow newRoot)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setFocused(boolean focused)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setLastMinimizedDirection(Direction direction)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setPopupMenuFactory(WindowPopupMenuFactory popupMenuFactory)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setPreferredMinimizeDirection(Direction direction)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void showChildWindow(DockingWindow window)(Code)(Java Doc) void showPopupMenu(MouseEvent event)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean showsWindowTitle()(Code)(Java Doc) public SplitWindow split(DockingWindow splitWithWindow, Direction direction, float dividerLocation)(Code)(Java Doc) protected DropAction split(DockingWindow window, Direction splitDir)(Code)(Java Doc) public DockingWindowDragger startDrag(RootWindow dropTarget)(Code)(Java Doc) protected WindowAncestors storeAncestors()(Code)(Java Doc) public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc) public FloatingWindow undock(Point location)(Code)(Java Doc) public FloatingWindow undockWithAbort(Point location) throws OperationAbortedException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void update()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void updateButtonVisibility()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void updateWindowItem(RootWindow rootWindow)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected void updateWindowItems()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void write(ObjectOutputStream out, WriteContext context, ViewWriter viewWriter) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void writeLocations(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)