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public class TabbedPanelProperties extends PropertyMapContainer (Code)
TabbedPanelProperties holds all properties for a TabbedPanel . A TabbedPanelProperties object contains separate property objects for the content area, the tab area, the tab area components and the buttons of the TabbedPanel.
   $Author: jesper $
   $Revision: 1.60 $
See Also:   TabbedPanel
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getContentPanelProperties
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getTabAreaProperties
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getTabAreaComponentsProperties
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getButtonProperties

Field Summary
final public static  IntegerPropertyABORT_DRAG_KEY
final public static  BooleanPropertyAUTO_SELECT_TAB
final public static  PropertyMapPropertyBUTTON_PROPERTIES
final public static  PropertyMapPropertyCONTENT_PANEL_PROPERTIES
final public static  BooleanPropertyENSURE_SELECTED_VISIBLE
final public static  Property[]FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTIES
final public static  BooleanPropertyHIGHLIGHT_PRESSED_TAB
     If true the tab pressed with the mouse will be highlighted, otherwise it remains unchanged.
final public static  HoverListenerPropertyHOVER_LISTENER
final public static  TabbedPanelHoverPolicyPropertyHOVER_POLICY
     Tabbed panel hover policy.
final public static  BooleanPropertyPAINT_TAB_AREA_SHADOW
     Paint a shadow for the tab area.
final public static  PropertyMapGroupPROPERTIES
final public static  IntegerPropertySHADOW_BLEND_AREA_SIZE
final public static  ColorPropertySHADOW_COLOR
final public static  BooleanPropertySHADOW_ENABLED
final public static  Property[]SHADOW_PROPERTIES
final public static  IntegerPropertySHADOW_SIZE
final public static  FloatPropertySHADOW_STRENGTH
final public static  Property[]TABS_VISUAL_PROPERTIES
final public static  PropertyMapPropertyTAB_AREA_COMPONENTS_PROPERTIES
final public static  DirectionPropertyTAB_AREA_ORIENTATION
final public static  PropertyMapPropertyTAB_AREA_PROPERTIES
final public static  TabDepthOrderPolicyPropertyTAB_DEPTH_ORDER
     Tab depth order.
final public static  BooleanPropertyTAB_DESELECTABLE
final public static  TabDropDownListVisiblePolicyPropertyTAB_DROP_DOWN_LIST_VISIBLE_POLICY
final public static  TabLayoutPolicyPropertyTAB_LAYOUT_POLICY
final public static  BooleanPropertyTAB_REORDER_ENABLED
final public static  IntegerPropertyTAB_SCROLLING_OFFSET
final public static  TabSelectTriggerPropertyTAB_SELECT_TRIGGER
final public static  IntegerPropertyTAB_SPACING
final public static  Property[]VISUAL_PROPERTIES

Constructor Summary
public  TabbedPanelProperties()
public  TabbedPanelProperties(PropertyMap map)
public  TabbedPanelProperties(TabbedPanelProperties inheritFrom)

Method Summary
public  TabbedPanelPropertiesaddSuperObject(TabbedPanelProperties superObject)
     Adds a super object from which property values are inherited.
public  intgetAbortDragKey()

Gets the key code for aborting a tab drag or reorder operation.

public  booleangetAutoSelectTab()
     Gets if automatic selection of a tab is enabled.
public  TabbedPanelButtonPropertiesgetButtonProperties()
     Gets the properties getMap() with properties for all the buttons in a tabbed panel.
public  TabbedPanelContentPanelPropertiesgetContentPanelProperties()
public static  TabbedPanelPropertiesgetDefaultProperties()
public  booleangetEnsureSelectedTabVisible()

Gets if a tab should be made visible if it is selected, i.e.

public  booleangetHighlightPressedTab()
     Gets if the tab pressed with the mouse will be highlighted.
public  HoverListenergetHoverListener()
public  TabbedPanelHoverPolicygetHoverPolicy()

Gets the hover policy.

The hover policy determines when the tabbed panel is considered hovered by the mouse and the hover listener is called.

public  booleangetPaintTabAreaShadow()
     Returns true if a shadow is painted for the tab area, false if a shadow is painted for the highlighted tab and the tab area components panel.
public  intgetShadowBlendAreaSize()

Gets the shadow blend area size, i.e.

public  ColorgetShadowColor()

Gets the shadow color.

public  booleangetShadowEnabled()
public  intgetShadowSize()

Gets the shadow size, i.e.

public  floatgetShadowStrength()

Gets the shadow strength.

public  TabAreaComponentsPropertiesgetTabAreaComponentsProperties()
     Gets the properties getMap() with properties for the area in a tabbed panel's tab area where the tab area components are shown.
public  DirectiongetTabAreaOrientation()
     Gets the tab area orientation, i.e.
public  TabAreaPropertiesgetTabAreaProperties()
public  TabDepthOrderPolicygetTabDepthOrderPolicy()

Gets the tab depth order policy to be used when tabs are overlapping i.e. negative tab spacing.

If the depth order is descending, the first tab will be the top most and the last tab the bottom most.

public  booleangetTabDeselectable()
     Gets if tab is deselectable.
public  TabDropDownListVisiblePolicygetTabDropDownListVisiblePolicy()

Gets the tab drop down list visible policy, i.e.

public  TabLayoutPolicygetTabLayoutPolicy()
     Gets the tab layout policy for the tab area, i.e.
public  booleangetTabReorderEnabled()
     Gets if the tabs can be reorder using the mouse.
public  intgetTabScrollingOffset()

Gets number of pixels to be shown for the last scrolled tab.

public  TabSelectTriggergetTabSelectTrigger()
     Gets the tab select trigger, i.e.
public  intgetTabSpacing()

Gets the tab spacing, i.e.

public  TabbedPanelPropertiesremoveSuperObject()
     Removes the last added super object.
public  TabbedPanelPropertiesremoveSuperObject(TabbedPanelProperties superObject)
     Removes the given super object.
public  TabbedPanelPropertiesreplaceSuperObject(TabbedPanelProperties oldSuperObject, TabbedPanelProperties newSuperObject)
     Replaces the given super objects.
public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetAbortDragKey(int keyCode)

Sets the key code for aborting a tab drag or reorder operation.

public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetAutoSelectTab(boolean value)
     Sets if automatic selection of a tab is enabled.
public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetEnsureSelectedTabVisible(boolean value)

Sets if a tab should be made visible if it is selected, i.e.

public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetHighlightPressedTab(boolean highlightEnabled)
     Set to true if the tab pressed with the mouse should be highlighted, otherwise it's not changed.
public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetHoverListener(HoverListener listener)
public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetHoverPolicy(TabbedPanelHoverPolicy hoverPolicy)

Sets the hover policy.

The hover policy determines when the tabbed panel is considered hovered by the mouse and the hover listener is called.

public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetPaintTabAreaShadow(boolean paintShadow)
     Set to true if a shadow should be painted for the tab area, false if a shadow should be painted for the highlighted tab and the tab area components panel.
public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetShadowBlendAreaSize(int size)

Sets the shadow blend area size, i.e.

public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetShadowColor(Color color)

Sets the shadow color.

public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetShadowEnabled(boolean value)
public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetShadowSize(int size)

Sets the shadow size, i.e.

public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetShadowStrength(float strength)

Sets the shadow strength.

public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetTabAreaOrientation(Direction direction)
     Sets the tab area orientation, i.e.
public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetTabDepthOrderPolicy(TabDepthOrderPolicy policy)

Sets the tab depth order policy to be used when tabs are overlapping i.e. negative tab spacing.

If the depth order is descending, the first tab will be the top most and the last tab the bottom most.

public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetTabDeselectable(boolean value)
     Sets if tab is deselectable.
public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetTabDropDownListVisiblePolicy(TabDropDownListVisiblePolicy policy)

Sets the tab drop down list visible policy, i.e.

public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetTabLayoutPolicy(TabLayoutPolicy policy)
     Sets the tab layout policy for the tab area, i.e.
public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetTabReorderEnabled(boolean enabled)
public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetTabScrollingOffset(int offset)

Sets number of pixels to be shown for the scrolled out tab next to the first visible tab.

public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetTabSelectTrigger(TabSelectTrigger trigger)
     Sets the tab select trigger, i.e.
public  TabbedPanelPropertiessetTabSpacing(int value)

Sets the tab spacing, i.e.

Field Detail
final public static IntegerProperty ABORT_DRAG_KEY(Code)
Abort drag key code property
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setAbortDragKey
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getAbortDragKey

final public static BooleanProperty AUTO_SELECT_TAB(Code)
Auto select tab property
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setAutoSelectTab
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getAutoSelectTab

final public static PropertyMapProperty BUTTON_PROPERTIES(Code)
Button properties
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getButtonProperties
   ITP 1.3.0

final public static PropertyMapProperty CONTENT_PANEL_PROPERTIES(Code)
Content area properties
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getContentPanelProperties

final public static BooleanProperty ENSURE_SELECTED_VISIBLE(Code)
Ensure selected visible property
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setEnsureSelectedTabVisible
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getEnsureSelectedTabVisible

final public static Property[] FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTIES(Code)
Array with all properties that controls the functional behavior

final public static BooleanProperty HIGHLIGHT_PRESSED_TAB(Code)
If true the tab pressed with the mouse will be highlighted, otherwise it remains unchanged.
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setHighlightPressedTab
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getHighlightPressedTab

final public static HoverListenerProperty HOVER_LISTENER(Code)
Hover listener property
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setHoverListener
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getHoverListener
   ITP 1.3.0

final public static TabbedPanelHoverPolicyProperty HOVER_POLICY(Code)
Tabbed panel hover policy.
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setHoverPolicy
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getHoverPolicy
   ITP 1.3.0

final public static BooleanProperty PAINT_TAB_AREA_SHADOW(Code)
Paint a shadow for the tab area. If this property is set to false a shadow is painted for the highlighted tab and the tab area components panel.
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setPaintTabAreaShadow(boolean)
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getPaintTabAreaShadow()

final public static PropertyMapGroup PROPERTIES(Code)
A property group for all properties in TabbedPanelProperties

final public static IntegerProperty SHADOW_BLEND_AREA_SIZE(Code)
Shadow blend area size property
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setShadowBlendAreaSize
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getShadowBlendAreaSize

final public static ColorProperty SHADOW_COLOR(Code)
Shadow color property
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setShadowColor
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getShadowColor

final public static BooleanProperty SHADOW_ENABLED(Code)
Shadow enabled property
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setShadowEnabled
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getShadowEnabled

final public static Property[] SHADOW_PROPERTIES(Code)
Array with all properties that controls the shadow

final public static IntegerProperty SHADOW_SIZE(Code)
Shadow size property
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setShadowSize
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getShadowSize

final public static FloatProperty SHADOW_STRENGTH(Code)
Shadow strength property
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setShadowStrength
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getShadowStrength

final public static Property[] TABS_VISUAL_PROPERTIES(Code)
Array with all properties that controls the visual apperance except for shadow

final public static PropertyMapProperty TAB_AREA_COMPONENTS_PROPERTIES(Code)
Tab area components properties
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getTabAreaComponentsProperties
   ITP 1.1.0

final public static DirectionProperty TAB_AREA_ORIENTATION(Code)
Tab area orientation property
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setTabAreaOrientation
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getTabAreaOrientation

final public static PropertyMapProperty TAB_AREA_PROPERTIES(Code)
Tab area properties
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getTabAreaProperties

final public static TabDepthOrderPolicyProperty TAB_DEPTH_ORDER(Code)
Tab depth order.
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setAutoSelectTab
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getAutoSelectTab
   ITP 1.2.0

final public static BooleanProperty TAB_DESELECTABLE(Code)
Tab deselectable property
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setTabDeselectable
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getTabDeselectable

final public static TabDropDownListVisiblePolicyProperty TAB_DROP_DOWN_LIST_VISIBLE_POLICY(Code)
Tab drop down list visible property
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setTabDropDownListVisiblePolicy
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getTabDropDownListVisiblePolicy
   ITP 1.1.0

final public static TabLayoutPolicyProperty TAB_LAYOUT_POLICY(Code)
Tab layout property
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setTabLayoutPolicy
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getTabLayoutPolicy

final public static BooleanProperty TAB_REORDER_ENABLED(Code)
Tab reorder property
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setTabReorderEnabled
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getTabReorderEnabled

final public static IntegerProperty TAB_SCROLLING_OFFSET(Code)
Tab scrolling offset property
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setTabScrollingOffset
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getTabScrollingOffset

final public static TabSelectTriggerProperty TAB_SELECT_TRIGGER(Code)
Tab select trigger
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setTabSelectTrigger
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getTabSelectTrigger
   ITP 1.1.0

final public static IntegerProperty TAB_SPACING(Code)
Tab spacing property
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setTabSpacing
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getTabSpacing

final public static Property[] VISUAL_PROPERTIES(Code)
Array with all properties that controls the visual apperance including shadow

Constructor Detail
public TabbedPanelProperties()(Code)
Constructs an empty TabbedPanelProperties object

public TabbedPanelProperties(PropertyMap map)(Code)
Constructs a TabbedPanelProperties map with the given map as property storage
  map - map to store properties in

public TabbedPanelProperties(TabbedPanelProperties inheritFrom)(Code)
Constructs a TabbedPanelProperties object that inherits its properties from the given TabbedPanelProperties object
  inheritFrom - TabbedPanelProperties object to inherit properties from

Method Detail
public TabbedPanelProperties addSuperObject(TabbedPanelProperties superObject)(Code)
Adds a super object from which property values are inherited.
  superObject - the object from which to inherit property values this

public int getAbortDragKey()(Code)

Gets the key code for aborting a tab drag or reorder operation.

Note that the right mouse button can also be used to abort the operation.

the key code

public boolean getAutoSelectTab()(Code)
Gets if automatic selection of a tab is enabled. Automatic selection means that if no tab is selected and a tab is added to the TabbedPanel, then the added tab will automatically be selected. If a selected tab is removed from the TabbedPanel then the tab next to the selected tab will automatically be selected. true if automactic selection, otherwise false

public TabbedPanelButtonProperties getButtonProperties()(Code)
Gets the properties getMap() with properties for all the buttons in a tabbed panel. the properties for the buttons
   ITP 1.3.0

public TabbedPanelContentPanelProperties getContentPanelProperties()(Code)
Gets the properties getMap() with properties for the tabbed panel's content area the properties for the content area

public static TabbedPanelProperties getDefaultProperties()(Code)
Creates a properties object with default properties based on the current look and feel properties object

public boolean getEnsureSelectedTabVisible()(Code)

Gets if a tab should be made visible if it is selected, i.e. if scrolling is enabled, a tab will be scrolled into the visible part of the tab area when it becomes selected.

Note: This will only have effect if scolling is enabled.

true if selected visible should be made visible, otherwise false
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getTabLayoutPolicy

public boolean getHighlightPressedTab()(Code)
Gets if the tab pressed with the mouse will be highlighted. true if the tab pressed with the mouse will be highlighted

public HoverListener getHoverListener()(Code)

Gets the hover listener that will be triggered when the tabbed panel is hovered by the mouse.

The hovered tabbed panel will be the source of the hover event sent to the hover listener.

the hover listener
   ITP 1.3.0

public TabbedPanelHoverPolicy getHoverPolicy()(Code)

Gets the hover policy.

The hover policy determines when the tabbed panel is considered hovered by the mouse and the hover listener is called. The default hover policy is NO_HOVERED_CHILD.

the hover policy
   ITP 1.3.0

public boolean getPaintTabAreaShadow()(Code)
Returns true if a shadow is painted for the tab area, false if a shadow is painted for the highlighted tab and the tab area components panel. true if a shadow is painted for the tab area, false if a shadowis painted for the highlighted tab and the tab area componentspanel
   ITP 1.1.0

public int getShadowBlendAreaSize()(Code)

Gets the shadow blend area size, i.e. number of pixels for the shadow color fading.

Note: This property will only have effect if shadow is enabled.

the shadow blend area size in pixels
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getShadowEnabled

public Color getShadowColor()(Code)

Gets the shadow color.

Note: This property will only have effect if shadow is enabled.

the shadow color
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getShadowEnabled

public boolean getShadowEnabled()(Code)
Gets shadow enabled true if shadow is enabled, otherwise false

public int getShadowSize()(Code)

Gets the shadow size, i.e. the width/height of the shadow in pixels.

Note: This property will only have effect if shadow is enabled.

shadow size in pixels
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getShadowEnabled

public float getShadowStrength()(Code)

Gets the shadow strength. 0 means the shadow color is the same as the backgound color and 1 means the shadow color is the same as shadow color.

Note: This property will only have effect if shadow is enabled.

the shadow strength between 0 and 1
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getShadowColor
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getShadowEnabled

public TabAreaComponentsProperties getTabAreaComponentsProperties()(Code)
Gets the properties getMap() with properties for the area in a tabbed panel's tab area where the tab area components are shown. the properties for the tab area components
   ITP 1.1.0

public Direction getTabAreaOrientation()(Code)
Gets the tab area orientation, i.e. if the tab area should be placed up, down, left or right of the content area the orientation

public TabAreaProperties getTabAreaProperties()(Code)
Gets the properties getMap() with properties for the tabbed panel's tab area the properties for the tab area

public TabDepthOrderPolicy getTabDepthOrderPolicy()(Code)

Gets the tab depth order policy to be used when tabs are overlapping i.e. negative tab spacing.

If the depth order is descending, the first tab will be the top most and the last tab the bottom most. If the depth order is ascending, then the first tab will be the bottom most and the last tab the top most. Note that if a tab is highlighted, it will always be shown as the top most tab.

the tab depth order policy
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getTabSpacing
   ITP 1.2.0

public boolean getTabDeselectable()(Code)
Gets if tab is deselectable. This means that if the selected tab is clicked then the selected tab will be deselected. Clicking it again will select the tab again. true if deselectable, otherwise false

public TabDropDownListVisiblePolicy getTabDropDownListVisiblePolicy()(Code)

Gets the tab drop down list visible policy, i.e. when a drop down list with the tabs should be visible.

The drop down list will show an icon for the tab if the tab implements the net.infonode.gui.icon.IconProvider and the text will be retrieved by calling toString() on the tab.

the tab drop down list visible policy
   ITP 1.1.0

public TabLayoutPolicy getTabLayoutPolicy()(Code)
Gets the tab layout policy for the tab area, i.e. how the line of tabs should be laid out the tab area layout policy

public boolean getTabReorderEnabled()(Code)
Gets if the tabs can be reorder using the mouse. true if enabled, otherwise disabled

public int getTabScrollingOffset()(Code)

Gets number of pixels to be shown for the last scrolled tab.

Note: This will only have effect if scolling is enabled.

number of pixels
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getTabLayoutPolicy

public TabSelectTrigger getTabSelectTrigger()(Code)
Gets the tab select trigger, i.e. what triggers a tab selection the tab select trigger
   ITP 1.1.0

public int getTabSpacing()(Code)

Gets the tab spacing, i.e. number of pixels between the tabs in the tab area.

This can be a negative value i.e. tabs will be overlapping each other. The depth order can be controlled with the property TAB_DEPTH_ORDER.

number of pixels, can be negative i.e. tabs will be overlapping
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.getTabDepthOrderPolicy

public TabbedPanelProperties removeSuperObject()(Code)
Removes the last added super object. this

public TabbedPanelProperties removeSuperObject(TabbedPanelProperties superObject)(Code)
Removes the given super object.
  superObject - super object to remove this
   ITP 1.3.0

public TabbedPanelProperties replaceSuperObject(TabbedPanelProperties oldSuperObject, TabbedPanelProperties newSuperObject)(Code)
Replaces the given super objects.
  oldSuperObject - old super object
  newSuperObject - new super object this
   ITP 1.4.0

public TabbedPanelProperties setAbortDragKey(int keyCode)(Code)

Sets the key code for aborting a tab drag or reorder operation.

Note: The right mouse button can also be used to abort the operation.

  keyCode - key code this TabbedPanelProperties

public TabbedPanelProperties setAutoSelectTab(boolean value)(Code)
Sets if automatic selection of a tab is enabled. Automatic selection means that if no tab is selected and a tab is added to the TabbedPanel, then the added tab will automatically be selected. If a selected tab is removed from the TabbedPanel then the tab next to the selected tab will automatically be selected.
  value - true for automactic selection, otherwise false this TabbedPanelProperties

public TabbedPanelProperties setEnsureSelectedTabVisible(boolean value)(Code)

Sets if a tab should be made visible if it is selected, i.e. if scrolling is enabled, a tab will be scrolled into the visible part of the tab area when it becomes selected.

Note: This will only have effect if scolling is enabled.

  value - true for selected visible, otherwise false this TabbedPanelProperties
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setTabLayoutPolicy

public TabbedPanelProperties setHighlightPressedTab(boolean highlightEnabled)(Code)
Set to true if the tab pressed with the mouse should be highlighted, otherwise it's not changed.
  highlightEnabled - true if the tab pressed with the mouse should be highlighted this

public TabbedPanelProperties setHoverListener(HoverListener listener)(Code)

Sets the hover listener that will be triggered when the tabbed panel is hoverd by the mouse.

The hovered tabbed panel will be the source of the hover event sent to the hover listener.

  listener - the hover listener this TabbedPanelProperties
   ITP 1.3.0

public TabbedPanelProperties setHoverPolicy(TabbedPanelHoverPolicy hoverPolicy)(Code)

Sets the hover policy.

The hover policy determines when the tabbed panel is considered hovered by the mouse and the hover listener is called. The default hover policy is NO_HOVERED_CHILD.

  hoverPolicy - the hover policy this TabbedPanelProperties
   ITP 1.3.0

public TabbedPanelProperties setPaintTabAreaShadow(boolean paintShadow)(Code)
Set to true if a shadow should be painted for the tab area, false if a shadow should be painted for the highlighted tab and the tab area components panel.
  paintShadow - true if a shadow should be painted for the tab area, false ifa shadow should be painted for the highlighted tab and the tabarea components panel this
   ITP 1.1.0

public TabbedPanelProperties setShadowBlendAreaSize(int size)(Code)

Sets the shadow blend area size, i.e. number of pixels for the shadow color fading.

Note: This property will only have effect if shadow is enabled.

  size - the shadow blend area size in pixels this TabbedPanelProperties
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setShadowEnabled

public TabbedPanelProperties setShadowColor(Color color)(Code)

Sets the shadow color.

Note: This property will only have effect if shadow is enabled.

  color - the shadow color this TabbedPanelProperties
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setShadowEnabled

public TabbedPanelProperties setShadowEnabled(boolean value)(Code)
Sets shadow enabled
  value - true for enabled, otherwise false this TabbedPanelProperties

public TabbedPanelProperties setShadowSize(int size)(Code)

Sets the shadow size, i.e. the width/height of the shadow in pixels.

Note: This property will only have effect if shadow is enabled.

  size - shadow size in pixels this TabbedPanelProperties
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setShadowEnabled

public TabbedPanelProperties setShadowStrength(float strength)(Code)

Sets the shadow strength. 0 means the shadow color is the same as the backgound color and 1 means the shadow color is the same as shadow color.

Note: This property will only have effect if shadow is enabled.

  strength - the strength between 0 and 1 this TabbedPanelProperties
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setShadowColor
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setShadowEnabled

public TabbedPanelProperties setTabAreaOrientation(Direction direction)(Code)
Sets the tab area orientation, i.e. if the tab area should be placed up, down, left or right of the content area.
  direction - the orientation this TabbedPanelProperties

public TabbedPanelProperties setTabDepthOrderPolicy(TabDepthOrderPolicy policy)(Code)

Sets the tab depth order policy to be used when tabs are overlapping i.e. negative tab spacing.

If the depth order is descending, the first tab will be the top most and the last tab the bottom most. If the depth order is ascending, then the first tab will be the bottom most and the last tab the top most. Note that if a tab is highlighted, it will always be shown as the top most tab.

  policy - the tab depth order policy this TabbedPanelProperties
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setTabSpacing
   ITP 1.2.0

public TabbedPanelProperties setTabDeselectable(boolean value)(Code)
Sets if tab is deselectable. This means that if the selected tab is clicked then the selected tab will be deselected. Clicking it again will select the tab again.
  value - true for deselectable, otherwise false this TabbedPanelProperties

public TabbedPanelProperties setTabDropDownListVisiblePolicy(TabDropDownListVisiblePolicy policy)(Code)

Sets the tab drop down list visible policy, i.e. when a drop down list with the tabs should be visible

The drop down list will show an icon for the tab if the tab implements the net.infonode.gui.icon.IconProvider and the text will be retrieved by calling toString() on the tab.

  policy - the tab drop down list visible policy this TabbedPanelProperties
   ITP 1.1.0

public TabbedPanelProperties setTabLayoutPolicy(TabLayoutPolicy policy)(Code)
Sets the tab layout policy for the tab area, i.e. how the line of tabs should be laid out
  policy - the tab area layout policy this TabbedPanelProperties

public TabbedPanelProperties setTabReorderEnabled(boolean enabled)(Code)
Sets if the tabs can be reordered using the mouse
  enabled - true for enabled, otherwise disabled this TabbedPanelProperties

public TabbedPanelProperties setTabScrollingOffset(int offset)(Code)

Sets number of pixels to be shown for the scrolled out tab next to the first visible tab.

Note: This will only have effect if scolling is enabled.

  offset - number of pixels this TabbedPanelProperties
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setTabLayoutPolicy

public TabbedPanelProperties setTabSelectTrigger(TabSelectTrigger trigger)(Code)
Sets the tab select trigger, i.e. what triggers a tab selection
  trigger - the tab select trigger this TabbedPanelProperties
   ITP 1.1.0

public TabbedPanelProperties setTabSpacing(int value)(Code)

Sets the tab spacing, i.e. number of pixels between the tabs in the tab area.

This can be a negative value i.e. tabs will be overlapping each other. The depth order can be controlled with the property TAB_DEPTH_ORDER.

  value - number of pixels. A negative value reuslts in tabsoverlapping each other with the number of pixels. this TabbedPanelProperties
See Also:   TabbedPanelProperties.setTabDepthOrderPolicy

Methods inherited from
public PropertyMap getMap()(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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