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public class MultiKeyBinding extends JTextComponent.KeyBinding implements
Extension of JTextComponent.KeyBinding to hold several successive keystrokes. The binding containing null key(s) is assumed to assign the default action.
   Miloslav Metelka

Field Summary
public  KeyStroke[]keys
     Successive keystroke.
final static  longserialVersionUID

Constructor Summary
public  MultiKeyBinding()
public  MultiKeyBinding(KeyStroke[] keys, String actionName)
     Constructor for assigning keystroke sequence to action
  keys - successive keystroke that must be pressed in order to invokeaction
  actionName - action that will be invoked.
public  MultiKeyBinding(KeyStroke key, String actionName)
public  MultiKeyBinding(JTextComponent.KeyBinding kb)

Method Summary
public  booleanequals(Object o)
public  voidreadExternal( in)
public  StringtoString()
public static  voidupdateKeyBindings(JTextComponent.KeyBinding[] target, JTextComponent.KeyBinding[] changes)
public  voidwriteExternal( out)

Field Detail
public KeyStroke[] keys(Code)
Successive keystroke. They must be pressed in the order they are stored in the array in order to invoke the associated action.

final static long serialVersionUID(Code)

Constructor Detail
public MultiKeyBinding()(Code)
Constructor for serialization

public MultiKeyBinding(KeyStroke[] keys, String actionName)(Code)
Constructor for assigning keystroke sequence to action
  keys - successive keystroke that must be pressed in order to invokeaction
  actionName - action that will be invoked. Action is resolved from name bycalling kit.getActions() after the kit is constructed

public MultiKeyBinding(KeyStroke key, String actionName)(Code)
Compatibility constructor

public MultiKeyBinding(JTextComponent.KeyBinding kb)(Code)
Constructor for existing KeyBinding

Method Detail
public boolean equals(Object o)(Code)

public void readExternal( in) throws, ClassNotFoundException(Code)

public String toString()(Code)

public static void updateKeyBindings(JTextComponent.KeyBinding[] target, JTextComponent.KeyBinding[] changes)(Code)
Add or replace key bindings array by changes given in the second bindings array
  target - target list of bindings
  changes - list of changes to apply: binding containing the non-nullkeystroke(s) and non-null action will add the binding orreplace the old binding with the same keystroke(s) in thetarget array, binding of the non-null keystroke(s) and nullaction removes the binding for that keystroke from the targetarray (if it existed) binding containing null keystroke andnon-null action adds or replaces default action

public void writeExternal( out) throws

Fields inherited from javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
final public static String DEFAULT_KEYMAP(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static String FOCUS_ACCELERATOR_KEY(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
public void addCaretListener(CaretListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addInputMethodListener(InputMethodListener l)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static Keymap addKeymap(String nm, Keymap parent)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void copy()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void cut()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void fireCaretUpdate(CaretEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc)
public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Action[] getActions()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Caret getCaret()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Color getCaretColor()(Code)(Java Doc)
public CaretListener[] getCaretListeners()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getCaretPosition()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Color getDisabledTextColor()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Document getDocument()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean getDragEnabled()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public DropLocation getDropLocation()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public DropMode getDropMode()(Code)(Java Doc)
public char getFocusAccelerator()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Highlighter getHighlighter()(Code)(Java Doc)
public InputMethodRequests getInputMethodRequests()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Keymap getKeymap()(Code)(Java Doc)
public static Keymap getKeymap(String nm)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Insets getMargin()(Code)(Java Doc)
public NavigationFilter getNavigationFilter()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Dimension getPreferredScrollableViewportSize()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Printable getPrintable(MessageFormat headerFormat, MessageFormat footerFormat)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle visibleRect, int orientation, int direction)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportHeight()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportWidth()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle visibleRect, int orientation, int direction)(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getSelectedText()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Color getSelectedTextColor()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Color getSelectionColor()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getSelectionEnd()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getSelectionStart()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getText(int offs, int len) throws BadLocationException(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getText()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent event)(Code)(Java Doc)
public TextUI getUI()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isEditable()(Code)(Java Doc)
public static void loadKeymap(Keymap map, KeyBinding[] bindings, Action[] actions)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Rectangle modelToView(int pos) throws BadLocationException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void moveCaretPosition(int pos)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String paramString()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void paste()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean print() throws PrinterException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean print(MessageFormat headerFormat, MessageFormat footerFormat) throws PrinterException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean print(MessageFormat headerFormat, MessageFormat footerFormat, boolean showPrintDialog, PrintService service, PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes, boolean interactive) throws PrinterException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void processInputMethodEvent(InputMethodEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void read(Reader in, Object desc) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void removeCaretListener(CaretListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc)
public static Keymap removeKeymap(String nm)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void removeNotify()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void replaceSelection(String content)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void select(int selectionStart, int selectionEnd)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void selectAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setCaret(Caret c)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setCaretColor(Color c)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setCaretPosition(int position)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation o)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setDisabledTextColor(Color c)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setDocument(Document doc)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setDragEnabled(boolean b)(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void setDropMode(DropMode dropMode)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setEditable(boolean b)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setFocusAccelerator(char aKey)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setHighlighter(Highlighter h)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setKeymap(Keymap map)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setMargin(Insets m)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setNavigationFilter(NavigationFilter filter)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setSelectedTextColor(Color c)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setSelectionColor(Color c)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setSelectionEnd(int selectionEnd)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setSelectionStart(int selectionStart)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setText(String t)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setUI(TextUI ui)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void updateUI()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int viewToModel(Point pt)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void write(Writer out) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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