| java.lang.Object org.gjt.sp.jedit.input.AbstractInputHandler
All known Subclasses: org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.InputHandler, org.gjt.sp.jedit.input.TextAreaInputHandler,
REPEAT_COUNT_THRESHOLD | final protected static int REPEAT_COUNT_THRESHOLD(Code) | | |
keyEventInterceptor | protected KeyListener keyEventInterceptor(Code) | | This listener will receive keyboard events if it is not null.
lastActionCount | protected int lastActionCount(Code) | | |
repeatCount | protected int repeatCount(Code) | | |
AbstractInputHandler | public AbstractInputHandler()(Code) | | |
getLastActionCount | public int getLastActionCount()(Code) | | Returns the number of times the last action was executed.
It can be used with smartHome and smartEnd
the number of times the last action was executed since: jEdit 2.5pre5 |
handleKey | abstract public boolean handleKey(KeyEventTranslator.Key keyStroke, boolean dryRun)(Code) | | Handles a keystroke.
Parameters: keyStroke - The key stroke. Parameters: dryRun - only calculate the return value, do not have any other effect true if the input could be handled. since: jEdit 4.3pre7 |
isPrefixActive | public boolean isPrefixActive()(Code) | | Returns if a prefix key has been pressed.
resetLastActionCount | public void resetLastActionCount()(Code) | | Resets the last action count. This should be called when an
editing operation that is not an action is invoked, for example
a mouse click.
since: jEdit 4.0pre1 |
setKeyEventInterceptor | public void setKeyEventInterceptor(KeyListener keyEventInterceptor)(Code) | | Sets the listener that will handle all key events in this
view. For example, the complete word command uses this so
that all key events are passed to the word list popup while
it is visible.
Parameters: keyEventInterceptor - the KeyListener that will receive the events |