getBooleanSystemProperty(String key, String logMessage) Checks if a boolean system property has been set for the given key,
and returns the associated Boolean, or null if no value
has been set.
getSystemProperty(String key) Tries to look up the System property for the given key.
In untrusted environments this may throw a SecurityException.
In this case we catch the exception and answer null.
getSystemProperty(String key, String defaultValue) Tries to look up the System property for the given key.
In untrusted environments this may throw a SecurityException.
In this case, we catch the exception and answer the default value.
public static boolean
getToolkitUsesNativeDropShadows() Checks and answers whether this toolkit provides native drop shadows
for popups such as the Mac OS X.
public static boolean
isTrueColor(Component c) Checks and answers whether we have a true color system.
public static void
log() Prints a new line to the console if logging is enabled.
public static void
log(String message) Prints the given message to the console if logging is enabled.
public static void
setLoggingEnabled(boolean enabled) Enables or disables the Looks logging.
Checks if a boolean system property has been set for the given key,
and returns the associated Boolean, or null if no value
has been set. The test for the property ignores case.
If a Boolean value has been set, a message is logged
with the given prefix.
Parameters: key - the key used to lookup the system property value Parameters: logMessage - a prefix used when a message is logged Boolean.TRUE if the system property has been set to "true" (case ignored), Boolean.FALSE if it has been set to "false", null otherwise
Computes and returns a Color that is slightly brighter
than the specified Color.
Parameters: color - the color used as basis for the brightened color a slightly brighter color
public static Color getSlightlyBrighter(Color color, float factor)(Code)
Computes and returns a Color that is slightly brighter
than the specified Color.
Parameters: color - the color used as basis for the brightened color Parameters: factor - the factor used to compute the brightness a slightly brighter color
Tries to look up the System property for the given key.
In untrusted environments this may throw a SecurityException.
In this case we catch the exception and answer null.
Parameters: key - the name of the system property the system property's String value, or null if there'sno such value, or a SecurityException has been caught
Tries to look up the System property for the given key.
In untrusted environments this may throw a SecurityException.
In this case, we catch the exception and answer the default value.
Parameters: key - the name of the system property Parameters: defaultValue - the default value if no property exists. the system property's String value, or the defaultValue if there's no such value, or a SecurityException has been caught
public static boolean getToolkitUsesNativeDropShadows()(Code)
Checks and answers whether this toolkit provides native drop shadows
for popups such as the Mac OS X. Currently this is used to
determine if the Looks' popup drop shadow feature is active or not
- even if it's enabled.
true if the toolkit provides native drop shadows See Also:Options.isPopupDropShadowActive
Checks and answers whether we have a true color system.
Parameters: c - the component used to determine the toolkit true if the component's toolkit has a pixel size >= 24