| java.lang.Object org.jvnet.substance.netbeans.NetbeansButtonBackgroundDelegate
NetbeansButtonBackgroundDelegate | class NetbeansButtonBackgroundDelegate (Code) | | Delegate class for painting backgrounds of buttons in NetBeans Substance
author: Kirill Grouchnikov |
Method Summary | |
public static boolean | contains(AbstractButton button, int x, int y) Returns true if the specified x,y location is
contained within the look and feel's defined shape of the specified
component. | static synchronized void | reset() Resets image maps (used when setting new theme). | public void | updateBackground(Graphics g, AbstractButton button, long cycleCount) Updates background of the specified button. |
NetbeansButtonBackgroundDelegate | public NetbeansButtonBackgroundDelegate()(Code) | | Simple constructor.
contains | public static boolean contains(AbstractButton button, int x, int y)(Code) | | Returns true if the specified x,y location is
contained within the look and feel's defined shape of the specified
component. x and y are defined to be
relative to the coordinate system of the specified component.
Parameters: button - the component where the x,y location is being queried; Parameters: x - the x coordinate of the point Parameters: y - the y coordinate of the point |
updateBackground | public void updateBackground(Graphics g, AbstractButton button, long cycleCount)(Code) | | Updates background of the specified button.
Parameters: g - Graphic context. Parameters: button - Button to update. Parameters: cycleCount - Cycle count for transition effects. |