Ant tasks and data-types for creating and executing state machines from
Ant. It provides Ant type versions for each of the main MBTF types:
states, transitions, validators, and a state iterator.
The primary owning task is <mbtf.stateiterator>, which contains all
the states, and defines the System that will be tested. It can contain
references to the states, so that the states can be defined outside the
The key part is that your ISystem instance must be registered as a Reference in
the ant Project.
What the Tester Needs To Write
The Java class for the system, the validators, transitions, and so on.
What's Left To Do
There should be a validator and transition that contains an ant task. Note
that the "refid" doesn't work right on tasks for our purposes: if a task has
an id, then the task must have executed. So, we need to add task containers
for these types.