| Processes methods for branch coverage analysis, where each branch
instruction and its corresponding not-taken instruction are marked.
Currently, this does not support localization.
This is more accurately called "Object Code Branch Coverage", since
true branch coverage requires the originating source code to correctly
discover the branches.
This measure can be superior to line coverage due to the Java construct
of the ?: operation. This hides a branch inside a single
statement. Also, some developers may put an if statement and
its one-line branch all on the same line, which will hide the branch
that was taken.
author: Matt Albrecht groboclown@users.sourceforge.net author: Juergen Kindler jkindler@freenet.de version: $Date: 2004/04/15 05:48:26 $ since: January 26, 2003 See Also: IAnalysisMetaData |