| java.lang.Object com.bm.ejb3metadata.annotations.analyzer.AbsAnnotationVisitor
AbsAnnotationVisitor | abstract public class AbsAnnotationVisitor implements AnnotationVisitor,AnnotationType(Code) | | This class manages the setter/getter of annotation visitor.
< Parameters: T - >a metadata object. author: Daniel Wiese |
AbsAnnotationVisitor | public AbsAnnotationVisitor()(Code) | | Constructor (default).
AbsAnnotationVisitor | public AbsAnnotationVisitor(T annotationMetadata)(Code) | | Constructor.
Parameters: annotationMetadata - linked to an annotation metadata |
getAnnotationMetadata | public T getAnnotationMetadata()(Code) | | class/method metadata.
class/method metadata |
visit | public void visit(String name, Object value)(Code) | | Visits a primitive value of the annotation.
Parameters: name - the value name. Parameters: value - the actual value, whose type must be Byte,Boolean, Character, Short,Integer, Long, Float,Double, String ororg.ejb3unit.asm.Type. |
visitAnnotation | public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String name, String desc)(Code) | | Visits a nested annotation value of the annotation.
Parameters: name - the value name. Parameters: desc - the class descriptor of the nested annotation class. a non null visitor to visit the actual nested annotation value.The nested annotation value must be fully visited beforecalling other methods on this annotation visitor. |
visitArray | public AnnotationVisitor visitArray(String name)(Code) | | Visits an array value of the annotation.
Parameters: name - the value name. a non null visitor to visit the actual array value elements. The'name' parameters passed to the methods of this visitor areignored. All the array values must be visited before callingother methods on this annotation visitor. |
visitEnd | abstract public void visitEnd()(Code) | | Visits the end of the annotation.
visitEnum | public void visitEnum(String name, String desc, String value)(Code) | | Visits an enumeration value of the annotation.
Parameters: name - the value name. Parameters: desc - the class descriptor of the enumeration class. Parameters: value - the actual enumeration value. |