setInterceptors(List<JClassInterceptor> interceptors) Sets the list of interceptors(tx, security, etc) that enhancers will use.
These interceptors are defined per methods.
Replace the link to the classannotation metadata.
Parameters: classAnnotationMetadata - new object for the link.
public void setExcludeClassInterceptors(boolean excludeClassInterceptors)(Code)
Flag this method as a method which exclude user interceptors.
Parameters: excludeClassInterceptors - true if this method is a method which exclude user interceptors.
Sets the inheritance of this method.
Parameters: inherited - true if method is from a super class Parameters: originalClassAnnotationMetadata - the metadata of the original class (not inherited)
Sets the list of interceptors(tx, security, etc) that enhancers will use.
These interceptors are defined per methods.
Parameters: interceptors - list of interceptors that enhancer will use.
public void setPostActivate(boolean postActivate)(Code)
Sets true if method has @
javax.ejb.PostActivate .
Parameters: postActivate - true/false.
public void setPostConstruct(boolean postConstruct)(Code)
Sets the list of user interceptors that enhancers will use.
These interceptors are defined in bean class.
Parameters: userInterceptors - list of interceptors that enhancer will use.