Method Summary |
public void | addFetchGroupStatesToDCS(FetchGroup fg, DetachStateContainer dcs, VersantPersistenceManagerImp pm, OID oid, ClassMetaData cmd) Add all states referenced by fields in fg to the dcs. |
abstract public void | addOneToManyInverseFieldsForL2Evict(VersantPersistenceManagerImp pm) Add the values of any non-null reference fields used as back or inverse
fields for unmanaged one-to-many collections for eviction from the L2
cache on commit. |
abstract public void | addRefs(VersantPersistenceManagerImp sm, PCStateMan pcStateMan) |
abstract public boolean | checkKeyFields(OID oid) Check to see if the state contains the same id field as the oid. |
abstract public void | clear() Clear the state of all its fields and reset it to notFilled. |
abstract public void | clearApplicationIdentityFields() Clear any application identity fields from this State. |
abstract public void | clearCollectionFields() Clear all fields of type mem. |
abstract public void | clearDirtyFields() Mark all dirty fields as clean and not filled and not resolved. |
abstract public void | clearFilledFlags() Reset the filled flag for each field. |
abstract public void | clearNonAutoSetFields() Clear all the non autoSet fields. |
abstract public void | clearNonFilled(State state) Clear the fields in this state that is not filled in on the supplied state. |
abstract public void | clearSCOFields() This cleares all the sco fields of the state of their values and sets it
to non filled. |
abstract public void | clearTransactionNonPersistentFields() Clear all the transaction but non persistent fields. |
abstract public int | compareToPass1(State state) Return 0 if state has the same field numbers as us, less than 0 we are
less than it or greater than 0 if we are greater than it. |
abstract public boolean | containFields(int[] stateFieldNos) Check if the state contains the specified stateFieldNos. |
abstract public boolean | containFieldsAbs(int[] absFieldNos) Check if the state contains the specified absFieldNos. |
abstract public boolean | containsApplicationIdentityFields() Does this State contain all of the application identity fields for
its class? This returns false if the class does not use application
identity. |
abstract public boolean | containsFetchGroup(FetchGroup fetchGroup) Return true if all the fields defined in the specified fetch group
are filled in. |
abstract public boolean | containsField(int stateFieldNo) Return true if the value for this stateFieldNo is valid i.e. |
abstract public boolean | containsFieldAbs(int absFieldNo) Return true if the value for this absFieldNo is valid i.e. |
abstract public boolean | containsPass1Fields() |
abstract public boolean | containsPass2Fields() |
abstract public boolean | containsValidAppIdFields() Does this State contain all of the application identity fields for
its class with values different to a default instance of the application
identity class? This returns false if the class does not use application
identity. |
abstract public void | copyFields(OID oid) Populate the primary key fields from the OID. |
abstract public void | copyFieldsForOptimisticLocking(State state, VersantPersistenceManagerImp sm) This must copy the fields from the supplied to the current state. |
abstract public void | copyKeyFields(OID oid) Populate the OID from this state. |
abstract public void | copyKeyFieldsUpdate(OID oid) Populate the OID from this state. |
abstract public void | copyOptimisticLockingField(State state) This copies the optimistic locking field if not already set. |
abstract public void | fillForRead(State dest, VersantPersistenceManagerImp sm) Fill dest with all of the fake and ref fields of this State. |
abstract public boolean | fillToStoreState(State stateToStore, PersistenceContext sm, VersantStateManager pcStateMan) This return a deep clone of this state instance with only fields that
must be sent to the server to persist changes to this instance filled
in. |
abstract public void | findDirectEdges(OIDGraph graph, IntArray edges) Add the graph indexes of all OIDs that we have direct references to
(e.g. |
protected void | findDirectEdges(OIDGraph graph, ClassMetaData cmd, int fieldNo, State state, IntArray edges) Find the graph indexes of all the OIDs directly referenced by fieldNo
and add them to edges. |
abstract public boolean | getBooleanField(int stateFieldNo) Return the value for the field. |
abstract public boolean | getBooleanFieldAbs(int absFieldNo) |
abstract public byte | getByteField(int stateFieldNo) Return the value for the field. |
abstract public byte | getByteFieldAbs(int absFieldNo) |
abstract public char | getCharField(int stateFieldNo) Return the value for the field. |
abstract public char | getCharFieldAbs(int absFieldNo) |
abstract public int | getClassIndex() Return the index of our PC class in the meta data. |
abstract public ClassMetaData | getClassMetaData(ModelMetaData jmd) Get the meta data for our class. |
abstract public ClassMetaData | getClassMetaData() Return the ClassMetaData. |
abstract public State | getCopy() Make a shallow copy of the state. |
abstract public double | getDoubleField(int stateFieldNo) Return the value for the field. |
abstract public double | getDoubleFieldAbs(int absFieldNo) |
abstract public int | getFieldNos(int[] buf) Put the numbers of all fields we have into buf. |
abstract public float | getFloatField(int stateFieldNo) Return the value for the field. |
abstract public float | getFloatFieldAbs(int absFieldNo) |
abstract public int | getIntField(int stateFieldNo) Return the value for the field. |
abstract public int | getIntFieldAbs(int absFieldNo) |
abstract public Object | getInternalObjectField(int field) Return the internal value for the field. |
abstract public Object | getInternalObjectFieldAbs(int field) |
abstract public long | getLongField(int stateFieldNo) Return the value for the field. |
abstract public long | getLongFieldAbs(int absFieldNo) |
abstract public long | getLongFieldInternal(int stateFieldNo) Return the value for the field or 0L if it is not filled. |
abstract public Object | getObjectField(int stateFieldNo, PersistenceCapable owningPC, PersistenceContext pm, OID oid) Return the value for the field. |
abstract public Object | getObjectFieldAbs(int absFieldNo, PersistenceCapable owningPC, PersistenceContext pm, OID oid) |
abstract public Object | getOptimisticLockingValue() The value of the version field on the pc. |
abstract public int | getPass1FieldNos(int[] buf) Put the numbers of all pass 1 fields we have into buf. |
abstract public int | getPass1FieldRefFieldNosWithNewOids(int[] stateFieldNoBuf) Fill the array with the stateFieldNo of reference fields that contain
NewOid's. |
abstract public int | getPass2FieldNos(int[] buf) Put the numbers of all pass 2 fields we have into buf. |
abstract public short | getShortField(int stateFieldNo) Return the value for the field. |
abstract public short | getShortFieldAbs(int absFieldNo) |
abstract public String | getStringField(int stateFieldNo) Return the value for the field. |
abstract public String | getStringFieldAbs(int absFieldNo) |
abstract public String | getVersion() |
abstract public boolean | hasSameFields(State state) |
public boolean | isCacheble() If the data of this state may be used to update the cache. |
abstract public boolean | isDirty() Return true if any field is dirty. |
abstract public boolean | isDirty(int fieldNo) Check if a specific field is dirty. |
abstract public boolean | isEmpty() Check if the state holds any values. |
abstract public boolean | isFieldNullorZero(int stateFieldNo) |
abstract public boolean | isHollow() To check if the state is hollow. |
abstract public boolean | isNull(int stateFieldNo) |
abstract public boolean | isResolvedForClient(int stateFieldNo) |
abstract public void | makeClean() Reset the dirty status of the state and its fields. |
abstract public void | makeDirtyAbs(int fieldNo) Mark the specified field as dirty. |
abstract public State | newInstance() |
abstract public void | readExternal(OIDObjectInput is) Our version of readExternal for serialization. |
abstract public boolean | replaceNewObjectOIDs(int[] fieldNos, int fieldNosLength) Replace any NewObjectOID's in fields in fieldNos in this state with
their realOID's. |
abstract public int | replaceSCOFields(PersistenceCapable owner, VersantPersistenceManagerImp sm, int[] absFieldNos) This will replace all fields that should be a SCO field with it's SCO implementation. |
public Object | resolveArrayOIDs(Object[] oids, PersistenceContext sm, Class type) |
public Object | resolveArrayValues(Object vals, PersistenceContext pm) |
abstract public void | retrieve(VersantPersistenceManagerImp sm) |
abstract public void | setBooleanField(int stateFieldNo, boolean newValue) Set the value of the field. |
abstract public void | setBooleanFieldAbs(int absFieldNo, boolean newValue) |
abstract public void | setByteField(int stateFieldNo, byte newValue) Set the value of the field. |
abstract public void | setByteFieldAbs(int absFieldNo, byte newValue) |
abstract public void | setCharField(int stateFieldNo, char newValue) Set the value of the field. |
abstract public void | setCharFieldAbs(int absFieldNo, char newValue) |
abstract public void | setClassMetaData(ClassMetaData cmd) Set the meta data for this State. |
abstract public void | setDoubleField(int stateFieldNo, double newValue) Set the value of the field. |
abstract public void | setDoubleFieldAbs(int absFieldNo, double newValue) |
abstract public void | setFilled(int stateFieldNo) Mark field as filled. |
abstract public void | setFloatField(int stateFieldNo, float newValue) Set the value of the field. |
abstract public void | setFloatFieldAbs(int absFieldNo, float newValue) |
abstract public void | setIntField(int stateFieldNo, int newValue) Set the value of the field. |
abstract public void | setIntFieldAbs(int absFieldNo, int newValue) |
abstract public void | setInternalBooleanField(int field, boolean newValue) Set the value of the field internally. |
abstract public void | setInternalBooleanFieldAbs(int field, boolean newValue) |
abstract public void | setInternalByteField(int field, byte newValue) Set the value of the field internally. |
abstract public void | setInternalByteFieldAbs(int field, byte newValue) |
abstract public void | setInternalCharField(int field, char newValue) Set the value of the field internally. |
abstract public void | setInternalCharFieldAbs(int field, char newValue) |
abstract public void | setInternalDoubleField(int field, double newValue) Set the value of the field internally. |
abstract public void | setInternalDoubleFieldAbs(int field, double newValue) |
abstract public void | setInternalFloatField(int field, float newValue) Set the value of the field internally. |
abstract public void | setInternalFloatFieldAbs(int field, float newValue) |
abstract public void | setInternalIntField(int field, int newValue) Set the value of the field internally. |
abstract public void | setInternalIntFieldAbs(int field, int newValue) |
abstract public void | setInternalLongField(int field, long newValue) Set the value of the field internally. |
abstract public void | setInternalLongFieldAbs(int field, long newValue) |
abstract public void | setInternalObjectField(int field, Object newValue) Set the value of the field internally. |
abstract public void | setInternalObjectFieldAbs(int field, Object newValue) |
abstract public void | setInternalShortField(int field, short newValue) Set the value of the field internally. |
abstract public void | setInternalShortFieldAbs(int field, short newValue) |
abstract public void | setInternalStringField(int field, String newValue) Set the value of the field internally. |
abstract public void | setInternalStringFieldAbs(int field, String newValue) |
abstract public void | setLongField(int stateFieldNo, long newValue) Set the value of the field. |
abstract public void | setLongFieldAbs(int absFieldNo, long newValue) |
abstract public void | setObjectField(int stateFieldNo, Object newValue) Set the value of the field. |
abstract public void | setObjectFieldAbs(int absFieldNo, Object newValue) |
abstract public void | setObjectFieldUnresolved(int field, Object newValue) |
abstract public void | setObjectFieldUnresolvedAbs(int field, Object newValue) |
abstract public void | setShortField(int stateFieldNo, short newValue) Set the value of the field. |
abstract public void | setShortFieldAbs(int absFieldNo, short newValue) |
abstract public void | setStringField(int stateFieldNo, String newValue) Set the value of the field. |
abstract public void | setStringFieldAbs(int absFieldNo, String newValue) |
abstract public void | unmanageSCOFields() Called when the pc instance is made transient to unset the sco instance of
the pc owner. |
abstract public void | updateAutoSetFieldsCreated(Date now) Update all autoset fields that must be set on commit of a new JDO
instance. |
abstract public void | updateAutoSetFieldsModified(Date now, State oldState) Update all autoset fields that must be set on commit of modifications
to an existing JDO instance. |
abstract public void | updateFrom(State state) Update this state from the supplied state. |
abstract public void | updateNonFilled(State state) Update this state from the supplied state. |
public void | validateForCache() This is just for testing and will not be called in (real)runtime. |
abstract public void | writeExternal(OIDObjectOutput os) Our version of writeExternal for serialization. |