Method Summary |
public void | addLifecycleListener(LifecycleListener listener, Class[] classes) This PersistenceManager method adds the listener to the list of
lifecycle event listeners. |
public void | cancelQueryExecution() This will cancel the last exectuted query. |
public void | checkModelConsistency() Check the consistency of all instances in the local cache. |
public void | evictAllFromL2CacheAfterCommit(Object[] a) Do
VersantPersistenceManager.evictFromL2CacheAfterCommit(java.lang.Object) for each
entry in the array. |
public void | evictAllFromL2CacheAfterCommit(Collection c) Do
VersantPersistenceManager.evictFromL2CacheAfterCommit(java.lang.Object) for each
entry in the collection. |
public void | evictAllFromL2CacheAfterCommit(Class cls, boolean includeSubclasses) Evict all information for all instances of a Class from the level
2 cache if the current transaction commits. |
public void | evictAllFromL2CacheAfterCommit() Evict all JDO instances from the level 2 cache if the current
transaction commits. |
public void | evictFromL2CacheAfterCommit(Object o) Evict all information for an OID or persistent instance from the
level 2 cache if the current transaction commits. |
public void | flush() This is typically used in operations where there is not enough memory
available on the client to managed the transaction's dirty instances.
Flush all dirty and new instances to the database and evict all
instances from the local cache. |
public void | flush(boolean retainValues) Flush all dirty and new instances to the database.
If retainValues is false then refer to
VersantPersistenceManager.flush() .
If the PM is not currently associated with any JDBC connection
(i.e. |
public String | getConnectionDriverName(String dataStore) Obtain the driver name for the datastore. |
public String | getConnectionURL(String dataStore) Obtain the URL for the datastore. |
public int | getDatastoreTxLocking() Get the locking mode for datastore transactions. |
public Connection | getJdbcConnection(String datastore) Obtain the JDBC connection associated with the PM for the datastore. |
public Object | getObjectByIDString(String value, boolean toValidate) Utility method to return an datastore identity instance by the String
value that was returned from the id of the instance. |
public Object | getObjectByIDString(String value, boolean toValidate, boolean resolved) This method returns an instance of any datastore identity class
from the toString of its OID. |
public Object | getObjectByIdFromCache(Object oid) Return the instance for oid if it is present in the local PM cache
otherwise return null. |
public int | getObjectsById(Object[] oids, int length, Object[] data, int stateFieldNo, int classMetaDataIndex) This util method is used by collection types to preload their pc
entries. |
public Object | getOptimisticLockingValue(Object o) Return the Optimistic locking field value. |
public int | getPmCacheRefType() Get the type of reference used to reference new instances added to
the local PM cache. |
public boolean | hasIdentity(Object pc) Does the instance have an identity? New instances are only assigned
an identity on commit or flush or when the application executes an
operation that requires the identity. |
public boolean | isCheckModelConsistencyOnCommit() Are instances in the local PM cache checked for consistency on commit?
The default is false. |
public boolean | isDirty() |
public boolean | isHollow(Object pc) Is the instance hollow? Hollow instances are managed but their fields
have not been loaded from the level 2 cache or database. |
public boolean | isInterceptDfgFieldAccess() If this flag is true then access to default fetch group fields loaded
into an instance is intercepted. |
public void | loadFetchGroup(Object pc, String name) Loads the fetch group fields for the already managed instance. |
public void | logEvent(int level, String description, int ms) Log a user defined event. |
public void | makeTransientRecursive(Object pc) This will recursively make all pc fields that is loaded transient. |
public Object | newObjectIdInstance(Class pcClass, String str, boolean resolved) This method returns an OID instance for the given class and String.
If the String is for a datastore identity class then the pcClass
parameter may be null. |
public void | removeLifecycleListener(LifecycleListener listener) This PersistenceManager method removes the listener from the list of
event listeners. |
public void | setCheckModelConsistencyOnCommit(boolean on) Enable or disable commit time consistency checking. |
public void | setDatastoreTxLocking(int mode) Set the locking mode for datastore transactions. |
public void | setInterceptDfgFieldAccess(boolean interceptDfgFieldAccess) Control the interception of access to default fetch group fields loaded
into an instance. |
public void | setPmCacheRefType(Object pc, int type) Change the type of reference to an instance in the local PM cache
i.e. |
public void | setPmCacheRefType(Object[] pcs, int type) Change the type of reference to an array of instances in the local PM
cache i.e. |
public void | setPmCacheRefType(Collection col, int type) Change the type of reference to a collection of instances in the local
PM cache i.e. |
public void | setPmCacheRefType(int type) Set the type of reference used to reference new instances added to
the local PM cache. |
public void | setRetainConnectionInOptTx(boolean on) If this is true then the datastore connection is retained throughout
an optimistic tx even for JDBC databases. |
public List | versantAllDirtyInstances() This will return all the dirty instances in the current transaction. |
public Collection | versantAttachCopy(Collection detached, boolean makeTransactional) This method applies the changes contained in the collection of detached
instances to the corresponding persistent instances in the cache and
returns a collection of persistent instances that exactly corresponds to
the parameter instances. |
public Collection | versantAttachCopy(Collection detached, boolean makeTransactional, boolean shallow) This method applies the changes contained in the collection of detached
instances to the corresponding persistent instances in the cache and
returns a collection of persistent instances that exactly corresponds to
the parameter instances. |
public Collection | versantDetachCopy(Collection pcs, String fetchGroup) This method makes detached copies of the parameter instances and returns
the copies as the result of the method. |
public Query | versantNewNamedQuery(Class cls, String queryName) Construct a new query instance with the given candidate class from a
named query. |