A custom class loader which installs itself as if it were the application
class loader. A classpath of null is equivalent to the system property
The class loader may optionally load a class before the parent class
loader gets a chance to look for the class (instead of the default
behavior, which always delegates to the parent class loader first). This
behavior enables the class to be reloaded simply by using a new instance of
this class loader with each launch of the app.
This class mimics the behavior of sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader as much
as possible.
Bootstrap classes are always delegated to the bootstrap loader, with the
exception of the sun.applet package, which should never be delegated, since
it does not work properly unless it is reloaded.
The parent of this class loader will be the normal, default AppClassLoader
(specifically, the class loader which loaded this class will be used).