| com.jamonapi.utils.CompositeNode
All known Subclasses: com.jamonapi.MonitorComposite,
CompositeNode | public interface CompositeNode (Code) | | A CompositeNode works with NodeTrees and LeafNodes to create heirarchical object trees. An example is a file system where directories
can be viewed LeafNodes and directories can be viewed as CompositeNodes. TreeNodes can be viewed as the top level of the tree structures.
compositeNodeExists | public boolean compositeNodeExists(String childNodeName)(Code) | | Returns true if the compositeNodeExists *
getCompositeNode | public CompositeNode getCompositeNode(String childNodeName)(Code) | | Return the composite node pointed to by the node name *
getLeafNode | public LeafNode getLeafNode(String childNodeName, String childNodeType)(Code) | | Return the leaf node pointed to by the node name. childNodeType allows us to return different node types with the same interface *
getRootNode | public CompositeNode getRootNode()(Code) | | Return the NodeTrees root CompositeNode i.e. the root of the heirarchy. *
leafNodeExists | public boolean leafNodeExists(String childNodeName)(Code) | | Returns true if the leafNodeExists *