java.lang .Object com.metaboss.sdlctools.applications.anttasks.builder .MetaBossBuilderTaskElement All known Subclasses: com.metaboss.sdlctools.applications.anttasks.builder .ModuleDefinition , com.metaboss.sdlctools.applications.anttasks.builder .ModuleElementDefinition ,MetaBossBuilderTaskElement abstract public class MetaBossBuilderTaskElement (Code) The abstract element of the MetaBoss builder task. It supports
following subelements:
CompileClasspath - this is the standard ant Path element specifying the
additional classpath to be used during compilation performed within this step.
Inner Class :protected static class ElementMetadata
MetaBossBuilderTaskElement public MetaBossBuilderTaskElement(MetaBossBuilderTask pOwnerTask, ElementMetadata pElementMetadata)(Code) The only available constructor
createCompileClasspath public Path createCompileClasspath()(Code) The special creator asking to build compile classpath
createIncludeModelElement public ModelElementRefType createIncludeModelElement() throws BuildException(Code) The special creator asking to include only particular ModelElements in to the resulting module.
This allows to filter down elements owned by root element. For example if 'ref' attribute of the
module dealing with services is referring to the System, the IncludeModelElement subelements could be used
to only specify certain subset of services
getCompileClasspath public Path getCompileClasspath()(Code) The getter for the compile classpath. Combines owner task compile classapth
with the module one - to give a combined classpath
getElementMetadata public ElementMetadata getElementMetadata()(Code) This method is used to return element metadata
getIncludedModelElements public ModelElement [] getIncludedModelElements() throws BuildException(Code) The getter for the all ModelElements referenced by IncludeModelElement subelements
getRootModelElement public ModelElement getRootModelElement() throws BuildException(Code) The getter for the all ModelElements referenced by ref,xpath attributes and subelements
setAdditionalRootModelElements public void setAdditionalRootModelElements(ModelElement [] pAdditionalRootModelElements)(Code)
setCompileClasspath public void setCompileClasspath(Path pCompileClasspath)(Code)
setDefaultRootModelElement public void setDefaultRootModelElement(ModelElement pDefaultRootModelElement) throws BuildException(Code) The setter for the root model element to be used if ref is not set explicitly
setRef public void setRef(String pRef) throws BuildException(Code) The setter for the "ref" attribute.
Only works after setAllowModelElements() was called and the list
of allowed model elements has been set