getAssociationRole(String pAssociationRoleRef) Retrieves an association object by it's element's name in the entity.
association role object or null if this entity does not directly have this role.
getOwnerAssociationRole() Retrieves optional association role with the owner - entity which has containment association with this entity
This method takes into account entity supertype.
Retrieves an association object by it's element's name in the entity.
association role object or null if this entity does not directly have this role. This excludes any roles possibly defined in supertypes (if this entity isa subtype)
Retrieves optional association role with the owner - entity which has containment association with this entity
This method takes into account entity supertype. At the moment there could only be one owner
of the entity type including all subtypes.
owner association role or null if this is top level entity owned by domain