Finds data type with the given name or returns null if not found
Parameters: pDataTypeName - Finds data type with the given name or returns null if not found
Finds message with the given name or returns null if not found
Parameters: pMessageName - Finds message with the given name or returns null if not found
Finds structure with the given name or returns null if not found
Parameters: pStructureName - Finds structure with the given name or returns null if not found
Finds subnamespace with the given name or returns null if not found
Parameters: pNamespaceName - Finds subnamespace with the given name or returns null if not found
Finds type template with the given name or returns null if not found
Parameters: pTypeTemplateName - Finds type template with the given name or returns null if not found
Returns read-only collection of all data types contained in this namespace
and all subnamespaces
Returns read-only collection of all data types contained in this namespace and all subnamespaces
Returns read-only collection of all messages contained in this namespace
and all subnamespaces
Returns read-only collection of all messages contained in this namespace and all subnamespaces
Returns read-only collection of all structures contained in this namespace
and all subnamespaces
Returns read-only collection of all structures contained in this namespace and all subnamespaces
Returns read-only collection of all namespaces contained in this namespace
and all subnamespaces
Returns read-only collection of all namespaces contained in this namespace and all subnamespaces
Returns read-only collection of all type templates contained in this namespace
and all subnamespaces
Returns read-only collection of all type templates contained in this namespace and all subnamespaces
Returns list of DataTypes, Structures and Messages used in the Namespace.
This includes owned and referenced elements.
Returns list of DataTypes, Structures and Messages used in the Namespace. This includes owned and referenced elements.
Finds data type with the given name or throws exception if not found
Parameters: pDataTypeName - Finds data type with the given name or throws exception if not found
Finds message with the given name or throws exception if not found
Parameters: pMessageName - Finds message with the given name or throws exception if not found
Returns list containing chain of owner namespaces including this namespace
itself. DataDictionary is always at the list position zero and this namespace
is always at the last position. If this abstract namespace itself is a
DataDictionary - the returned list has only one element.
Returns list containing chain of owner namespaces including this namespace itself. DataDictionary is always at the list position zero and this namespace is always at the last position. If this abstract namespace itself is a DataDictionary - the returned list has only one element.
Returns list containing chain of owner namespaces including this namespace
itself. DataDictionary is always excluded and this namespace is always
at the last position. If this abstract namespace itself is a DataDictionary
- the returned list is empty.
Returns list containing chain of owner namespaces including this namespace itself. DataDictionary is always excluded and this namespace is always at the last position. If this abstract namespace itself is a DataDictionary - the returned list is empty.
Finds structure with the given name or throws exception if not found
Parameters: pStructureName - Finds structure with the given name or throws exception if not found
Returns ordered collection of of Structures owned by this namespace in
the dependency order. Dependency order means that a Structure does not
depend on any Structures located further down the list from where it is
Returns ordered collection of of Structures owned by this namespace in the dependency order. Dependency order means that a Structure does not depend on any Structures located further down the list from where it is located.
Finds subnamespace with the given name or throws exception if not found
Parameters: pNamespaceName - Finds subnamespace with the given name or throws exception if not found
Finds type template with the given name or throws exception if not found
Parameters: pTypeTemplateName - Finds type template with the given name or throws exception if not found