getCataloguePathFromTop() Getter for the relative path from the top to the catalogue where information related to this object is located.
Catalogue is a directory tree where each node is named as _.
It is used for things like help files, documentation directory tree etc.
getCataloguePathToTop() Getter for the relative path to the top from the catalogue where information related to this object is located.
Catalogue is a directory tree where each node is named as _.
It is used for things like help files, documentation directory tree etc.
getNormalisedTypedName() Getter for the normalised typed name of the element.
Normalised typed name is similar to the normalised name, but it is derived
from type name and element name which guarantees that this name is unique within parent element scope.
getServiceDuplicateCreateFailedMessageName() Getter for the reference of the message sent from the create method when duplicate primary key has been
specified and creation has failed.
getServiceVersionMismatchMessageName() Getter for the name of the message sent from the update method when superceeded version has been
discovered and update has failed.
setCataloguePathFromTop(String pCataloguePathFromTop) Setter for the relative path from the top to the catalogue where information related to this object is located
Catalogue is a directory tree where each node is named as _.
It is used for things like help files, documentation directory tree etc.
public void
setCataloguePathToTop(String pCataloguePathToTop) Setter for the relative path to the top from the catalogue where information related to this object is located.
Catalogue is a directory tree where each node is named as _.
It is used for things like help files, documentation directory tree etc.
setNormalisedTypedName(String pNormalisedTypedName) Setter for the normalised typed name of the element.
Normalised typed name is similar to the normalised name, but it is derived
from type name and element name which guarantees that this name is unique within parent element scope.
setServiceDuplicateCreateFailedMessageName(String pServiceDuplicateCreateFailedMessageName) Setter for the name of the message sent from the create method when duplicate primary key has been
specified and creation has failed.
setServiceVersionMismatchMessageName(String pServiceVersionMismatchMessageName) Setter for the name of the message sent from the update method when mismatched version id has been
discovered and update has failed.
Getter for the relative path from the top to the catalogue where information related to this object is located.
Catalogue is a directory tree where each node is named as _.
It is used for things like help files, documentation directory tree etc.
Getter for the relative path to the top from the catalogue where information related to this object is located.
Catalogue is a directory tree where each node is named as _.
It is used for things like help files, documentation directory tree etc.
Getter for the normalised name of the element. Normalised name is a
"safe to use in computing" kind of name it must be a single word consisting of
the most basic set of characters (e.g. letters, numbers, underscores).
Note that this name may not be unique in the namespace of the parent element, because
sibling element of another type may have the same name. Consider using NormalisedTypedName to get more unique name
Getter for the normalised plural name of the element. Normalised name is a
"safe to use in computing" kind of name it must be a single word consisting of
the most basic set of characters (e.g. letters, numbers, underscores).
Note that this name may not be unique in the namespace of the parent element, because
sibling element of another type may have the same name. Consider using NormalisedTypedName to get more unique name
Getter for the normalised typed name of the element.
Normalised typed name is similar to the normalised name, but it is derived
from type name and element name which guarantees that this name is unique within parent element scope.
Getter for the name of the structure representing this entity in the services layer
for example inside domain administration service each entity is represented by a structure
This structure resides in structure's domain support servicemodule, so this value is in fact derived
Getter for the reference of the message sent from the create method when duplicate primary key has been
specified and creation has failed. This message resides in domain support servicemodule, so this value is in fact derived
Getter for the name of the message sent from the method when requiested instance was not found
This message resides in domain support servicemodule, so this value is in fact derived
Getter for the name of the structure representing key to this entity in the services layer
for example inside domain administration service each entity is accessible via its key structure
This structure resides in structure's domain support servicemodule, so this value is in fact derived
Getter for the name of the message sent from the update method when superceeded version has been
discovered and update has failed. This message resides in domain support servicemodule, so this value is in fact derived
Getter for the name of the version id attribute in the storage structure
public void setCataloguePathFromTop(String pCataloguePathFromTop)(Code)
Setter for the relative path from the top to the catalogue where information related to this object is located
Catalogue is a directory tree where each node is named as _.
It is used for things like help files, documentation directory tree etc.
public void setCataloguePathToTop(String pCataloguePathToTop)(Code)
Setter for the relative path to the top from the catalogue where information related to this object is located.
Catalogue is a directory tree where each node is named as _.
It is used for things like help files, documentation directory tree etc.
public void setDomainCollectionImplementationName(String pDomainCollectionImplementationName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the implementation for the domain object collection
public void setDomainCollectionInterfaceFullName(String pDomainCollectionInterfaceFullName)(Code)
Setter for the full name of the interface for the domain object collection
public void setDomainCollectionInterfaceName(String pDomainCollectionInterfaceName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the interface for the domain object collection
public void setDomainImplementationName(String pDomainImplementationName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the implementation class implementing domain interface
public void setDomainInterfaceFullName(String pDomainInterfaceFullName)(Code)
SGetter for the full name of the interface representing this entity
public void setDomainInterfaceName(String pDomainInterfaceName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the interface representing this entity
public void setDomainPackageName(String pDomainPackageName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the package where domain interface representing this entity is located
Setter for the unique identifier of the corresponding entity
public void setInstanceIdDomainObjectAttributeName(String pInstanceIdDomainObjectAttributeName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the instance id attribute in the domain object
public void setInstanceIdServiceStructureAttributeName(String pInstanceIdServiceStructureAttributeName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the instance id attribute in the service structure
public void setInstanceIdStorageStructureAttributeName(String pInstanceIdStorageStructureAttributeName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the instance id attribute in the storage structure
public void setNormalisedName(String pNormalisedName)(Code)
Setter for the normalised name of the element. Normalised name is a
"safe to use in computing" kind of name it must be a single word consisting of
the most basic set of characters (e.g. letters, numbers, underscores).
Note that this name may not be unique in the namespace of the parent element, because
sibling element of another type may have the same name. Consider using NormalisedTypedName to get more unique name
public void setNormalisedPluralName(String pNormalisedPluralName)(Code)
Setter for the normalised plural name of the element. Normalised name is a
"safe to use in computing" kind of name it must be a single word consisting of
the most basic set of characters (e.g. letters, numbers, underscores).
Note that this name may not be unique in the namespace of the parent element, because
sibling element of another type may have the same name. Consider using NormalisedTypedName to get more unique name
public void setNormalisedTypedName(String pNormalisedTypedName)(Code)
Setter for the normalised typed name of the element.
Normalised typed name is similar to the normalised name, but it is derived
from type name and element name which guarantees that this name is unique within parent element scope.
public void setServiceDetailsStructureName(String pServiceDetailsStructureName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the structure representing this entity in the services layer
for example inside domain administration service each entity is represented by a structure
This structure resides in structure's domain support servicemodule, so this value is in fact derived
public void setServiceDetailsStructureTranslatorName(String pServiceDetailsStructureTranslatorName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the class translating entity contents to/from structure
public void setServiceDuplicateCreateFailedMessageName(String pServiceDuplicateCreateFailedMessageName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the message sent from the create method when duplicate primary key has been
specified and creation has failed. This message resides in domain support servicemodule, so this value is in fact derived
public void setServiceInstanceNotFoundMessageName(String pServiceInstanceNotFoundMessageName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the message sent from thesent from the method when requiested instance was not found
This message resides in domain support servicemodule, so this value is in fact derived
public void setServiceKeyStructureName(String pServiceKeyStructureName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the structure representing key to this entity in the services layer
for example inside domain administration service each entity is accessible via its key structure
This structure resides in structure's domain support servicemodule, so this value is in fact derived
public void setServiceVersionMismatchMessageName(String pServiceVersionMismatchMessageName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the message sent from the update method when mismatched version id has been
discovered and update has failed. This message resides in domain support servicemodule, so this value is in fact derived
public void setStateDomainObjectAttributeName(String pStateDomainObjectAttributeName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the state attribute in the domain object
public void setStateServiceStructureAttributeName(String pStateServiceStructureAttributeName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the state attribute in the service structure
public void setStateStorageStructureAttributeName(String pStateStorageStructureAttributeName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the state attribute in the storage structure
public void setStorageFactoryName(String pStorageFactoryName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the factory of the implementation class of the storage service for this entity
public void setStorageImplementationName(String pStorageImplementationName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the implementation class of the storage service for this entity
public void setStorageInterfaceFullName(String pStorageInterfaceFullName)(Code)
Setter for the full name of the storage servide interface for this entity
public void setStorageInterfaceName(String pStorageInterfaceName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the storage service interface for this entity
public void setStoragePackageName(String pStoragePackageName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the package where storage service interface for this entity is located
public void setStorageRecordFullName(String pStorageRecordFullName)(Code)
Setter for the full name of the storage record for this entity
public void setStorageRecordName(String pStorageRecordName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the storage record for this entity
public void setSupertypeStorageStructureAttributeName(String pSupertypeStorageStructureAttributeName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the supertype reference in the storage structure
public void setVersionIdDomainObjectAttributeName(String pVersionIdDomainObjectAttributeName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the version id attribute in the domain object
public void setVersionIdServiceStructureAttributeName(String pVersionIdServiceStructureAttributeName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the version id attribute in the service structure
public void setVersionIdStorageStructureAttributeName(String pVersionIdStorageStructureAttributeName)(Code)
Setter for the name of the version id attribute in the storage structure