Responsible for drawing the UML class diagrams. This package
contains all the various components to draw the UML class
diagram. The main pieces are the UMLPackage, which serves
as a background. UMLClass holds a particular class, and
UMLField, UMLMethod, and UMLNestedClass are each lines in the
To add more items to the menu that pops up on the class diagrams,
edit UMLPopupMenu. This menu has been broken into a number
of methods each generating a particular submenu. The ActionListener
that is invoked are stored either in org.acm.seguin.uml.refactor
if it is a refactoring, or org.acm.seguin.ide.common.
The reason to place it in ide.common is that we want to isolate
changes that are specific to a particular release of an editor.
This makes it easier to add the feature to other editors.