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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Web Crawler » WebSPHINX » websphinx 
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All known Subclasses:   websphinx.searchengine.Search,
public class Crawler implements Runnable,Serializable(Code)
Web crawler.

To write a crawler, extend this class and override shouldVisit () and visit() to create your own crawler.

To use a crawler:

  1. Initialize the crawler by calling setRoot() (or one of its variants) and setting other crawl parameters.
  2. Register any classifiers you need with addClassifier().
  3. Connect event listeners to monitor the crawler, such as websphinx.EventLog, websphinx.workbench.WebGraph, or websphinx.workbench.Statistics.
  4. Call run() to start the crawler.
A running crawler consists of a priority queue of Links waiting to be visited and a set of threads retrieving pages in parallel. When a page is downloaded, it is processed as follows:
  1. classify(): The page is passed to the classify() method of every registered classifier, in increasing order of their priority values. Classifiers typically attach informative labels to the page and its links, such as "homepage" or "root page".
  2. visit(): The page is passed to the crawler's visit() method for user-defined processing.
  3. expand(): The page is passed to the crawler's expand() method to be expanded. The default implementation tests every unvisited hyperlink on the page with shouldVisit(), and puts each link approved by shouldVisit() into the crawling queue.
By default, when expanding the links of a page, the crawler only considers hyperlinks (not applets or inline images, for instance) that point to Web pages (not mailto: links, for instance). If you want shouldVisit() to test every link on the page, use setLinkType(Crawler.ALL_LINKS).

Field Summary
final public static  String[]ALL_LINKS
final public static  String[]HYPERLINKS
     Specify HYPERLINKS as the link type to allow the crawler to visit only hyperlinks (A, AREA, and FRAME tags which point to http:, ftp:, file:, or gopher: URLs).
final public static  String[]HYPERLINKS_AND_IMAGES
     Specify HYPERLINKS_AND_IMAGES as the link type to allow the crawler to visit only hyperlinks and inline images.
final public static  String[]SERVER
     Specify SERVER as the crawl domain to limit the crawler to visit only pages on the same Web server (hostname and port number) as the root link from which it started.
final public static  String[]SUBTREE
     Specify SUBTREE as the crawl domain to limit the crawler to visit only pages which are descendants of the root link from which it started.
final public static  String[]WEB
     Specify WEB as the crawl domain to allow the crawler to visit any page on the World Wide Web.

Constructor Summary
public  Crawler()
     Make a new Crawler.

Method Summary
public  voidaddClassifier(Classifier c)
     Adds a classifier to this crawler.
public  voidaddCrawlListener(CrawlListener listen)
     Adds a listener to the set of CrawlListeners for this crawler.
public  voidaddLinkListener(LinkListener listen)
     Adds a listener to the set of LinkListeners for this crawler.
public  voidaddRoot(Link link)
     Add a root to the existing set of roots.
public  voidclear()
     Initialize the crawler for a fresh crawl.
protected  voidclearVisited()
     Clear the set of visited links.
public  EnumerationenumerateClassifiers()
     Enumerates the set of classifiers.
public  EnumerationenumerateQueue()
     Enumerate crawling queue.
public  voidexpand(Page page)
     Expand the crawl from a page.
 voidfetch(Worm w)
 voidfetchTimedOut(Worm w, int interval)
public  ActiongetAction()
     Get action.
public  intgetActiveThreads()
     Get number of threads currently working.
public  Classifier[]getClassifiers()
public  Link[]getCrawledRoots()
     Get roots of last crawl.
public  booleangetDepthFirst()
     Get depth-first search flag.
public  String[]getDomain()
     Get crawl domain.
public  DownloadParametersgetDownloadParameters()
public  booleangetIgnoreVisitedLinks()
     Get ignore-visited-links flag.
public  LinkPredicategetLinkPredicate()
     Get link predicate.
public  String[]getLinkType()
     Get legal link types to crawl.
public  intgetLinksTested()
     Get number of links tested.
public  intgetMaxDepth()
     Get maximum depth.
public  StringgetName()
     Get human-readable name of crawler.
public  PagePredicategetPagePredicate()
     Get page predicate.
public  intgetPagesLeft()
     Get number of pages left to be visited.
public  intgetPagesVisited()
     Get number of pages visited.
public  StringgetRootHrefs()
     Get starting points of crawl as a String of newline-delimited URLs.
public  Link[]getRoots()
     Get starting points of crawl as an array of Link objects.
public  intgetState()
     Get state of crawler.
public  booleangetSynchronous()
     Get synchronous flag.
public static  voidmain(String[] args)
protected  voidmarkVisited(Link link)
     Register that a link has been visited.
public  voidpause()
     Pause the crawl in progress.
 voidprocess(Link link)
public  voidremoveAllClassifiers()
     Clears the set of classifiers.
public  voidremoveClassifier(Classifier c)
     Removes a classifier from the set of classifiers.
public  voidremoveCrawlListener(CrawlListener listen)
     Removes a listener from the set of CrawlListeners.
public  voidremoveLinkListener(LinkListener listen)
     Removes a listener from the set of LinkListeners.
public  voidrun()
     Start crawling.
protected  voidsendCrawlEvent(int id)
     Send a CrawlEvent to all CrawlListeners registered with this crawler.
protected  voidsendLinkEvent(Link l, int id)
     Send a LinkEvent to all LinkListeners registered with this crawler.
protected  voidsendLinkEvent(Link l, int id, Throwable exception)
     Send an exceptional LinkEvent to all LinkListeners registered with this crawler.
public  voidsetAction(Action act)
     Set the action.
public  voidsetDepthFirst(boolean useDFS)
     Set depth-first search flag.
public  voidsetDomain(String[] domain)
     Set crawl domain.
public  voidsetDownloadParameters(DownloadParameters dp)
public  voidsetIgnoreVisitedLinks(boolean f)
     Set ignore-visited-links flag.
public  voidsetLinkPredicate(LinkPredicate pred)
     Set link predicate.
public  voidsetLinkType(String[] type)
     Set legal link types to crawl.
public  voidsetMaxDepth(int maxDepth)
     Set maximum depth.
public  voidsetName(String name)
     Set human-readable name of crawler.
public  voidsetPagePredicate(PagePredicate pred)
     Set page predicate.
public  voidsetRoot(Link link)
     Set starting point of crawl as a single Link.
public  voidsetRootHrefs(String hrefs)
     Set starting points of crawl as a string of whitespace-delimited URLs.
public  voidsetRoots(Link[] links)
     Set starting points of crawl as an array of Links.
public  voidsetSynchronous(boolean f)
     Set ssynchronous flag.
public  booleanshouldVisit(Link l)
     Callback for testing whether a link should be traversed. Default version returns true for all links.
public  voidstop()
     Stop the crawl in progress.
public  voidsubmit(Link link)
     Puts a link into the crawling queue.
public  voidsubmit(Link[] links)
     Submit an array of Links for crawling.
public  StringtoString()
     Convert the crawler to a String.
public  voidvisit(Page page)
     Callback for visiting a page.
public  booleanvisited(Link link)
     Test whether the page corresponding to a link has been visited (or queued for visiting).

Field Detail
final public static String[] ALL_LINKS(Code)
Specify ALL_LINKS as the link type to allow the crawler to visit any kind of link

final public static String[] HYPERLINKS(Code)
Specify HYPERLINKS as the link type to allow the crawler to visit only hyperlinks (A, AREA, and FRAME tags which point to http:, ftp:, file:, or gopher: URLs).

final public static String[] HYPERLINKS_AND_IMAGES(Code)
Specify HYPERLINKS_AND_IMAGES as the link type to allow the crawler to visit only hyperlinks and inline images.

final public static String[] SERVER(Code)
Specify SERVER as the crawl domain to limit the crawler to visit only pages on the same Web server (hostname and port number) as the root link from which it started.

final public static String[] SUBTREE(Code)
Specify SUBTREE as the crawl domain to limit the crawler to visit only pages which are descendants of the root link from which it started.

final public static String[] WEB(Code)
Specify WEB as the crawl domain to allow the crawler to visit any page on the World Wide Web.

Constructor Detail
public Crawler()(Code)
Make a new Crawler.

Method Detail
public void addClassifier(Classifier c)(Code)
Adds a classifier to this crawler. If the classifier is already found in the set, does nothing.
  c - a classifier

public void addCrawlListener(CrawlListener listen)(Code)
Adds a listener to the set of CrawlListeners for this crawler. If the listener is already found in the set, does nothing.
  listen - a listener

public void addLinkListener(LinkListener listen)(Code)
Adds a listener to the set of LinkListeners for this crawler. If the listener is already found in the set, does nothing.
  listen - a listener

public void addRoot(Link link)(Code)
Add a root to the existing set of roots.
  link - starting point to add

public void clear()(Code)
Initialize the crawler for a fresh crawl. Clears the crawling queue and sets all crawling statistics to 0. Stops the crawler if it is currently running.

protected void clearVisited()(Code)
Clear the set of visited links.

public Enumeration enumerateClassifiers()(Code)
Enumerates the set of classifiers. An enumeration of the classifiers.

public Enumeration enumerateQueue()(Code)
Enumerate crawling queue. an enumeration of Link objects which are waiting to be visited.

public void expand(Page page)(Code)
Expand the crawl from a page. The default implementation of this method tests every link on the page using shouldVisit (), and submit()s the links that are approved. A subclass may want to override this method if it's inconvenient to consider the links individually with shouldVisit().
  page - Page to expand

void fetch(Worm w)(Code)

void fetchTimedOut(Worm w, int interval)(Code)

public Action getAction()(Code)
Get action. current action

public int getActiveThreads()(Code)
Get number of threads currently working. number of threads downloading pages

public Classifier[] getClassifiers()(Code)
Get the set of classifiers An array containing the registered classifiers.

public Link[] getCrawledRoots()(Code)
Get roots of last crawl. May differ from getRoots() if new roots have been set. array of Links from which crawler started its last crawl,or null if the crawler was cleared.

public boolean getDepthFirst()(Code)
Get depth-first search flag. Default value is true. true if search is depth-first, false if search is breadth-first.

public String[] getDomain()(Code)
Get crawl domain. Default value is WEB. WEB, SERVER, or SUBTREE.

public DownloadParameters getDownloadParameters()(Code)
Get download parameters (such as number of threads, timeouts, maximum page size, etc.)

public boolean getIgnoreVisitedLinks()(Code)
Get ignore-visited-links flag. Default value is true. true if search skips links whose URLs have already been visited(or queued for visiting).

public LinkPredicate getLinkPredicate()(Code)
Get link predicate. current link predicate

public String[] getLinkType()(Code)
Get legal link types to crawl. Default value is HYPERLINKS. HYPERLINKS, HYPERLINKS_AND_IMAGES, or ALL_LINKS.

public int getLinksTested()(Code)
Get number of links tested. number of links passed to shouldVisit() so far in this crawl

public int getMaxDepth()(Code)
Get maximum depth. Default value is 5. maximum depth of crawl, in hops from starting point.

public String getName()(Code)
Get human-readable name of crawler. Default value is the class name, e.g., "Crawler". Useful for identifying the crawler in a user interface; also used as the default User-agent for identifying the crawler to a remote Web server. (The User-agent can be changed independently of the crawler name with setDownloadParameters().) human-readable name of crawler

public PagePredicate getPagePredicate()(Code)
Get page predicate. current page predicate

public int getPagesLeft()(Code)
Get number of pages left to be visited. number of links approved by shouldVisit() but not yet visited

public int getPagesVisited()(Code)
Get number of pages visited. number of pages passed to visit() so far in this crawl

public String getRootHrefs()(Code)
Get starting points of crawl as a String of newline-delimited URLs. URLs where crawler will start, separated by newlines.

public Link[] getRoots()(Code)
Get starting points of crawl as an array of Link objects. array of Links from which crawler will start its next crawl.

public int getState()(Code)
Get state of crawler. one of CrawlEvent.STARTED, CrawlEvent.PAUSED, STOPPED, CLEARED.

public boolean getSynchronous()(Code)
Get synchronous flag. Default value is false. true if crawler must visit the pages in priority order; false if crawler can visit pages in any order.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception(Code)

protected void markVisited(Link link)(Code)
Register that a link has been visited.
  link - Link that has been visited

public void pause()(Code)
Pause the crawl in progress. If the crawler is running, then it finishes processing the current page, then returns. The queues remain as-is, so calling run() again will resume the crawl exactly where it left off. pause() can be called from any thread.

void process(Link link)(Code)

public void removeAllClassifiers()(Code)
Clears the set of classifiers.

public void removeClassifier(Classifier c)(Code)
Removes a classifier from the set of classifiers. If c is not found in the set, does nothing.
  c - a classifier

public void removeCrawlListener(CrawlListener listen)(Code)
Removes a listener from the set of CrawlListeners. If it is not found in the set, does nothing.
  listen - a listener

public void removeLinkListener(LinkListener listen)(Code)
Removes a listener from the set of LinkListeners. If it is not found in the set, does nothing.
  listen - a listener

public void run()(Code)
Start crawling. Returns either when the crawl is done, or when pause() or stop() is called. Because this method implements the java.lang.Runnable interface, a crawler can be run in the background thread.

protected void sendCrawlEvent(int id)(Code)
Send a CrawlEvent to all CrawlListeners registered with this crawler.
  id - Event id

protected void sendLinkEvent(Link l, int id)(Code)
Send a LinkEvent to all LinkListeners registered with this crawler.
  l - Link related to event
  id - Event id

protected void sendLinkEvent(Link l, int id, Throwable exception)(Code)
Send an exceptional LinkEvent to all LinkListeners registered with this crawler.
  l - Link related to event
  id - Event id
  exception - Exception associated with event

public void setAction(Action act)(Code)
Set the action. This is an alternative way to specify an action performed on every page. If act is non-null, then every page passed to visit() is also passed to this action.
  act - Action

public void setDepthFirst(boolean useDFS)(Code)
Set depth-first search flag. If neither depth-first nor breadth-first is desired, then override shouldVisit() to set a custom priority on each link.
  useDFS - true if search should be depth-first, false if search should be breadth-first.

public void setDomain(String[] domain)(Code)
Set crawl domain.
  domain - one of WEB, SERVER, or SUBTREE.

public void setDownloadParameters(DownloadParameters dp)(Code)
Set download parameters (such as number of threads, timeouts, maximum page size, etc.)
  dp - Download parameters

public void setIgnoreVisitedLinks(boolean f)(Code)
Set ignore-visited-links flag.
  f - true if search skips links whose URLs have already been visited(or queued for visiting).

public void setLinkPredicate(LinkPredicate pred)(Code)
Set link predicate. This is an alternative way to specify the links to walk. If the link predicate is non-null, then only links that satisfy the link predicate AND shouldVisit() are crawled.
  pred - Link predicate

public void setLinkType(String[] type)(Code)
Set legal link types to crawl.

public void setMaxDepth(int maxDepth)(Code)
Set maximum depth.
  maxDepth - maximum depth of crawl, in hops from starting point

public void setName(String name)(Code)
Set human-readable name of crawler.
  name - new name for crawler

public void setPagePredicate(PagePredicate pred)(Code)
Set page predicate. This is a way to filter the pages passed to visit(). If the page predicate is non-null, then only pages that satisfy it are passed to visit().
  pred - Page predicate

public void setRoot(Link link)(Code)
Set starting point of crawl as a single Link.
  link - starting point

public void setRootHrefs(String hrefs) throws MalformedURLException(Code)
Set starting points of crawl as a string of whitespace-delimited URLs.
  hrefs - URLs of starting point, separated by space, \t, or \n
exception: - if any of the URLs is invalid,leaving starting points unchanged

public void setRoots(Link[] links)(Code)
Set starting points of crawl as an array of Links.
  links - starting points

public void setSynchronous(boolean f)(Code)
Set ssynchronous flag.
  f - true if crawler must visit the pages in priority order; false if crawler can visit pages in any order.

public boolean shouldVisit(Link l)(Code)
Callback for testing whether a link should be traversed. Default version returns true for all links. Override this method for more interesting behavior.
  l - Link encountered by the crawler true if link should be followed, false if it should be ignored.

public void stop()(Code)
Stop the crawl in progress. If the crawler is running, then it finishes processing the current page, then returns. Empties the crawling queue.

public void submit(Link link)(Code)
Puts a link into the crawling queue. If the crawler is running, the link will eventually be retrieved and passed to visit().
  link - Link to put in queue

public void submit(Link[] links)(Code)
Submit an array of Links for crawling. If the crawler is running, these links will eventually be retrieved and passed to visit().
  links - Links to put in queue

void timedOut()(Code)

public String toString()(Code)
Convert the crawler to a String. Human-readable name of crawler.

public void visit(Page page)(Code)
Callback for visiting a page. Default version does nothing.
  page - Page retrieved by the crawler

public boolean visited(Link link)(Code)
Test whether the page corresponding to a link has been visited (or queued for visiting).
  link - Link to test true if link has been passed to walk() during this crawl

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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