Defines the interface to commit and discard changes to an object,
supporting read-through and write-through modes.
Read-through mode means that the value read from the buffered
object is constantly up to date with the data source.
Write-through mode means that all changes to the object are
immediately updated to the data source.
Since these modes are independent, their combinations may result in
some behaviour that may sound surprising. For example, if a
Buffered object is in read-through mode but not in
write-through mode, the result is an object whose value is updated
directly from the data source only if it's not locally modified. If the
value is locally modified, retrieving the value from the object would
result in a value that is different than the one stored in the data
source, even though the object is in read-through mode.
author: IT Mill Ltd. version: 3.1.1 since: 3.0 |