| java.lang.Object uk.org.ponder.rsf.renderer.RenderUtil
RenderUtil | public class RenderUtil (Code) | | author: Antranig Basman (antranig@caret.cam.ac.uk) |
Method Summary | |
public static String | appendAttributes(String baseurl, String attributes) | public static void | dumpHiddenField(UIParameter todump, XMLWriter xmlw) | public static int | dumpScan(XMLLump[] lumps, int renderindex, int basedepth, PrintOutputStream target, boolean closeparent, boolean insideleaf) Dump from template to output until either we reduce below
basedepth recursion level, or we hit an rsf:id, or end of
file. | public static int | dumpTillLump(XMLLump[] lumps, int start, int limit, PrintOutputStream target) | public static String | findCommandParams(Map requestparams) | public static boolean | isFirstSCR(XMLLump lump, String scrname) | public static String | makeURLAttributes(ParameterList params) | public static int | renderSCR(StaticComponentRenderer scr, XMLLump lump, XMLWriter xmlw, XMLLumpMMap collecteds) | public static UIComponent | resolveListMember(View view, UIBasicListMember torendero) | public static void | unpackCommandLink(String longvalue, Map requestparams) "Unpacks" the supplied command link "name" (as encoded using the
HTMLRenderSystem for submission controls) by treating it as a section of
URL attribute stanzas. |
dumpScan | public static int dumpScan(XMLLump[] lumps, int renderindex, int basedepth, PrintOutputStream target, boolean closeparent, boolean insideleaf)(Code) | | Dump from template to output until either we reduce below
basedepth recursion level, or we hit an rsf:id, or end of
file. Return the lump index we reached. This has two uses, firstly from the
base of the main scanning loop, and secondly from the "glue" scanning. The
main scanning loop runs until we reduce BELOW RECURSION LEVEL OF PARENT,
i.e. we output its closing tag and then return. The glue loop requires that
we DO NOT OUTPUT THE CLOSING TAG OF PARENT because we may have some number
of repetitive components still to render.
findCommandParams | public static String findCommandParams(Map requestparams)(Code) | | |
unpackCommandLink | public static void unpackCommandLink(String longvalue, Map requestparams)(Code) | | "Unpacks" the supplied command link "name" (as encoded using the
HTMLRenderSystem for submission controls) by treating it as a section of
URL attribute stanzas. The key/value pairs encoded in it will be added to
the supplied (modifiable) map.