Method Summary |
public static Method | getFieldGetter(String className, String propName) Gets the Method that can be used to get a property value.
Parameters: className - the name of the object. Parameters: propName - the name of the property. |
public static Method | getFieldSetter(String className, String propName) Gets the Method that can be used to set a property.
Parameters: className - the name of the object. Parameters: propName - the name of the property. |
public static Group | getGroup(String groupName) Gets an instance of a named group either from the pool
or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
Parameters: groupName - the name of the group. |
public static String | getGroupKey(String groupName) Gets the key (usually a short identifier) for a group.
Parameters: groupName - the name of the group. |
public static String | getGroupName(String groupKey) Gets the group name given its key.
Parameters: groupKey - the key. |
public static String[] | getGroupNames() Names of all the defined groups. |
public static int | getSize(String groupName) Gets the current size of the pool for a named group.
Parameters: groupName - the name of the group. |
public static void | releaseGroup(Group instance) Puts a group back to the pool. |