A module within the Tapestry IoC registry. Each Module is constructed around a corresponding
module builder instance; the methods and annotations of that instance define the services
provided by the module.
findMatchingDecoratorDefs(ServiceDef serviceDef) Iterates over any decorator definitions defined by the module and returns those that apply to
the provided service definition.
findServiceIdsForInterface(Class serviceInterface) Locates the ids of all services that implement the provided service interface, or whose
service interface is assignable to the provided service interface (is a super-class or
Locates all the decorators that should apply the identified service. This includes visibility
rules (private services may only be decorated by decorators in the same module) and other
filtering rules. The resulting list is ordered and from the list of
org.apache.tapestry.ioc.def.DecoratorDef s, a list of
ServiceDecorator s is
Parameters: serviceId - identifies the service to be decorated the ordered list of service decorators
Iterates over any decorator definitions defined by the module and returns those that apply to
the provided service definition.
Parameters: serviceDef - for which decorators are being assembled set of decorators, possibly empty (but not null)
Locates the ids of all services that implement the provided service interface, or whose
service interface is assignable to the provided service interface (is a super-class or
Parameters: serviceInterface - the interface to search for a collection of service ids
Locates a service given a service id and the corresponding service interface type.
< Parameters: T - > Parameters: serviceId - identifies the service to access Parameters: serviceInterface - the interface the service implements the service's proxy throws: RuntimeException - if there is an error instantiating the service proxy