| Combines the individual elements of a key press combination into a normalized string. The first part of the returned string
contains the following key modifier string:
- If
ctrl is true, "Ctrl-" is the first part of the string.
- If
alt is true, then "Alt-" is the first part of the string.
- If
shift is true, then "Shift-" is the first part of the string.
- If any combination of
ctrl , alt and shift is true, then the first part of
the string will be a combination "Ctrl-", "Alt-" and "Shift-", in that order. Ex. If ctrl and
shift are true, but alt is false, the first part of the string will be "Ctrl-Shift-".
- If neither
ctrl , alt or shift is true, then an empty value is the first
part of the string.
The last part of the string is a result of the value specified by the key argument. However, it is normalized
into one of the following values:
"Dash", "=", "`", "[", "]", "\\", ";", "'", ",", ".", "/", "PageUp", "PageDown", "End", "Home", "ArrowLeft", "ArrowRight",
"ArrowDown", "ArrowUp", "Space", "Enter", "Esc", "Tab", "BackSpace", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9",
"F10", "F11", "F12", "Del", "Ins", "Pause", "ScrollLock", "NumLock", "Num0", "Num1", "Num2", "Num3", "Num4", "Num5", "Num6",
"Num7", "Num8", "Num9", "Num*", "Num+", "NumDash", "Num/", "Num."
Parameters: ctrl - if true, the returned string will contain "Ctrl-" per the rules above. Parameters: alt - if true, the returned string will contain "Alt-" per the rules above. Parameters: shift - if true, the returned string will contain "Shift-" per the rules above. Parameters: key - returned as part of the string, only in a normalized form per the rules above. a key press combo string representing the elements specified per the rules above. |