001: /*
002: * $Id: AnySynapse.java,v 1.9 2002/09/16 08:05:02 jkl Exp $
003: *
004: * Copyright (c) 2002 Njet Communications Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
005: *
006: * Use is subject to license terms, as defined in
007: * Anvil Sofware License, Version 1.1. See LICENSE
008: * file, or http://njet.org/license-1.1.txt
009: */
010: package anvil.core.brain;
012: import java.io.IOException;
013: import java.io.Writer;
014: import anvil.java.util.BindingEnumeration;
015: import anvil.core.Any;
016: import anvil.core.AnyAbstractClass;
017: import anvil.core.AnyBindingEnumeration;
018: import anvil.core.IndexedEnumeration;
019: import anvil.script.Context;
020: import anvil.script.Function;
021: import anvil.core.Serializer;
022: import anvil.core.Unserializer;
023: import anvil.core.UnserializationException;
025: import anvil.brain.Synapse;
026: import anvil.brain.Dimension;
027: import anvil.server.OperationFailedException;
029: /// @class Synapse
030: /// Synapse is object that contains abritrary attributes and
031: /// dimensions which are ordered lists linking this synapse to
032: /// another synapses.
034: /// @attribute name
035: /// @synopsis object <b>Synapse</b>.<i>name</i> ;
036: /// Returns attribute given given name
037: /// @synopsis object <b>Synapse</b>.<i>name</i> = <i>value</i> ;
038: /// Sets the attribute given attribute to given value.
039: /// @synopsis <b>delete Synapse</b>.<i>name</i> ;
040: /// Removes attribute with given name.
042: /// @reference name
043: /// @synopsis object <b>Synapse</b>[<i>name</i>] ;
044: /// Returns attribute given given name
045: /// @synopsis object <b>Synapse</b>[<i>name</i>] = <i>value</i> ;
046: /// Sets the attribute given attribute to given value.
047: /// @synopsis <b>delete Synapse</b>{<i>name</i>] ;
048: /// Removes attribute with given name.
050: /// @operator enumeration
051: /// Returns enumeration from attributes.
052: /// @synopsis enumeration * <b>Synapse</b>
054: /**
055: * class AnySynapse
056: *
057: * @author: Jani Lehtimäki
058: */
059: public class AnySynapse extends AnyAbstractClass {
061: public static final anvil.script.compiler.NativeClass __class__ = new anvil.script.compiler.NativeClass(
062: "Synapse",
063: AnySynapse.class,
064: //DOC{{
065: ""
066: + " @class Synapse\n"
067: + " Synapse is object that contains abritrary attributes and \n"
068: + " dimensions which are ordered lists linking this synapse to\n"
069: + " another synapses.\n"
070: + " @attribute name\n"
071: + " @synopsis object <b>Synapse</b>.<i>name</i> ;\n"
072: + " Returns attribute given given name\n"
073: + " @synopsis object <b>Synapse</b>.<i>name</i> = <i>value</i> ;\n"
074: + " Sets the attribute given attribute to given value.\n"
075: + " @synopsis <b>delete Synapse</b>.<i>name</i> ;\n"
076: + " Removes attribute with given name.\n"
077: + " @reference name\n"
078: + " @synopsis object <b>Synapse</b>[<i>name</i>] ;\n"
079: + " Returns attribute given given name\n"
080: + " @synopsis object <b>Synapse</b>[<i>name</i>] = <i>value</i> ;\n"
081: + " Sets the attribute given attribute to given value.\n"
082: + " @synopsis <b>delete Synapse</b>{<i>name</i>] ;\n"
083: + " Removes attribute with given name.\n"
084: + " @operator enumeration\n"
085: + " Returns enumeration from attributes.\n"
086: + " @synopsis enumeration * <b>Synapse</b>\n"
087: + " @method getID\n"
088: + " Returns the id of synapse.\n"
089: + " @synopsis int getID()\n"
090: + " @method getName\n"
091: + " Returns the name of synapse.\n"
092: + " @synopsis string getName()\n"
093: + " @method getType\n"
094: + " Returns the type of synapse.\n"
095: + " @synopsis string getType()\n"
096: + " @method setName\n"
097: + " Sets the name of synapse.\n"
098: + " @synopsis Dimension setName(string name)\n"
099: + " @method setType\n"
100: + " Sets the type of synapse.\n"
101: + " @synopsis Dimension setType(string name)\n"
102: + " @throws OperationFailed If an error occurred\n"
103: + " @method create\n"
104: + " Creates a new dimension.\n"
105: + " @synopsis Dimension create(string name)\n"
106: + " @throws OperationFailed If an error occurred\n"
107: + " @method dim\n"
108: + " Gets or creates dimension.\n"
109: + " @synopsis Dimension dim(string name)\n"
110: + " @throws OperationFailed If an error occurred\n"
111: + " @method get\n"
112: + " Gets a dimension with given name.\n"
113: + " @synopsis Dimension get(string name)\n"
114: + " @throws OperationFailed If an error occurred\n"
115: + " @method set\n"
116: + " Sets an attribute.\n"
117: + " @synopsis Synapse set(string name, object value)\n"
118: + " @throws OperationFailed If an error occurred\n"
119: + " @method remove\n" + " Removes a dimension.\n"
120: + " @synopsis void remove()\n"
121: + " @synopsis Synapse remove(string name)\n"
122: + " @throws OperationFailed If an error occurred\n"
123: + " @method dims\n"
124: + " Returns a enumeration of dimensions.\n"
125: + " @synopsis enumeration dims()\n"
126: + " @throws OperationFailed If an error occurred\n"
127: + " @method commit\n" + " Commits changes.\n"
128: + " @synopsis Synapse commit()\n"
129: + " @throws OperationFailed If an error occurred\n"
130: //}}DOC
131: );
132: static {
133: BrainModule.class.getName();
134: }
136: private Synapse _synapse;
138: public AnySynapse(Synapse synapse) {
139: _synapse = synapse;
140: }
142: public final anvil.script.ClassType classOf() {
143: return __class__;
144: }
146: public String toString() {
147: return _synapse.toString();
148: }
150: public Object toObject() {
151: return _synapse;
152: }
154: public Any getAttribute(Context context, String attribute) {
155: try {
156: return _synapse.getVariable(attribute);
157: } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
158: throw context.exception(e);
159: }
160: }
162: public Any setAttribute(Context context, String attribute, Any value) {
163: try {
164: _synapse.setVariable(attribute, value);
165: return this ;
166: } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
167: throw context.exception(e);
168: }
169: }
171: public Any checkAttribute(Context context, String attribute) {
172: try {
173: return _synapse.checkVariable(attribute);
174: } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
175: throw context.exception(e);
176: }
177: }
179: public boolean deleteAttribute(Context context, String attribute) {
180: try {
181: return _synapse.deleteVariable(attribute);
182: } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
183: throw context.exception(e);
184: }
185: }
187: public Any getReference(Context context, Any index) {
188: return getAttribute(context, index.toString());
189: }
191: public Any setReference(Context context, Any index, Any value) {
192: return setAttribute(context, index.toString(), value);
193: }
195: public Any setReference(Context context, Any value) {
196: return this ;
197: }
199: public Any checkReference(Context context, Any index) {
200: return checkAttribute(context, index.toString());
201: }
203: public boolean deleteReference(Context context, Any index) {
204: return deleteAttribute(context, index.toString());
205: }
207: public BindingEnumeration enumeration() {
208: try {
209: return _synapse.getVariables();
210: } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
211: throw Context.getInstance().exception(e);
212: }
213: }
215: /// @method getID
216: /// Returns the id of synapse.
217: /// @synopsis int getID()
218: public Any m_getID(Context context, Any[] parameters) {
219: return Any.create(_synapse.getId());
220: }
222: /// @method getName
223: /// Returns the name of synapse.
224: /// @synopsis string getName()
225: public Any m_getName(Context context, Any[] parameters) {
226: return Any.create(_synapse.getName());
227: }
229: /// @method getType
230: /// Returns the type of synapse.
231: /// @synopsis string getType()
232: public Any m_getType(Context context, Any[] parameters) {
233: return Any.create(_synapse.getType());
234: }
236: /// @method setName
237: /// Sets the name of synapse.
238: /// @synopsis Dimension setName(string name)
240: public Any m_setName(Context context, Any[] parameters) {
241: if (parameters.length < 1) {
242: throw parametersMissing(context, "setName");
243: }
244: try {
245: _synapse.setName(parameters[0].toString());
246: return this ;
247: } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
248: throw context.exception(e);
249: }
250: }
252: /// @method setType
253: /// Sets the type of synapse.
254: /// @synopsis Dimension setType(string name)
255: /// @throws OperationFailed If an error occurred
256: public Any m_setType(Context context, Any[] parameters) {
257: if (parameters.length < 1) {
258: throw parametersMissing(context, "setType");
259: }
260: try {
261: _synapse.setType(parameters[0].toString());
262: return this ;
263: } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
264: throw context.exception(e);
265: }
266: }
268: /// @method create
269: /// Creates a new dimension.
270: /// @synopsis Dimension create(string name)
271: /// @throws OperationFailed If an error occurred
272: public Any m_create(Context context, Any[] parameters) {
273: if (parameters.length < 1) {
274: throw parametersMissing(context, "create");
275: }
276: try {
277: Dimension dim = _synapse.createDimension(parameters[0]
278: .toString());
279: return (dim != null) ? new AnyDimension(dim) : UNDEFINED;
280: } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
281: throw context.exception(e);
282: }
283: }
285: /// @method dim
286: /// Gets or creates dimension.
287: /// @synopsis Dimension dim(string name)
288: /// @throws OperationFailed If an error occurred
289: public Any m_dim(Context context, Any[] parameters) {
290: if (parameters.length < 1) {
291: throw parametersMissing(context, "dim");
292: }
293: try {
294: Dimension dim = _synapse.getOrCreateDimension(parameters[0]
295: .toString());
296: return (dim != null) ? new AnyDimension(dim) : UNDEFINED;
297: } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
298: throw context.exception(e);
299: }
300: }
302: /// @method get
303: /// Gets a dimension with given name.
304: /// @synopsis Dimension get(string name)
305: /// @throws OperationFailed If an error occurred
306: public Any m_get(Context context, Any[] parameters) {
307: if (parameters.length < 1) {
308: throw parametersMissing(context, "get");
309: }
310: try {
311: Dimension dim = _synapse.getDimension(parameters[0]
312: .toString());
313: return (dim != null) ? new AnyDimension(dim) : UNDEFINED;
314: } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
315: throw context.exception(e);
316: }
317: }
319: /// @method set
320: /// Sets an attribute.
321: /// @synopsis Synapse set(string name, object value)
322: /// @throws OperationFailed If an error occurred
323: public Any m_set(Context context, Any[] parameters) {
324: if (parameters.length < 2) {
325: throw parametersMissing(context, "set");
326: }
327: try {
328: _synapse.setVariable(parameters[0].toString(),
329: parameters[1]);
330: return this ;
331: } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
332: throw context.exception(e);
333: }
334: }
336: /// @method remove
337: /// Removes a dimension.
338: /// @synopsis void remove()
339: /// @synopsis Synapse remove(string name)
340: /// @throws OperationFailed If an error occurred
341: public Any m_remove(Context context, Any[] parameters) {
342: try {
343: if (parameters.length == 0) {
344: _synapse.remove();
345: return NULL;
346: } else {
347: _synapse.removeDimension(parameters[0].toString());
348: return this ;
349: }
350: } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
351: throw context.exception(e);
352: }
353: }
355: /// @method dims
356: /// Returns a enumeration of dimensions.
357: /// @synopsis enumeration dims()
358: /// @throws OperationFailed If an error occurred
359: public Any m_dims(Context context, Any[] parameters) {
360: try {
361: return new AnyBindingEnumeration(new IndexedEnumeration(
362: _synapse.getDimensions()));
363: } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
364: throw context.exception(e);
365: }
366: }
368: /* @method links
369: @synopsis enumeration links()
370: public Any m _links(Context context, Any[] parameters)
371: {
372: final Dimension[] dim = _synapse.getReferers();
373: return new AnyBindingEnumeration(new BindingEnumeration()
374: {
375: int _index = 0;
376: public boolean hasMoreElements()
377: {
378: return _index < dim.length;
379: }
380: public Object nextKey()
381: {
382: return Any.create(_index);
383: }
384: public Object nextElement()
385: {
386: return new AnyDimension(dim[_index++]);
387: }
388: }
389: );
390: }*/
392: /// @method commit
393: /// Commits changes.
394: /// @synopsis Synapse commit()
395: /// @throws OperationFailed If an error occurred
396: public Any m_commit(Context context, Any[] parameters) {
397: try {
398: _synapse.commit();
399: return this ;
400: } catch (OperationFailedException e) {
401: throw context.exception(e);
402: }
403: }
405: }