001: /***
002: * jwma Java WebMail
003: * Copyright (c) 2000-2003 jwma team
004: *
005: * jwma is free software; you can distribute and use this source
006: * under the terms of the BSD-style license received along with
007: * the distribution.
008: ***/package dtw.webmail;
010: import java.util.*;
011: import java.io.*;
012: import java.net.*;
014: import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
015: import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
016: import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;
018: import dtw.webmail.util.*;
019: import dtw.webmail.util.config.*;
020: import dtw.webmail.model.*;
021: import dtw.webmail.admin.*;
022: import dtw.webmail.plugin.*;
023: import dtw.webmail.plugin.std.CastorHelper;
024: import net.wimpi.text.*;
026: import javax.mail.Transport;
028: /**
029: * A kernel that represents a hub for internal "globally" used
030: * jwma functions & data (system settings).
031: *
032: * This class implements the singleton pattern, which means there is
033: * only one instance throughout run-time.
034: *
035: * @author Dieter Wimberger
036: * @version 0.9.7 07/02/2003
037: */
038: public class JwmaKernel {
040: //class attributes
041: private static JwmaKernel c_Self = null; //Singleton instance
042: //logging
043: private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(JwmaKernel.class);
045: //instance attributes
046: private int m_Diag = 0; //diagnostic counter
047: private String m_ConfigurationFile;
048: private JwmaConfiguration m_Configuration; //configuration
050: //i18n
051: private URLClassLoader m_i18nLoader; //class loader for resource bundles
052: private ResourceBundle m_LogMessages; //Log message resource bundle
053: private ResourceBundle m_ErrorMessages; //Error message resource bundle
055: //Admin related
056: private boolean m_StatusEnabled; //Status enabled
057: private String[] m_Admins; //administrator usernames
059: //Text processing
060: private Processor m_MessageProcessor; //default message processor
061: private ProcessingKernel m_ProcessingKernel; //processing kernel
062: private String m_TextProcFile; //jTextproc properties
064: //Directories
065: private String m_RootDir; //root directory
066: private String m_EtcDir; //etc dir
067: private String m_DataDir; //data dir
068: private String m_LogDir; //log dir
069: private String m_i18nDir; //i18n bundle dir
071: //Logging
072: private String m_LogProperties; //log4j properties file
074: //Plugin references
075: private PreferencesPersistencePlugin m_PrefsPersistencePlugin;
076: private RandomAppendPlugin m_RandomAppendPlugin;
077: private ContactManagementPlugin m_ContactManagementPlugin;
079: //Controller Urls
080: private String m_MainController;
081: private String m_MailingController;
082: private String m_AdminController;
083: private String m_ContactsController;
085: //View urls
086: private Properties m_Views;
088: /**
089: * Constructs a JwmaKernel instance.
090: * Private to prevent construction from outside of
091: * this class.
092: */
093: private JwmaKernel() {
094: c_Self = this ;
095: m_Views = new Properties();
096: }//constructor
098: /**
099: * Prepares the kernel for service.
100: *
101: * @param path representing the root directory where jwma's
102: * files reside, as <tt>String</tt>.
103: *
104: * @throws Exception when it fails to load the properties or
105: * set up system functionality according to the settings
106: * in the properties.
107: */
108: public void setup(String path) throws Exception {
109: //Configure to log to standard out at least.
110: BasicConfigurator.configure();
112: //1.setup directories
113: setupDirectories(path);
114: m_Diag++;
116: //2.setup filenames
117: setupFiles();
118: m_Diag++;
120: //3.load configuration
121: loadConfiguration();
122: m_Diag++;
124: //4.setup i18n
125: prepareI18N();
126: m_Diag++;
128: //5.prepare log files
129: prepareLogging();
130: m_Diag++;
132: //From here on we write to the own log
133: try {
135: //6.prepare plugins
136: preparePlugins();
137: m_Diag++;
138: //7.prepare processing
139: prepareProcessing();
140: m_Diag++;
142: //8.prepare postoffice and transport settings
143: prepareMailServices();
144: m_Diag++;
146: //9.prepare controller urls
147: prepareControllerUrls();
148: m_Diag++;
150: //10.prepare view urls
151: prepareViewUrls();
152: m_Diag++;
154: } catch (JwmaException err) {
155: //log exception with description and trace if inlined exception
156: //available, else with stacktrace.
157: if (err.hasException()) {
158: log.error(err.getMessage(), err.getException());
159: } else {
160: log.error(err.getMessage(), err);
161: }
162: throw err;
163: } catch (Exception ex) {
164: log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
165: throw ex;
166: } finally {
167: //JwmaStatus.createJwmaStatus();
168: }
169: }//setup
171: /**
172: * Sets up all necessary directory paths.
173: *
174: * @param path the root path pointing to the directory where
175: * the jwma data resides.
176: */
177: private void setupDirectories(String path) {
178: //Directories
179: m_RootDir = path;
180: m_EtcDir = m_RootDir + File.separator + JwmaSettings.ETC_DIR
181: + File.separator;
182: m_LogDir = m_RootDir + File.separator + JwmaSettings.LOG_DIR
183: + File.separator;
184: m_DataDir = m_RootDir + File.separator + JwmaSettings.DATA_DIR
185: + File.separator;
186: m_i18nDir = StringUtil.repairPath(m_RootDir + File.separator
187: + JwmaSettings.I18N_DIR + File.separator);
188: }//setupDirectories
190: /**
191: * Sets up all necessary file paths.
192: */
193: private void setupFiles() {
194: m_ConfigurationFile = m_EtcDir
195: + JwmaConfiguration.CONFIG_FILENAME;
196: m_LogProperties = m_EtcDir + JwmaConfiguration.LOG4J_CONFIG;
197: m_TextProcFile = m_EtcDir + JwmaConfiguration.JTEXTPROC_CONFIG;
198: }//setupFiles
200: private void loadConfiguration() throws Exception {
202: CastorXMLConfiguration cxmlconf = new CastorXMLConfiguration(
203: new File(m_ConfigurationFile));
204: m_Configuration = cxmlconf.load();
205: log.info("Loaded configuration.");
206: }//loadConfiguration
208: /**
209: * Prepares i18n for jwma
210: */
211: private void prepareI18N() throws Exception {
213: //1. setup classloader for bundles
214: URL[] urls = { new File(m_i18nDir).toURL() };
215: log.debug(urls[0].toString());
216: m_i18nLoader = new URLClassLoader(urls);
218: //2. retrieve instance from configuration
219: Internationalization i18n = m_Configuration.getI18N();
221: log.debug("Loading logmessage bundle:"
222: + i18n.getSystemLanguage());
223: //3. load log messages bundle for system locale
224: m_LogMessages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("logmessages", i18n
225: .getSystemLocale(), m_i18nLoader);
227: log.debug("Loading logmessage bundle:"
228: + i18n.getSystemLanguage());
229: //4. load error messages for system locale
230: m_ErrorMessages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("errormessages",
231: i18n.getSystemLocale(), m_i18nLoader);
233: log.info(getLogMessage("jwma.kernel.prepared.i18n"));
234: }//prepareI18N
236: /**
237: * Prepares jwma log files.
238: */
239: private void prepareLogging()
240: throws Exception {
242: //1.load the properties
243: Properties props = new Properties();
244: props.load(new FileInputStream(m_LogProperties));
246: //2. fix relative paths
247: for (Enumeration enum = props.propertyNames(); enum.hasMoreElements();) {
248: String property = (String) enum.nextElement();
249: if (property.indexOf(".File") > 0) {
250: File file = new File(props.getProperty(property));
251: if (!file.isAbsolute()) {
252: props.setProperty(property, m_LogDir + file.getPath());
253: }
254: }
255: }
257: //configure log4j
258: PropertyConfigurator.configure(props);
260: log.info(getLogMessage("jwma.kernel.prepared.logging"));
261: }//prepareLogging
263: /**
264: * Prepare contact management.
265: */
266: private void preparePlugins() throws Exception {
268: log.debug("Loading and activating plugins.");
269: //1. Load & activate preferences persistence plugin
270: m_PrefsPersistencePlugin = (PreferencesPersistencePlugin) Class
271: .forName(
272: m_Configuration
273: .getPreferencePersistencePlugin())
274: .newInstance();
275: m_PrefsPersistencePlugin.activate();
277: //2. Load & activate contact management plugin
278: m_ContactManagementPlugin = (ContactManagementPlugin) Class
279: .forName(m_Configuration.getContactManagementPlugin())
280: .newInstance();
281: m_ContactManagementPlugin.activate();
283: //3. Load & activate random append plugin
284: String rndapp = m_Configuration.getRandomAppendPlugin();
285: if (rndapp != null && rndapp.length() != 0) {
286: m_RandomAppendPlugin = (RandomAppendPlugin) Class.forName(
287: rndapp).newInstance();
288: m_RandomAppendPlugin.activate();
289: }
291: }//preparePlugins
293: /**
294: * Prepares the processing.
295: */
296: private void prepareProcessing() throws Exception {
298: Properties procprops = new Properties();
299: FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(m_TextProcFile);
300: procprops.load(in);
302: //create processing kernel
303: m_ProcessingKernel = ProcessingKernel
304: .createProcessingKernel(procprops);
306: //lookup default message processing pipe
307: m_MessageProcessor = getMessageProcessor(m_Configuration
308: .getDefaultMessageProcessor());
310: if (m_MessageProcessor == null) {
311: throw new Exception(
312: "Failed to load default message processing pipe.");
313: }
315: log.info(getLogMessage("jwma.kernel.prepared.processing"));
316: }//prepareProcessing
318: /**
319: * Prepares the mail service related settings.
320: */
321: private void prepareMailServices() throws Exception {
323: //1. setup transport agent
324: MailTransportAgent mta = m_Configuration.getMTA();
326: //set system properties
327: //TODO: Check if really required
328: System.getProperties().put(
329: "mail." + mta.getProtocol() + ".auth",
330: new Boolean(mta.isAuthenticated()).toString());
331: System.getProperties().put("mail.smtp.host", mta.getAddress());
332: if (mta.isSecure()) {
333: m_Configuration.getSecurity().addSocketProperties(
334: mta.getProtocol(), mta.getPort());
335: }
337: //2. post office security setup
338: for (Iterator iter = m_Configuration.getPostOffices(); iter
339: .hasNext();) {
340: PostOffice po = (PostOffice) iter.next();
341: if (po.isSecure()) {
342: m_Configuration.getSecurity().addSocketProperties(
343: po.getProtocol(), po.getPort());
344: }
345: }
347: log.info(getLogMessage("jwma.kernel.prepared.mailservices"));
348: }//prepareMailServices
350: /**
351: * Prepares the controller url's
352: */
353: private void prepareControllerUrls() {
354: Properties ctrls = new Properties();
355: try {
356: ctrls
357: .load(Thread
358: .currentThread()
359: .getContextClassLoader()
360: .getResourceAsStream(
361: "dtw/webmail/resources/controllers.properties"));
362: m_MainController = ctrls
363: .getProperty("jwma.controller.main");
364: m_MailingController = ctrls
365: .getProperty("jwma.controller.mailing");
366: m_ContactsController = ctrls
367: .getProperty("jwma.controller.contacts");
368: m_AdminController = ctrls
369: .getProperty("jwma.controller.admin");
370: } catch (IOException ex) {
371: log.error("prepareControllerUrls()", ex);
372: return;
373: }
374: for (Iterator iter = ctrls.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
375: String key = (String) iter.next();
376: log.debug(key + "=" + ctrls.get(key));
377: }
378: log.info(getLogMessage("jwma.kernel.prepared.curls"));
379: }//prepareControllerUrls
381: /**
382: * Prepares the view url's.
383: */
384: private void prepareViewUrls() {
385: m_Views = new Properties();
386: try {
387: m_Views.load(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
388: .getResourceAsStream(
389: "dtw/webmail/resources/views.properties"));
390: for (Iterator iter = m_Views.keySet().iterator(); iter
391: .hasNext();) {
392: String key = (String) iter.next();
393: log.debug(key + "=" + m_Views.get(key));
394: }
395: } catch (IOException ex) {
396: log.error("prepareViewUrls()", ex);
397: return;
398: }
399: log.info(getLogMessage("jwma.kernel.prepared.vurls"));
400: }//prepareViewUrls
402: /**
403: * Returns the active <tt>JwmaConfiguration</tt>
404: * instance.
405: *
406: * @return a <tt>JwmaConfiguration</tt> instance.
407: */
408: public JwmaConfiguration getConfiguration() {
409: return m_Configuration;
410: }//getConfiguration
412: /**
413: * Returns the controller URL setting of the local
414: * jwma installation.
415: *
416: * @return local controller's URL as <tt>String</tt>.
417: */
418: public String getMainControllerUrl() {
419: return m_MainController;
420: }//getMainControllerUrl
422: /**
423: * Returns the sendmail controller URL setting of the local
424: * jwma installation.
425: *
426: * @return local sendmail controller's URL as <tt>String</tt>.
427: */
428: public String getSendMailControllerUrl() {
429: return m_MailingController;
430: }//getSendMailControllerUrl
432: /**
433: * Returns the admin controller URL setting of the local
434: * jwma installation.
435: *
436: * @return local admin controller's URL as <tt>String</tt>.
437: */
438: public String getAdminControllerUrl() {
439: return m_AdminController;
440: }//getAdminControllerUrl
442: /**
443: * Returns the contacts controller URL setting of the local
444: * jwma installation.
445: *
446: * @return local contacts controller's URL as <tt>String</tt>.
447: */
448: public String getContactsControllerUrl() {
449: return m_ContactsController;
450: }//getContactsControllerUrl
452: /**
453: * Returns the site's configured view URL for the given view
454: * as <tt>String</tt>.
455: *
456: * <p>
457: * The <tt>String</tt> parameter passed in <b>has to be</b>
458: * one of the defined abstract view constants.
459: *
460: * @param view representing one of the constants defining an abstract
461: * view.
462: *
463: * @return local configured view URL of a given abstract view
464: * as <tt>String</tt>.
465: *
466: * @see #LOGIN_VIEW
467: * @see #ERROR_VIEW
468: * @see #LOGOUT_VIEW
469: * @see #FOLDER_VIEW
470: * @see #MESSAGE_VIEW
472: * @see #COMPOSE_VIEW
473: * @see #FIRSTTIME_VIEW
474: * @see #CONTACTS_VIEW
475: * @see #CONTACT_VIEW
476: * @see #CONTACT_EDIT_VIEW
479: */
480: public String getViewUrl(String view) {
481: log.debug("getViewUrl():" + view + ":"
482: + m_Views.containsKey(view));
483: return m_Views.getProperty(view);
484: }//getViewUrl
486: /**
487: * Returns the active and activated <tt>PreferencesPersistencePlugin</tt>
488: * instance that provides the persistency related functionality.
489: *
490: * @see dtw.webmail.plugin.PreferencesPersistencePlugin
491: */
492: public PreferencesPersistencePlugin getPrefsPersistencePlugin() {
493: return m_PrefsPersistencePlugin;
494: }//getPrefsPersistencePlugin
496: /**
497: * Returns the active and activated <tt>RandomAppendPlugin</tt>
498: * instance that provides random appending functionality.
499: * This method returns <tt>null</tt> if no such plugin is registered.
500: *
501: * @see dtw.webmail.plugin.RandomAppendPlugin
502: */
503: public RandomAppendPlugin getRandomAppendPlugin() {
504: return m_RandomAppendPlugin;
505: }//getRandomAppendPlugin
507: /**
508: * Returns the active and activated <tt>ContactManagementPlugin</tt>
509: * instance that provides contact management related functionality.
510: *
511: * @see dtw.webmail.plugin.ContactManagementPlugin
512: */
513: public ContactManagementPlugin getContactManagementPlugin() {
514: return m_ContactManagementPlugin;
515: }//getContactManagementPlugin
517: /**
518: * Returns the class loader for i18n resource bundles.
519: * <p>
520: * @return the <tt>ClassLoader</tt> used for loading i18n <tt>ResourceBundle</tt>s.
521: */
522: public ClassLoader getResourceClassLoader() {
523: return m_i18nLoader;
524: }//getResourceClassLoader
526: /**
527: * Returns the error message for the given key in the
528: * set system locale.
529: * <p>
530: * @return the error message as localized <tt>String</tt>.
531: */
532: public String getErrorMessage(String key) {
533: if (key == null) {
534: return "KEY NULL!!!!!!!!";
535: }
536: try {
537: return m_ErrorMessages.getString(key);
538: } catch (MissingResourceException mrex) {
539: return ("#UNDEFINED=" + key + "#");
540: }
541: }//getErrorMessage
543: /**
544: * Returns the log message for the given key in the
545: * set system locale.
546: * <p>
547: * @return the log message as localized <tt>String</tt>.
548: */
549: public String getLogMessage(String key) {
550: if (key == null) {
551: return "KEY NULL!!!!!!!!";
552: }
553: try {
554: return m_LogMessages.getString(key);
555: } catch (MissingResourceException mrex) {
556: return ("#UNDEFINED=" + key + "#");
557: }
558: }//getLogMessage
560: /*** Administration *************************************************************/
562: /**
563: * Tests if status is enabled.
564: *
565: * @return true if status is enabled, false otherwise.
566: */
567: public boolean isJwmaStatusEnabled() {
568: return m_StatusEnabled;
569: }//isJwmaStatusEnabled
571: /**
572: * Sets the flag that controls if the system's status is
573: * enabled.
574: *
575: * @param true if status is enabled, false otherwise.
576: */
577: public void setJwmaStatusEnabled(boolean enabled) {
578: m_StatusEnabled = enabled;
579: }//setJwmaStatusEnabled
581: /*** Status report related methods ***********************************************/
583: /**
584: * Returns the kernel status as <tt>int</tt>.
585: * <ol>
586: * <li>Directories set</li>
587: * <li>Settings loaded</li>
588: * <li>Logs prepared</li>
589: * <li>Loaded error messages</li>
590: * <li>prepared preferences persistency</li>
591: * <li>prepared text processing</li>
592: * <li>prepared mail services</li>
593: * <li>prepared view urls</li>
594: * </ol>
595: *
596: * @return kernel status as <tt>int</tt>.
597: */
598: public int getKernelStatus() {
599: return m_Diag;
600: }//getDiagnostic
602: /**
603: * Lists the directories jwma needs to access.
604: *
605: * @return array of strings representing the directories.
606: */
607: public String[] listDirectories() {
608: String[] dirs = { m_RootDir, m_EtcDir, m_LogDir, m_DataDir };
609: return dirs;
610: }//listDirectories
612: /**
613: * Returns the path of the given directory.
614: */
615: public String getDirectoryPath(int DIRECTORY) {
616: switch (DIRECTORY) {
617: case ROOT_DIR:
618: return m_RootDir;
619: case ETC_DIR:
620: return m_EtcDir;
621: case LOG_DIR:
622: return m_LogDir;
623: case DATA_DIR:
624: return m_DataDir;
625: default:
626: return null;
627: }
628: }//getDirectory
630: /**
631: * Lists the files jwma needs to access.
632: *
633: * @return array of strings representing the files.
634: */
635: public String[] listFiles() {
636: String[] files = new String[0];
637: /*
638: if (m_Diag<2) {
639: files=new String[1];
640: files[0]=m_Settings.getPath();
641: } else {
642: //FILES:
643: //String[] lang=new String[m_ErrorResources.size()];
644: //lang=(String[]) m_ErrorResources.keySet().toArray(lang);
646: files=new String[3+lang.length];
647: //settings file path
648: files[0]=m_Settings.getPath();
649: //log files
650: //files[1]=m_SyslogFile;
651: //files[2]=m_DebuglogFile;
653: //mapping file
654: //files[3]=m_PreferencesMappingFile;
656: //site preferences template
657: //files[4]=m_PreferencesTemplateFile;
659: //3- error messages files
660: for (int i=0; i<lang.length; i++) {
661: files[3+i]=m_EtcDir+"errormessages_"+lang[i]+".properties";
663: }
664: }
665: */
666: return files;
667: }//listFiles
669: /*** End status report related methods *******************************************/
671: /*** Text processing related methods *********************************************/
673: /**
674: * Returns the message processor indicated by the given
675: * name. If the name does not refer to any processing pipe,
676: * then the default processing pipe will be returned.
677: *
678: * @param name String that should represent a valid processing
679: * pipe name.
680: * @return Processor to be used for message processing.
681: */
682: public Processor getMessageProcessor(String name) {
683: //shortcut for null name
684: if (name == null || name.length() == 0) {
685: return m_MessageProcessor;
686: }
687: //Try to get a pipe with the specified name
688: Processor proc = m_ProcessingKernel.getProcessingPipe(name);
689: if (proc == null) {
690: //try to get a processor with the specified name
691: proc = m_ProcessingKernel.getProcessor(name);
692: if (proc == null) {
693: //set the default processor
694: proc = m_MessageProcessor;
695: }
696: }
697: //return the pipe, the processor or the default
698: return proc;
699: }//getMessageProcessor
701: public String[] listMessageProcessors() {
702: //return just processing pipes for now
703: return m_ProcessingKernel.listProcessingPipes();
704: }//listMessageProcessors
706: /*************************************************************************/
708: /**
709: * Returns the reference of the JwmaKernel singleton
710: * instance.
711: *
712: * <p>
713: * <i><b>Note:</b>this also implements kind of a factory method pattern.
714: * If the singleton instance does not exist yet, it will be created.</i>
715: *
716: * @return reference of the <tt>JwmaKernel</tt> singleton
717: * instance.
718: *
719: */
720: public static JwmaKernel getReference() {
721: if (c_Self != null) {
722: return c_Self;
723: } else {
724: return new JwmaKernel();
725: }
726: }//getReference
728: /**
729: * Defines the abstract login view.
730: */
731: public static final String LOGIN_VIEW = "view.login";
733: /**
734: * Defines the abstract error view.
735: */
736: public static final String ERROR_VIEW = "view.error";
738: /**
739: * Defines the abstract loggedout view.
740: */
741: public static final String LOGOUT_VIEW = "view.logout";
743: /**
744: * Defines the abstract subscribe view.
745: */
746: public static final String SUBSCRIBED_VIEW = "view.subscribed";
748: /**
749: * Defines the abstract unsubscribe view.
750: */
751: public static final String UNSUBSCRIBED_VIEW = "view.unsubscribed";
753: /**
754: * Defines the abstract folder view.
755: */
756: public static final String FOLDER_VIEW = "view.folder";
758: /**
759: * Defines the abstract mailbox view.
760: */
761: public static final String MAILBOX_VIEW = "view.mailbox";
763: /**
764: * Defines the abstract message view.
765: */
766: public static final String MESSAGE_VIEW = "view.message";
768: /**
769: * Defines the abstract compose view.
770: */
771: public static final String COMPOSE_VIEW = "view.compose";
773: /**
774: * Defines the abstract preferences view.
775: */
776: public static final String PREFERENCES_VIEW = "view.preferences";
778: /**
779: * Defines the abstract error firsttime view.
780: */
781: public static final String FIRSTTIME_VIEW = "view.firsttime";
783: /**
784: * Defines the abstract contacts view.
785: */
786: public static final String CONTACTS_VIEW = "view.contacts";
788: /**
789: * Defines the abstract contact view.
790: */
791: public static final String CONTACT_VIEW = "view.contact";
793: /**
794: * Defines the abstract contact edit view.
795: */
796: public static final String CONTACT_EDIT_VIEW = "view.contact.edit";
798: /**
799: * Defines the abstract contact group view.
800: */
801: public static final String CONTACTGROUP_VIEW = "view.contactgroup";
803: /**
804: * Defines the abstract contact group edit view.
805: */
806: public static final String CONTACTGROUP_EDIT_VIEW = "view.contactgroup.edit";
808: /**
809: * Defines the abstract admin status view.
810: */
811: public static final String ADMIN_STATUS_VIEW = "view.admin.status";
813: /**
814: * Defines the abstract admin preferences view.
815: */
816: public static final String ADMIN_PREFERENCES_VIEW = "view.admin.preferences";
818: /**
819: * Defines the abstract admin settings view.
820: */
821: public static final String ADMIN_SETTINGS_VIEW = "view.admin.settings";
823: /**
824: * Defines the abstract admin login view.
825: */
826: public static final String ADMIN_LOGIN_VIEW = "view.admin.login";
828: /**
829: * Defines the abstract admin menu view.
830: */
831: public static final String ADMIN_MENU_VIEW = "view.admin.menu";
833: /**
834: * Defines the abstract admin error view.
835: */
836: public static final String ADMIN_ERROR_VIEW = "view.admin.error";
838: /**
839: * Defines the abstract account creation view.
840: */
841: public static final String ACCOUNT_CREATION_VIEW = "view.account.creation";
843: /**
844: * Defines the root directory.
845: */
846: public static final int ROOT_DIR = 1;
848: /**
849: * Defines the root directory.
850: */
851: public static final int ETC_DIR = 2;
853: /**
854: * Defines the root directory.
855: */
856: public static final int LOG_DIR = 3;
858: /**
859: * Defines the data directory.
860: */
861: public static final int DATA_DIR = 4;
863: }//JwmaKernel