| Does an antivirus scan check using a ClamAV daemon (CLAMD)
Interacts directly with the daemon using the "stream" method,
which should have the lowest possible overhead.
The CLAMD daemon will typically reside on localhost, but could reside on a
different host.
It may also consist on a set of multiple daemons, each residing on a different
server and on different IP number.
In such case a DNS host name with multiple IP addresses (round-robin load sharing)
is supported by the mailet (but on the same port number).
Handles the following init parameters:
<debug> .
<host> : the host name of the server where CLAMD runs. It can either be
a machine name, such as
"java.sun.com ", or a textual representation of its
IP address. If a literal IP address is supplied, only the
validity of the address format is checked.
If the machine name resolves to multiple IP addresses, round-robin load sharing will
be used.
The default is localhost .
<port> : the port on which CLAMD listens. The default is 3310.
<maxPings> : the maximum number of connection retries during startup.
If the value is 0 no startup test will be done.
The default is 6.
<pingIntervalMilli> : the interval (in milliseconds)
between each connection retry during startup.
The default is 30000 (30 seconds).
<streamBufferSize> : the BufferedOutputStream buffer size to use
writing to the stream connection. The default is 8192.
The actions performed are as follows:
- During initialization:
- Gets all
config.xml parameters, handling the defaults;
- resolves the
<host> parameter, creating the round-robin IP list;
- connects to CLAMD at the first IP in the round-robin list, on
the specified
<port> ;
- if unsuccessful, retries every
<pingIntervalMilli> milliseconds up to
<maxPings> times;
- sends a
PING request;
- waits for a
PONG answer;
- repeats steps 3-6 for every other IP resolved.
- For every mail
- connects to CLAMD at the "next" IP in the round-robin list, on
the specified
<port> , and increments the "next" index;
if the connection request is not accepted tries with the next one
in the list unless all of them have failed;
- sends a "
STREAM " request;
- parses the "
PORT streamPort " answer obtaining the port number;
- makes a second connection (the stream connection) to CLAMD at the same host (or IP)
on the streamPort just obtained;
- sends the mime message to CLAMD (using
MimeMessage.writeTo(OutputStream) )
through the stream connection;
- closes the stream connection;
- gets the "
OK " or "... FOUND " answer from the main connection;
- closes the main connection;
- sets the "
org.apache.james.infected " mail attribute to either
"true " or "false ";
- adds the "
X-MessageIsInfected " header to either
"true " or "false ";
Some notes regarding clamav.conf:
LocalSocket must be commented out
TCPSocket must be set to a port# (typically 3310)
StreamMaxLength must be >= the James config.xml parameter
<maxmessagesize > in SMTP <handler >
MaxThreads should? be >= the James config.xml parameter
<threads > in <spoolmanager >
ScanMail must be uncommented
Here follows an example of config.xml definitions deploying CLAMD on localhost,
and handling the infected messages:
<!-- Do an antivirus scan -->
<mailet match="All" class="ClamAVScan" onMailetException="ignore"/>
<!-- If infected go to virus processor -->
<mailet match="HasMailAttributeWithValue=org.apache.james.infected, true" class="ToProcessor">
<processor> virus </processor>
<!-- Check attachment extensions for possible viruses -->
<mailet match="AttachmentFileNameIs=-d -z *.exe *.com *.bat *.cmd *.pif *.scr *.vbs *.avi *.mp3 *.mpeg *.shs" class="ToProcessor">
<processor> bad-extensions </processor>
<!-- Messages containing viruses -->
<processor name="virus">
<!-- To avoid a loop while bouncing -->
<mailet match="All" class="SetMailAttribute">
<org.apache.james.infected>true, bouncing</org.apache.james.infected>
<mailet match="SMTPAuthSuccessful" class="Bounce">
<notice> Warning: We were unable to deliver the message below because it was found infected by virus(es). </notice>
<mailet match="All" class="ToRepository">
<mailet match="All" class="Null" />
version: 2.2.1 since: 2.2.1 See Also: ClamAV Home Page See Also: ClamAV For Windows |