A single attachment to a SOAPMessage object. A SOAPMessage object
may contain zero, one, or many AttachmentPart objects. Each
AttachmentPart object consists of two parts, application-specific content and associated
MIME headers. The MIME headers consists of name/value pairs that can be used to identify and
describe the content.
An AttachmentPart object must conform to certain standards.
- It must conform to MIME [RFC2045]
- It MUST contain content
- The header portion MUST include the following header:
There are no restrictions on the content portion of an AttachmentPart object. The
content may be anything from a simple plain text object to a complex XML document or image
An AttachmentPart object is created with the method
SOAPMessage.createAttachmentPart . After setting its MIME headers, the
AttachmentPart object is added to the message that created it with the method
SOAPMessage.addAttachmentPart .
The following code fragment, in which m is a SOAPMessage object and
contentStringl is a String , creates an instance of
AttachmentPart , sets the AttachmentPart object with some content and header
information, and adds the AttachmentPart object to the SOAPMessage
object. AttachmentPart ap1 = m.createAttachmentPart(); ap1.setContent(contentString1,
"text/plain"); m.addAttachmentPart(ap1);
The following code fragment creates and adds a second AttachmentPart instance to
the same message. jpegData is a binary byte buffer representing the jpeg file.
AttachmentPart ap2 = m.createAttachmentPart(); byte[] jpegData = ...; ap2.setContent(new
ByteArrayInputStream(jpegData), "image/jpeg"); m.addAttachmentPart(ap2);
The getContent method retrieves the contents and header from an
AttachmentPart object. Depending on the DataContentHandler objects
present, the returned Object can either be a typed Java object corresponding to the
MIME type or an InputStream object that contains the content as bytes.
String content1 = ap1.getContent(); java.io.InputStream content2 = ap2.getContent(); The
method clearContent removes all the content from an AttachmentPart
object but does not affect its header information. ap1.clearContent();