The container for the SOAP-specific portion of a SOAPMessage object. All
messages are required to have a SOAP part, so when a SOAPMessage object is created,
it will automatically have a SOAPPart object.
A SOAPPart object is a MIME part and has the MIME headers Content-Id,
Content-Location, and Content-Type. Because the value of Content-Type must be "text/xml", a
SOAPPart object automatically has a MIME header of Content-Type with its value set
to "text/xml". The value must be "text/xml" because content in the SOAP part of a message must be
in XML format. Content that is not of type "text/xml" must be in an AttachmentPart
object rather than in the SOAPPart object.
When a message is sent, its SOAP part must have the MIME header Content-Type set to
"text/xml". Or, from the other perspective, the SOAP part of any message that is received must
have the MIME header Content-Type with a value of "text/xml".
A client can access the SOAPPart object of a SOAPMessage object by
calling the method SOAPMessage.getSOAPPart . The following line of code, in which
message is a SOAPMessage object, retrieves the SOAP part of a
message. SOAPPart soapPart = message.getSOAPPart();
A SOAPPart object contains a SOAPEnvelope object, which in turn
contains a SOAPBody object and a SOAPHeader object. The
SOAPPart method getEnvelope can be used to retrieve the
SOAPEnvelope object.