Method Summary |
AttachmentPart | addAttachmentPart(SOAPMessage message, DataHandler dataHandler) Adds an attachment to the given message. |
void | addAttribute(SOAPElement element, QName name, String value) Adds an attribute to the specified element. |
DetailEntry | addDetailEntry(Detail detail, QName name) Adds a detail entry to the given detail. |
SOAPFault | addFault(SOAPBody body, QName faultCode, String faultString, Locale locale) Adds a fault to the given body. |
Detail | addFaultDetail(SOAPFault fault) Adds a fault detail for the given fault. |
SOAPHeaderElement | addHeaderElement(SOAPHeader header, QName name) Adds a header element to the given header. |
SOAPHeaderElement | addNotUnderstoodHeaderElement(SOAPHeader header, QName name) Adds a not understood header element to the given header. |
void | addTextNode(DetailEntry detailEntry, String text) |
SOAPHeaderElement | addUpgradeHeaderElement(SOAPHeader header, String[] supportedSoapUris) Adds a upgrade header element to the given header. |
void | appendFaultSubcode(SOAPFault fault, QName subcode) Adds a fault sub code. |
Iterator | examineAllHeaderElements(SOAPHeader header) Returns all header elements. |
Iterator | examineMustUnderstandHeaderElements(SOAPHeader header, String actorOrRole) Returns all header elements for which the must understand attribute is true, given the actor or role. |
String | getActorOrRole(SOAPHeaderElement headerElement) Returns the SOAP 1.1 actor or SOAP 1.2 role attribute for the given header element. |
Iterator | getAllAttibutes(SOAPElement element) Returns all attributes as an iterator of QNames. |
Iterator | getAttachment(SOAPMessage message, MimeHeaders mimeHeaders) Returns an iteration over all attachments in the message with the given headers. |
Iterator | getAttachments(SOAPMessage message) Returns an iteration over all attachments in the message. |
String | getAttributeValue(SOAPElement element, QName name) |
SOAPBody | getBody(SOAPEnvelope envelope) Returns the body of the given envelope. |
Iterator | getDetailEntries(Detail detail) Returns an iteration over all detail entries. |
SOAPEnvelope | getEnvelope(SOAPMessage message) Returns the envelope of the given message. |
SOAPFault | getFault(SOAPBody body) Returns the fault for the given body, if any. |
String | getFaultActor(SOAPFault fault) Returns the actor for the given fault. |
QName | getFaultCode(SOAPFault fault) Returns the fault code for the given fault. |
Detail | getFaultDetail(SOAPFault fault) Returns the fault detail for the given fault. |
String | getFaultNode(SOAPFault fault) Returns the fault node. |
String | getFaultReasonText(SOAPFault fault, Locale locale) Returns the fault reason text. |
String | getFaultRole(SOAPFault fault) Returns the fault role. |
String | getFaultString(SOAPFault fault) Returns the fault string for the given fault. |
Locale | getFaultStringLocale(SOAPFault fault) Returns the fault string language for the given fault. |
Iterator | getFaultSubcodes(SOAPFault fault) Returns the fault sub code. |
SOAPElement | getFirstBodyElement(SOAPBody body) Returns the first child element of the given body. |
SOAPHeader | getHeader(SOAPEnvelope envelope) Returns the header of the given envelope. |
MimeHeaders | getMimeHeaders(SOAPMessage message) Returns the MIME headers of the message. |
boolean | getMustUnderstand(SOAPHeaderElement headerElement) Gets the must understand attribute for the given header element. |
QName | getName(SOAPElement element) Returns the name of the given element. |
Result | getResult(SOAPElement element) Returns the writable Result of the given element. |
Source | getSource(SOAPElement element) Returns the readable Source of the given element. |
String | getText(SOAPElement element) |
boolean | hasFault(SOAPBody body) Returns true if the body has a fault, false otherwise. |
void | removeAttribute(SOAPElement element, QName name) Removes an attribute from the specified element. |
void | removeContents(SOAPElement element) Removes the contents (i.e. |
void | setActorOrRole(SOAPHeaderElement headerElement, String actorOrRole) Sets the SOAP 1.1 actor or SOAP 1.2 role attribute for the given header element. |
void | setFaultActor(SOAPFault fault, String actorOrRole) Sets the actor for the given fault. |
void | setFaultNode(SOAPFault fault, String uri) Sets the fault node. |
void | setFaultReasonText(SOAPFault fault, Locale locale, String text) Sets the fault reason text. |
void | setFaultRole(SOAPFault fault, String role) Sets the fault role. |
void | setMustUnderstand(SOAPHeaderElement headerElement, boolean mustUnderstand) Sets the must understand attribute for the given header element. |
void | setText(SOAPElement element, String content) |
void | writeTo(SOAPMessage message, OutputStream outputStream) Writes the given message to the given stream. |