0001: /*
0002: * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
0003: *
0004: *
0005: * Copyright (c) 2002 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights
0006: * reserved.
0007: *
0008: * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
0009: * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
0010: * are met:
0011: *
0012: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
0013: * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
0014: *
0015: * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
0016: * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
0017: * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
0018: * distribution.
0019: *
0020: * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution,
0021: * if any, must include the following acknowledgment:
0022: * "This product includes software developed by the
0023: * Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)."
0024: * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself,
0025: * if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.
0026: *
0027: * 4. The names "WSIF" and "Apache Software Foundation" must
0028: * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
0029: * software without prior written permission. For written
0030: * permission, please contact apache@apache.org.
0031: *
0032: * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache",
0033: * nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written
0034: * permission of the Apache Software Foundation.
0035: *
0047: * SUCH DAMAGE.
0048: * ====================================================================
0049: *
0050: * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
0051: * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation and was
0052: * originally based on software copyright (c) 2001, 2002, International
0053: * Business Machines, Inc., http://www.apache.org. For more
0054: * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see
0055: * <http://www.apache.org/>.
0056: */
0058: package org.apache.wsif.providers.soap.apacheaxis;
0060: import java.rmi.RemoteException;
0061: import java.util.ArrayList;
0062: import java.util.Arrays;
0063: import java.util.HashMap;
0064: import java.util.Iterator;
0065: import java.util.List;
0066: import java.util.Map;
0067: import java.util.Vector;
0069: import javax.jms.TextMessage;
0070: import javax.wsdl.Binding;
0071: import javax.wsdl.BindingFault;
0072: import javax.wsdl.BindingInput;
0073: import javax.wsdl.BindingOperation;
0074: import javax.wsdl.BindingOutput;
0075: import javax.wsdl.Definition;
0076: import javax.wsdl.Input;
0077: import javax.wsdl.Operation;
0078: import javax.wsdl.Output;
0079: import javax.wsdl.Part;
0080: import javax.wsdl.extensions.mime.MIMEContent;
0081: import javax.wsdl.extensions.mime.MIMEMimeXml;
0082: import javax.wsdl.extensions.mime.MIMEMultipartRelated;
0083: import javax.wsdl.extensions.mime.MIMEPart;
0084: import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPBody;
0085: import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPFault;
0086: import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPHeader;
0087: import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPHeaderFault;
0088: import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPOperation;
0089: import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
0090: import javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode;
0091: import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException;
0093: import org.apache.axis.AxisEngine;
0094: import org.apache.axis.AxisFault;
0095: import org.apache.axis.Message;
0096: import org.apache.axis.MessageContext;
0097: import org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentPart;
0098: import org.apache.axis.client.Call;
0099: import org.apache.axis.client.Service;
0100: import org.apache.axis.client.Transport;
0101: import org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializerFactory;
0102: import org.apache.axis.encoding.SerializerFactory;
0103: import org.apache.axis.encoding.SimpleType;
0104: import org.apache.axis.encoding.TypeMapping;
0105: import org.apache.axis.encoding.TypeMappingRegistry;
0106: import org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.ArrayDeserializerFactory;
0107: import org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.ArraySerializerFactory;
0108: import org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializerFactory;
0109: import org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanSerializerFactory;
0110: import org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.SimpleDeserializerFactory;
0111: import org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.SimpleSerializerFactory;
0112: import org.apache.axis.message.RPCElement;
0113: import org.apache.axis.message.RPCParam;
0114: import org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement;
0115: import org.apache.axis.message.SOAPEnvelope;
0116: import org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultElement;
0117: import org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHeaderElement;
0118: import org.apache.wsif.WSIFConstants;
0119: import org.apache.wsif.WSIFCorrelationId;
0120: import org.apache.wsif.WSIFException;
0121: import org.apache.wsif.WSIFMessage;
0122: import org.apache.wsif.WSIFPort;
0123: import org.apache.wsif.WSIFResponseHandler;
0124: import org.apache.wsif.base.WSIFDefaultOperation;
0125: import org.apache.wsif.logging.Trc;
0126: import org.apache.wsif.providers.WSIFDynamicTypeMap;
0127: import org.apache.wsif.providers.WSIFDynamicTypeMapping;
0128: import org.apache.wsif.util.TypeSerializerInfo;
0129: import org.apache.wsif.util.WSIFUtils;
0130: import org.apache.wsif.util.jms.WSIFJMSDestination;
0131: import org.apache.wsif.wsdl.extensions.jms.JMSProperty;
0132: import org.apache.wsif.wsdl.extensions.jms.JMSPropertyValue;
0133: import org.w3c.dom.Element;
0134: import org.w3c.dom.Node;
0135: import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
0136: import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
0138: import com.ibm.wsdl.extensions.mime.MIMEConstants;
0140: /**
0141: * The WSIFOperation class for invoking WSDL operations using Apache AXIS.
0142: *
0143: * @author Mark Whitlock <whitlock@apache.org>
0144: * @author Ant Elder <ant.elder@uk.ibm.com>
0145: */
0146: public class WSIFOperation_ApacheAxis extends WSIFDefaultOperation {
0148: private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
0150: transient protected WSIFPort_ApacheAxis wsifPort;
0152: transient protected Operation portTypeOperation;
0153: transient protected BindingOperation bindingOperation;
0154: transient protected SOAPOperation soapOperation;
0156: transient protected List inputSOAPParts;
0157: transient protected List inputUnwrappedSOAPParts;
0158: transient protected List inputMIMEParts;
0159: transient protected Part inputSOAPHeader;
0160: transient protected Part inputSOAPHeaderFault;
0162: protected List outputSOAPParts;
0163: protected List outputUnwrappedSOAPParts;
0164: protected List outputMIMEParts;
0165: protected Part outputSOAPHeader;
0166: protected Part outputSOAPHeaderFault;
0168: transient protected String inputEncodingStyle;
0169: transient protected String inputNamespace;
0170: transient protected String soapActionURI;
0172: transient protected HashMap responseMessageParameters;
0174: // for async operation
0175: transient protected boolean asyncOperation;
0176: transient protected WSIFCorrelationId asyncRequestID;
0178: // everything other than what is needed to process async response should be transient
0179: protected WSIFResponseHandler responseHandler;
0180: protected String outputEncodingStyle;
0181: protected WSIFDynamicTypeMap typeMap;
0182: protected String operationStyle;
0184: /**
0185: * Construct a new WSIFOperation
0186: */
0187: public WSIFOperation_ApacheAxis(WSIFPort_ApacheAxis wsifPort,
0188: Operation portTypeOperation, WSIFDynamicTypeMap typeMap)
0189: throws WSIFException {
0190: Trc.entry(this , wsifPort, portTypeOperation, typeMap);
0192: /* Note: if you change anything here make sure you consider
0193: * the impact to the constructor, copy and prepare methods
0194: * and to if any instance variables are transient
0195: */
0197: this .wsifPort = wsifPort;
0198: this .portTypeOperation = portTypeOperation;
0199: this .typeMap = typeMap;
0201: this .bindingOperation = getBindingOperation(portTypeOperation);
0203: this .inputEncodingStyle = WSIFAXISConstants.DEFAULT_SOAP_ENCODING_URI;
0204: this .outputEncodingStyle = WSIFAXISConstants.DEFAULT_SOAP_ENCODING_URI;
0206: if (Trc.ON) {
0207: Trc.exit(deep());
0208: }
0209: }
0211: /**
0212: * Create a new copy of this object. This is not a clone, since
0213: * it does not copy the referenced objects as well.
0214: * The intention here is to copy anything that the prepare method
0215: * has done so that WSIFOperation instances can be cached by the
0216: * WSIFPort and safely reused with minimum overhead.
0217: * @deprecated why was this ever made public??? It should only
0218: * ever be used by the WSIFPort!!!
0219: */
0220: public WSIFOperation_ApacheAxis copy() throws WSIFException {
0221: Trc.entry(this );
0223: /* Note: if you change anything here make sure you consider
0224: * the impact to the constructor, copy and prepare methods
0225: * and to if any instance variables are transient
0226: */
0228: WSIFOperation_ApacheAxis op = new WSIFOperation_ApacheAxis(
0229: wsifPort, portTypeOperation, typeMap);
0231: op.inputSOAPParts = inputSOAPParts;
0232: op.inputUnwrappedSOAPParts = inputUnwrappedSOAPParts;
0233: op.inputMIMEParts = inputMIMEParts;
0234: op.inputSOAPHeader = inputSOAPHeader;
0235: op.inputSOAPHeaderFault = inputSOAPHeaderFault;
0237: op.outputSOAPParts = outputSOAPParts;
0238: op.outputUnwrappedSOAPParts = outputUnwrappedSOAPParts;
0239: op.outputMIMEParts = outputMIMEParts;
0240: op.outputSOAPHeader = outputSOAPHeader;
0241: op.outputSOAPHeaderFault = outputSOAPHeaderFault;
0243: op.soapOperation = soapOperation;
0245: op.setSoapActionURI(getSoapActionURI());
0246: op.setInputNamespace(getInputNamespace());
0247: op.setInputEncodingStyle(getInputEncodingStyle());
0248: op.setOutputEncodingStyle(getOutputEncodingStyle());
0249: op.setAsyncOperation(isAsyncOperation());
0250: op.setResponseHandler(getResponseHandler());
0251: op.setInputJmsProperties(getInputJmsProperties());
0252: op.setOutputJmsProperties(getOutputJmsProperties());
0253: op.setInputJmsPropertyValues(getInputJmsPropertyValues());
0254: op.setOperationStyle(getOperationStyle());
0256: if (Trc.ON)
0257: Trc.exit(op.deep());
0258: return op;
0259: }
0261: /**
0262: * Initialises instance variables relating to the WSDL soap:operation element
0263: * The soap:operation WSDL element has the form:
0264: * <soap:operation soapAction="uri"? style="rpc|document"?>?
0265: */
0266: private void parseSoapOperation() throws WSIFException {
0268: this .soapOperation = wsifPort
0269: .getSOAPOperation(bindingOperation);
0270: this .soapActionURI = soapOperation.getSoapActionURI();
0271: this .operationStyle = soapOperation.getStyle();
0273: if (operationStyle == null || operationStyle.length() < 1) {
0274: operationStyle = wsifPort.getBindingStyle();
0275: } else if (!WSIFAXISConstants.VALID_STYLES
0276: .contains(operationStyle)) {
0277: throw new WSIFException("unsupported style "
0278: + operationStyle + " for operation "
0279: + portTypeOperation.getName());
0280: }
0281: if (operationStyle == null || operationStyle.length() < 1) {
0282: operationStyle = WSIFAXISConstants.STYLE_DOCUMENT;
0283: }
0284: }
0286: /**
0287: * Initialises instance variables relating to the WSDL binding:input element
0288: * The WSDL binding input has the form:
0289: * <input>
0290: * <soap:body parts="nmtokens"? use="literal|encoded"
0291: * encodingStyle="uri-list"? namespace="uri"?>
0292: * <soap:header message="qname" part="nmtoken" use="literal|encoded"
0293: * encodingStyle="uri-list"? namespace="uri"?>*
0294: * <soap:headerfault message="qname"
0295: * part="nmtoken" use="literal|encoded"
0296: * encodingStyle="uri-list"? namespace="uri"?/>*
0297: * <soap:header>
0298: * </input>
0299: */
0300: private void parseBindingInput() throws WSIFException {
0301: BindingInput bindinginput = bindingOperation.getBindingInput();
0302: List inExtElems = bindinginput.getExtensibilityElements();
0304: SOAPBody inSoapBody = (SOAPBody) wsifPort.getExtElem(
0305: bindinginput,
0306: javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPBody.class, inExtElems);
0307: if (inSoapBody != null) {
0308: this .inputSOAPParts = parseSoapBody(inSoapBody, true);
0309: }
0311: MIMEMultipartRelated inMimeMultipart = (MIMEMultipartRelated) wsifPort
0312: .getExtElem(bindinginput, MIMEMultipartRelated.class,
0313: inExtElems);
0315: if (inSoapBody != null && inMimeMultipart != null) {
0316: throw new WSIFException(
0317: "In a binding operation that contains a mime:multipartRelated, "
0318: + "a soap:body was found that was not in a mime:part. "
0319: + "OperationName=" + getName());
0320: }
0321: if (inSoapBody == null && inMimeMultipart == null) {
0322: throw new WSIFException(
0323: "binding operation input must contain either a soap:body "
0324: + "or a mime:multipartRelated element. "
0325: + "OperationName=" + getName());
0326: }
0328: if (inMimeMultipart != null) {
0329: parseMimeMultipart(inMimeMultipart, true);
0330: }
0332: MIMEMimeXml inMimeMimeXml = (MIMEMimeXml) wsifPort.getExtElem(
0333: bindinginput, MIMEMimeXml.class, inExtElems);
0334: if (inMimeMimeXml != null)
0335: throw new WSIFException(
0336: "WSIF does not support mime:mimeXml. Operation="
0337: + getName());
0339: parseSOAPHeaderElement(bindinginput);
0341: List inJmsProps = wsifPort.getExtElems(bindinginput,
0342: JMSProperty.class, bindinginput
0343: .getExtensibilityElements());
0344: if (inJmsProps != null && inJmsProps.size() > 0) {
0345: if (wsifPort.isTransportJMS())
0346: setInputJmsProperties(inJmsProps);
0347: else
0348: throw new WSIFException(
0349: "jms:property found in non-jms binding");
0350: }
0352: List inJmsPropVals = wsifPort.getExtElems(bindinginput,
0353: JMSPropertyValue.class, bindinginput
0354: .getExtensibilityElements());
0355: if (inJmsPropVals != null && inJmsPropVals.size() > 0) {
0356: if (wsifPort.isTransportJMS())
0357: addInputJmsPropertyValues(inJmsPropVals);
0358: else
0359: throw new WSIFException(
0360: "jms:propertyValue found in non-jms binding");
0361: }
0362: }
0364: /**
0365: * Initialises instance variables relating to the WSDL binding:output element
0366: * The WSDL binding output has the form:
0367: * <output>
0368: * <soap:body parts="nmtokens"? use="literal|encoded"
0369: * encodingStyle="uri-list"? namespace="uri"?>
0370: * <soap:header message="qname" part="nmtoken" use="literal|encoded"
0371: * encodingStyle="uri-list"? namespace="uri"?>*
0372: * <soap:headerfault message="qname"
0373: * part="nmtoken" use="literal|encoded"
0374: * encodingStyle="uri-list"? namespace="uri"?/>*
0375: * <soap:header>
0376: * </output>
0377: */
0378: private void parseBindingOutput() throws WSIFException {
0379: BindingOutput bindingoutput = bindingOperation
0380: .getBindingOutput();
0381: if (bindingoutput != null) {
0382: List outExtElems = bindingoutput.getExtensibilityElements();
0383: SOAPBody outSoapBody = (SOAPBody) wsifPort.getExtElem(
0384: bindingoutput,
0385: javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPBody.class,
0386: outExtElems);
0387: if (outSoapBody != null) {
0388: this .outputSOAPParts = parseSoapBody(outSoapBody, false);
0389: }
0391: MIMEMultipartRelated outMimeMultipart = (MIMEMultipartRelated) wsifPort
0392: .getExtElem(bindingoutput,
0393: MIMEMultipartRelated.class, outExtElems);
0395: if (outSoapBody != null && outMimeMultipart != null) {
0396: throw new WSIFException(
0397: "In a binding operation that contains a mime:multipartRelated, "
0398: + "a soap:body was found that was not in a mime:part. "
0399: + "OperationName=" + getName());
0400: }
0401: if (outSoapBody == null && outMimeMultipart == null) {
0402: throw new WSIFException(
0403: "binding operation output must contain either a soap:body "
0404: + "or a mime:multipartRelated element. "
0405: + "OperationName=" + getName());
0406: }
0408: if (outMimeMultipart != null) {
0409: parseMimeMultipart(outMimeMultipart, false);
0410: }
0412: MIMEMimeXml outMimeMimeXml = (MIMEMimeXml) wsifPort
0413: .getExtElem(bindingoutput, MIMEMimeXml.class,
0414: outExtElems);
0415: if (outMimeMimeXml != null) {
0416: throw new WSIFException(
0417: "WSIF does not support mime:mimeXml. Operation="
0418: + getName());
0419: }
0421: parseSOAPHeaderElement(bindingoutput);
0423: for (Iterator iterator1 = bindingOperation
0424: .getBindingFaults().values().iterator(); iterator1
0425: .hasNext();) {
0426: BindingFault bindingfault = (BindingFault) iterator1
0427: .next();
0428: SOAPFault soapfault = (SOAPFault) wsifPort.getExtElem(
0429: bindingfault,
0430: javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPFault.class,
0431: bindingfault.getExtensibilityElements());
0432: }
0434: List outJmsProps = wsifPort.getExtElems(bindingoutput,
0435: JMSProperty.class, outExtElems);
0436: if (outJmsProps != null && outJmsProps.size() > 0) {
0437: if (wsifPort.isTransportJMS()) {
0438: setOutputJmsProperties(outJmsProps);
0439: } else {
0440: throw new WSIFException(
0441: "jms:properties found in non-jms binding");
0442: }
0443: }
0444: }
0445: }
0447: /**
0448: * Parses any SOAP header elements in the binding input or output.
0449: * The WSDL soap:header element has the form:
0450: * <soap:header message="qname" part="nmtoken" use="literal|encoded"
0451: * encodingStyle="uri-list"? namespace="uri"?>*
0452: * <soap:headerfault message="qname" part="nmtoken" use="literal|encoded"
0453: * encodingStyle="uri-list"? namespace="uri"?/>*
0454: * <soap:header>
0455: */
0456: private void parseSOAPHeaderElement(Object element)
0457: throws WSIFException {
0459: List extensabilityElements;
0460: if (element instanceof BindingInput) {
0461: extensabilityElements = ((BindingInput) element)
0462: .getExtensibilityElements();
0463: } else if (element instanceof BindingOutput) {
0464: extensabilityElements = ((BindingOutput) element)
0465: .getExtensibilityElements();
0466: } else {
0467: throw new WSIFException(
0468: "internal error, unexpected object: " + element);
0469: }
0471: Part soapHeaderPart = null;
0472: Part soapHeaderFaultPart = null;
0474: SOAPHeader soapHeader = (SOAPHeader) wsifPort.getExtElem(
0475: element, javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPHeader.class,
0476: extensabilityElements);
0477: if (soapHeader != null) {
0478: QName messageName = soapHeader.getMessage();
0479: if (messageName == null) {
0480: throw new WSIFException(
0481: "no message attribute on soap:header: "
0482: + soapHeader);
0483: }
0484: String messagePart = soapHeader.getPart();
0485: if (messagePart == null) {
0486: throw new WSIFException(
0487: "no part attribute on soap:header: "
0488: + soapHeader);
0489: }
0490: soapHeaderPart = getPart(messageName, messagePart);
0491: if (soapHeaderPart == null) {
0492: throw new WSIFException(
0493: "non existent part specified on soap:header: "
0494: + soapHeader);
0495: }
0497: SOAPHeaderFault soapHeaderFault = (SOAPHeaderFault) wsifPort
0498: .getExtElem(
0499: soapHeader,
0500: javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPHeaderFault.class,
0501: extensabilityElements);
0502: if (soapHeaderFault != null) {
0503: messageName = soapHeader.getMessage();
0504: if (messageName == null) {
0505: throw new WSIFException(
0506: "no message attribute on soap:header: "
0507: + soapHeader);
0508: }
0509: messagePart = soapHeader.getPart();
0510: if (messagePart == null) {
0511: throw new WSIFException(
0512: "no part attribute on soap:header: "
0513: + soapHeader);
0514: }
0515: soapHeaderFaultPart = getPart(messageName, messagePart);
0516: if (soapHeaderFaultPart == null) {
0517: throw new WSIFException(
0518: "non existent part specified on soap:header: "
0519: + soapHeader);
0520: }
0521: }
0522: }
0524: if (element instanceof BindingInput) {
0525: this .inputSOAPHeader = soapHeaderPart;
0526: this .inputSOAPHeaderFault = soapHeaderFaultPart;
0527: } else {
0528: this .outputSOAPHeader = soapHeaderPart;
0529: this .outputSOAPHeaderFault = soapHeaderFaultPart;
0530: }
0531: //TODO now go and do something with them...
0532: }
0534: /**
0535: * Validates the soap:body WSDL element.
0536: * The soap:body WSDL element has the form:
0537: * <soap:body parts="nmtokens"? use="literal|encoded"
0538: * encodingStyle="uri-list"? namespace="uri"?>
0539: * Returns an ArrayList of the WSDL parts
0540: */
0541: private List parseSoapBody(SOAPBody soapbody, boolean isInput)
0542: throws WSIFException {
0543: Trc.entry(this , soapbody, new Boolean(isInput));
0545: // get input namespace
0546: if (isInput) {
0547: String ns = soapbody.getNamespaceURI();
0548: if (ns != null) {
0549: setInputNamespace(soapbody.getNamespaceURI());
0550: }
0551: }
0553: // get use
0554: String use = soapbody.getUse();
0555: if (!WSIFAXISConstants.VALID_USES.contains(use)) {
0556: throw new WSIFException("unsupported use " + use + " in "
0557: + soapOperation);
0558: }
0560: // get encoding style
0561: if (isInput) {
0562: List l = soapbody.getEncodingStyles();
0563: if (l != null && l.size() > 0) {
0564: setInputEncodingStyle((String) l.get(0));
0565: }
0566: }
0568: // get all the WSDL parts. If the soap:body parts= is defined
0569: // only get those parts, otherwise get all parts in the WSDL message
0570: javax.wsdl.Message m = null;
0571: if (isInput) {
0572: Input in = portTypeOperation.getInput();
0573: if (in != null) {
0574: m = in.getMessage();
0575: }
0576: } else {
0577: Output out = portTypeOperation.getOutput();
0578: if (out != null) {
0579: m = out.getMessage();
0580: }
0581: }
0582: ArrayList al = getParts(m, soapbody.getParts());
0584: Trc.exit(al);
0585: return al;
0586: }
0588: /**
0589: * Gets the parts from a WSDL message.
0590: * If the partNames list (from WSDL soap:body parts=) is
0591: * not null only the parts named in the partName list are
0592: * returned, otherwise all parts are returned.
0593: */
0594: private ArrayList getParts(javax.wsdl.Message m, List partNames)
0595: throws WSIFException {
0596: ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
0597: List parts = null;
0598: if (m != null) {
0599: parts = m.getOrderedParts(null);
0600: }
0602: if ((parts == null || parts.size() < 1)
0603: && (partNames != null && partNames.size() > 0)) {
0604: throw new WSIFException("part '" + partNames.get(0)
0605: + "' not defined in message " + m);
0606: }
0608: if (partNames == null) {
0609: if (parts != null) {
0610: al.addAll(parts);
0611: }
0612: } else {
0613: for (Iterator i = partNames.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
0614: String partName = (String) i.next();
0615: Part p = m.getPart(partName);
0616: if (p == null) {
0617: throw new WSIFException("Part '" + partName
0618: + "' in soap:body parts not in message "
0619: + m);
0620: }
0621: // as there can be multiple mime:content elements which
0622: // specify a coice of types (TODO: which wsif ignores for now)
0623: // we only want each mime part once
0624: if (!al.contains(p)) {
0625: al.add(p);
0626: }
0627: }
0628: }
0629: return al;
0630: }
0632: /**
0633: * Parses the mime:multipartRelated WSDL element
0634: * The mime:multipartRelated element has the form:
0635: * <mime:multipartRelated>
0636: * <mime:part> *
0637: * <-- mime element -->
0638: * </mime:part>
0639: * </mime:multipartRelated>
0640: */
0641: private void parseMimeMultipart(MIMEMultipartRelated mimeMultipart,
0642: boolean isInput) throws WSIFException {
0643: Trc.entry(this , mimeMultipart);
0645: ArrayList mimePartNames = new ArrayList();
0646: SOAPBody soapBody = null;
0648: Operation op = bindingOperation.getOperation();
0649: Map mapInParts = op.getInput().getMessage().getParts();
0650: Map mapOutParts = op.getOutput() == null ? new HashMap() : op
0651: .getOutput().getMessage().getParts();
0653: List mimeParts = mimeMultipart.getMIMEParts();
0654: Iterator mimePartIt = mimeParts.iterator();
0655: while (mimePartIt.hasNext()) {
0656: Object nextMimePart = mimePartIt.next();
0657: if (nextMimePart instanceof MIMEPart) {
0658: MIMEPart mimePart = (MIMEPart) nextMimePart;
0659: if (!MIMEConstants.NS_URI_MIME.equals(mimePart
0660: .getElementType().getNamespaceURI()))
0661: throw new WSIFException(
0662: "A MIME part in binding operation "
0663: + bindingOperation.getName()
0664: + " did not have the correct namespace URI of "
0665: + MIMEConstants.NS_URI_MIME + ".");
0667: boolean containsSoapBody = false;
0668: boolean containsMimeContent = false;
0669: List mimePartChildren = mimePart
0670: .getExtensibilityElements();
0671: Iterator mimePartChildrenIt = mimePartChildren
0672: .iterator();
0673: while (mimePartChildrenIt.hasNext()) {
0674: Object nextChild = mimePartChildrenIt.next();
0675: if (nextChild instanceof MIMEContent) {
0676: MIMEContent mimeContent = (MIMEContent) nextChild;
0677: if (!MIMEConstants.NS_URI_MIME.equals(mimePart
0678: .getElementType().getNamespaceURI()))
0679: throw new WSIFException(
0680: "A MIME part in binding operation "
0681: + bindingOperation
0682: .getName()
0683: + " did not have the correct namespace URI of "
0684: + MIMEConstants.NS_URI_MIME
0685: + ".");
0686: containsMimeContent = true;
0687: if (containsSoapBody)
0688: throw new WSIFException(
0689: "A mime:part that contains a mime:content also "
0690: + "contains a soap:body. Operation="
0691: + getName());
0693: String partName = mimeContent.getPart();
0694: if (partName == null || partName.length() == 0)
0695: throw new WSIFException(
0696: "No part name for a mime:content. Operation="
0697: + getName());
0699: if ((isInput && mapInParts.get(partName) == null)
0700: || (!isInput && mapOutParts
0701: .get(partName) == null))
0702: throw new WSIFException(
0703: "The part specified in a mime:content does "
0704: + "not exist in the operation. Operation="
0705: + getName() + " Part="
0706: + partName);
0708: mimePartNames.add(partName);
0710: } else if (nextChild instanceof SOAPBody) {
0711: if (soapBody != null) {
0712: throw new WSIFException(
0713: "Multiple soap:body tags found in a "
0714: + "mime:multipartRelated. Operation="
0715: + getName());
0716: }
0717: soapBody = (SOAPBody) nextChild;
0719: containsSoapBody = true;
0720: if (containsMimeContent)
0721: throw new WSIFException(
0722: "A mime:part that contains a mime:content also "
0723: + "contains a soap:body. Operation="
0724: + getName());
0726: } else if (nextChild instanceof MIMEMultipartRelated) {
0727: throw new WSIFException(
0728: "WSIF does not support nesting mime:multipartRelated "
0729: + "inside a mime:part. Operation="
0730: + getName());
0731: } else if (nextChild instanceof MIMEMimeXml) {
0732: throw new WSIFException(
0733: "WSIF does not support mime:mimeXml. Operation="
0734: + getName());
0735: }
0736: }
0737: }
0738: }
0740: // There is at most one soap:body so process it here.
0741: if (soapBody != null) {
0742: List soapBodyParts = soapBody.getParts();
0743: if (soapBodyParts == null && !mimePartNames.isEmpty()) {
0744: /* In the WSDL (containing attachments and non-attachment
0745: * parts), if there is a soap:body that does not have
0746: * the parts attribute, which parts should the soap body
0747: * contain? The WSDL spec is not clear so this code
0748: * fixes the soap body to contain only the non-attachment
0749: * parts, which is the kinder option. The alternative which
0750: * is making the soap body contain all the parts (so duplicating
0751: * the attachments) is cruel since this is probably not
0752: * what the backend is expecting.
0753: */
0754: Map soapParts;
0755: if (isInput)
0756: soapParts = mapInParts;
0757: else
0758: soapParts = mapOutParts;
0760: if (soapParts != null && !soapParts.isEmpty()) {
0761: ArrayList nonMimeParts = new ArrayList(Arrays
0762: .asList(soapParts.keySet().toArray()));
0763: nonMimeParts.removeAll(Arrays.asList(soapParts
0764: .keySet().toArray()));
0765: soapBody.setParts(nonMimeParts);
0766: }
0767: }
0769: List soapParts = parseSoapBody(soapBody, isInput);
0770: if (isInput)
0771: this .inputSOAPParts = soapParts;
0772: else
0773: this .outputSOAPParts = soapParts;
0774: }
0776: if (mimePartNames != null && !mimePartNames.isEmpty()) {
0777: javax.wsdl.Message m = null;
0778: if (isInput) {
0779: Input in = portTypeOperation.getInput();
0780: if (in != null) {
0781: m = in.getMessage();
0782: }
0783: } else {
0784: Output out = portTypeOperation.getOutput();
0785: if (out != null) {
0786: m = out.getMessage();
0787: }
0788: }
0789: ArrayList al = getParts(m, mimePartNames);
0790: if (isInput) {
0791: this .inputMIMEParts = al;
0792: } else {
0793: this .outputMIMEParts = al;
0794: }
0796: }
0798: Trc.exit();
0799: }
0801: /**
0802: * For document style operations the input and/or output
0803: * may be 'wrapped'. A wrapped operation has a single top-
0804: * level element wrapping the argument elements. For an input
0805: * message the top level wrapper element name must be the same
0806: * as the operation name, the output wrapper element name must
0807: * be the name of the operation suffixed with "Response".
0808: * WSIF clients may use either the wrapped or unwrapped parts.
0809: */
0810: private void unwrapSOAPParts() throws WSIFException {
0811: if (WSIFAXISConstants.STYLE_DOCUMENT.equals(operationStyle)) {
0812: String operationName = getName();
0813: if (inputSOAPParts.size() == 1) {
0814: Part p = (Part) inputSOAPParts.get(0);
0815: QName elementName = p.getElementName();
0816: if (elementName != null
0817: && operationName.equals(elementName
0818: .getLocalPart())) {
0819: this .inputUnwrappedSOAPParts = WSIFUtils
0820: .unWrapPart(p, getDefinition());
0821: }
0822: }
0823: if (outputSOAPParts.size() == 1) {
0824: String s = operationName + "Response";
0825: Part p = (Part) outputSOAPParts.get(0);
0826: QName elementName = p.getElementName();
0827: if (elementName != null
0828: && s.equals(elementName.getLocalPart())) {
0829: this .outputUnwrappedSOAPParts = WSIFUtils
0830: .unWrapPart(p, getDefinition());
0831: }
0832: }
0833: }
0834: }
0836: /**
0837: * Gets the WSDL binding:operation element for this operation
0838: */
0839: private BindingOperation getBindingOperation(Operation operation)
0840: throws WSIFException {
0841: Binding binding = wsifPort.getPort().getBinding();
0842: BindingOperation bindingOp = WSIFUtils.getBindingOperation(
0843: binding, operation);
0844: if (bindingOp == null) {
0845: throw new WSIFException(
0846: "cannot find binding operation for port operation:"
0847: + operation.getName());
0848: }
0849: return bindingOp;
0850: }
0852: /**
0853: * Returns the Definition object for the WSDL file
0854: * @return Definition the WSDL4J Definition object
0855: */
0856: public Definition getDefinition() {
0857: Trc.entry(this );
0858: Definition d = wsifPort.getDefinition();
0859: Trc.exit(d);
0860: return d;
0861: }
0863: /**
0864: * @deprecated use getWSIFPort
0865: */
0866: public WSIFPort_ApacheAxis getDynamicWSIFPort() {
0867: Trc.entry(this );
0868: Trc.exit(wsifPort);
0869: return wsifPort;
0870: }
0872: public String getInputEncodingStyle() {
0873: Trc.entry(this );
0874: Trc.exit(inputEncodingStyle);
0875: return inputEncodingStyle;
0876: }
0878: public String getInputNamespace() {
0879: Trc.entry(this );
0880: Trc.exit(inputNamespace);
0881: return inputNamespace;
0882: }
0884: /**
0885: * Gets the name of the portType wsdl:operation element
0886: * being used by this WSIFOperation
0887: * @return String the operation name
0888: */
0889: public String getName() {
0890: Trc.entry(this );
0891: String s = portTypeOperation.getName();
0892: Trc.exit(s);
0893: return s;
0894: }
0896: /**
0897: * @deprecated use getPortTypeOperation
0898: */
0899: public Operation getOperation() {
0900: Trc.entry(this );
0901: Operation o = getPortTypeOperation();
0902: Trc.exit(o);
0903: return o;
0904: }
0906: /**
0907: * Returns the WSDL Part for the named part in a WSDL Message
0908: */
0909: private Part getPart(QName message, String partName) {
0910: Part p = null;
0911: Definition def = wsifPort.getDefinition();
0912: javax.wsdl.Message m = def.getMessage(message);
0913: if (m != null) {
0914: p = m.getPart(partName);
0915: }
0916: return p;
0917: }
0919: /**
0920: * Gets the portType wsdl:operation element used by this WSIFOperation
0921: * @return Operation the WSDL4J portType Operation object
0922: */
0923: public Operation getPortTypeOperation() {
0924: Trc.entry(this );
0925: Trc.exit(portTypeOperation);
0926: return portTypeOperation;
0927: }
0929: public String getOutputEncodingStyle() {
0930: Trc.entry(this );
0931: Trc.exit(outputEncodingStyle);
0932: return outputEncodingStyle;
0933: }
0935: public String getSoapActionURI() {
0936: Trc.entry(this );
0937: Trc.exit(soapActionURI);
0938: return soapActionURI;
0939: }
0941: public Transport getTransport() throws WSIFException {
0942: Trc.entry(this );
0943: Transport t = wsifPort.getTransport();
0944: Trc.exit(t);
0945: return t;
0946: }
0948: public WSIFCorrelationId getAsyncRequestID() {
0949: Trc.entry(this );
0950: Trc.exit(asyncRequestID);
0951: return asyncRequestID;
0952: }
0954: private HashMap getResponseMessageParameters() {
0955: return responseMessageParameters;
0956: }
0958: public WSIFPort getWSIFPort() {
0959: Trc.entry(this );
0960: Trc.exit(wsifPort);
0961: return wsifPort;
0962: }
0964: /**
0965: * Tests if the currently executing request is an asynchronous request.
0966: *
0967: * @return true if the current request is a asynchronous request,
0968: * otherwise false
0969: */
0970: public boolean isAsyncOperation() {
0971: Trc.entry(this );
0972: Trc.exit(asyncOperation);
0973: return asyncOperation;
0974: }
0976: public void executeInputOnlyOperation(WSIFMessage inMsg)
0977: throws WSIFException {
0978: Trc.entry(this , inMsg);
0980: if (inMsg == null) {
0981: throw new IllegalArgumentException("input message is null");
0982: }
0984: setAsyncOperation(false);
0985: invokeRequestResponseOperation(inMsg, null, null);
0986: Trc.exit();
0987: return;
0988: }
0990: public boolean executeRequestResponseOperation(WSIFMessage inMsg,
0991: WSIFMessage outMsg, WSIFMessage faultMsg)
0992: throws WSIFException {
0994: Trc.entry(this , inMsg, outMsg, faultMsg);
0996: if (inMsg == null) {
0997: throw new IllegalArgumentException("input message is null");
0998: }
0999: if (outMsg == null) {
1000: throw new IllegalArgumentException("output message is null");
1001: }
1002: if (faultMsg == null) {
1003: throw new IllegalArgumentException("fault message is null");
1004: }
1006: close();
1007: setAsyncOperation(false);
1009: boolean succ = invokeRequestResponseOperation(inMsg, outMsg,
1010: faultMsg);
1012: Trc.exit(succ);
1013: return succ;
1014: }
1016: /**
1017: * Performs a request response operation asynchronously.
1018: *
1019: * @param input input message to send to the operation
1020: * @return the correlation ID or the request. The correlation ID
1021: * is used to associate the request with the WSIFOperation.
1022: * @exception WSIFException if something goes wrong.
1023: * @see WSIFOperation#executeRequestResponseAsync(WSIFMessage)
1024: */
1025: public WSIFCorrelationId executeRequestResponseAsync(
1026: WSIFMessage inMsg) throws WSIFException {
1027: Trc.entry(this , inMsg);
1029: if (inMsg == null) {
1030: throw new IllegalArgumentException("input message is null");
1031: }
1033: WSIFCorrelationId id = executeRequestResponseAsync(inMsg, null);
1034: Trc.exit(id);
1035: return id;
1037: }
1039: /**
1040: * Performs a request response operation asynchronously.
1041: *
1042: * @param input input message to send to the operation
1043: * @param handler the response handler that will be notified
1044: * when the asynchronous response becomes available.
1045: * @return the correlation ID or the request. The correlation ID
1046: * is used to associate the request with the WSIFOperation.
1047: * @exception WSIFException if something goes wrong.
1048: * @see WSIFOperation#executeRequestResponseAsync(WSIFMessage,WSIFResponseHandler)
1049: */
1050: public WSIFCorrelationId executeRequestResponseAsync(
1051: WSIFMessage inMsg, WSIFResponseHandler handler)
1052: throws WSIFException {
1053: Trc.entry(this , inMsg, handler);
1055: if (inMsg == null) {
1056: throw new IllegalArgumentException("input message is null");
1057: }
1058: close();
1060: if (!wsifPort.supportsAsync()) {
1061: throw new WSIFException(
1062: "asynchronous operations not available");
1063: }
1065: setAsyncOperation(true);
1066: setResponseHandler(handler);
1067: WSIFJmsTransport transport = (WSIFJmsTransport) getTransport();
1068: transport.setWsifOperation(this );
1069: transport.setAsyncOperation("true");
1071: invokeRequestResponseOperation(inMsg, null, null);
1073: transport.setAsyncOperation("false");
1074: WSIFCorrelationId id = getAsyncRequestID();
1075: Trc.exit(id);
1076: return id;
1078: }
1080: /**
1081: * fireAsyncResponse is called by an AsyncListener when a response
1082: * has been received for a previous executeRequestResponseAsync call.
1083: * It passes the response to the executeAsyncResponse method of the
1084: * associated WSIFResponseHandler.
1085: * @see WSIFOperation#fireAsyncResponse(Object)
1086: * @param response an Object representing the response. The response
1087: * should be a JMS TextMessage containging the XML response.
1088: */
1089: public void fireAsyncResponse(Object response) throws WSIFException {
1090: Trc.entry(this , response);
1092: Object result = deserialiseResponseObject(response);
1094: WSIFMessage outMsg = createOutputMessage();
1095: WSIFMessage faultMsg = createFaultMessage();
1096: buildResponseMessages(result, outMsg, faultMsg);
1098: getResponseHandler().executeAsyncResponse(outMsg, faultMsg);
1100: Trc.exit(outMsg);
1101: }
1103: /**
1104: * Processes the response to an asynchronous request.
1105: * This is called for when the asynchronous operation was
1106: * initiated without a WSIFResponseHandler, that is, by calling
1107: * the executeRequestResponseAsync(WSIFMessage input) method.
1108: *
1109: * @param response an Object representing the response.
1110: * @param output an empty message which will be filled in if
1111: * the operation invocation succeeds. If it does not
1112: * succeed, the contents of this message are undefined.
1113: * (This is a return value of this method.)
1114: * @param fault an empty message which will be filled in if
1115: * the operation invocation fails. If it succeeds, the
1116: * contents of this message are undefined. (This is a
1117: * return value of this method.)
1118: *
1119: * @return true or false indicating whether a fault message was
1120: * generated or not. The truth value indicates whether
1121: * the output or fault message has useful information.
1122: *
1123: */
1124: public boolean processAsyncResponse(Object response,
1125: WSIFMessage output, WSIFMessage fault) throws WSIFException {
1126: Trc.entry(this , response, output, fault);
1128: Object result = deserialiseResponseObject(response);
1129: boolean ok = buildResponseMessages(result, output, fault);
1131: Trc.exit(ok);
1132: return ok;
1133: }
1135: /**
1136: * Deserialise and unmarshall the JMS response message.
1137: * Used to process the response to an asynchronous request.
1138: * This is copied, with minor changes, from the 2nd half
1139: * of the Apache Axis Call class invoke method.
1140: */
1141: private Object deserialiseResponseObject(Object msg)
1142: throws WSIFException {
1143: if (msg == null) {
1144: throw new WSIFException("null response to async send");
1145: }
1146: if (!(msg instanceof TextMessage)) {
1147: throw new WSIFException(
1148: "response not a javax.jms.TextMessage");
1149: }
1151: try {
1152: TextMessage m = (TextMessage) msg;
1153: Message responseMessage = new Message(m.getText());
1154: responseMessage.setMessageType(Message.RESPONSE);
1156: Service service = new Service();
1157: MessageContext msgContext = new MessageContext(service
1158: .getEngine());
1159: msgContext.setResponseMessage(responseMessage);
1161: TypeMappingRegistry tmr = msgContext
1162: .getTypeMappingRegistry();
1163: org.apache.axis.encoding.TypeMapping tm = (org.apache.axis.encoding.TypeMapping) tmr
1164: .getTypeMapping(outputEncodingStyle);
1166: // register any default type mappings
1167: registerDefaultTypeMappings(tm, getContext());
1169: // register any mappings from WSIFService.mapType calls
1170: registerDynamicTypes(tm, typeMap, getContext());
1172: Message resMsg = msgContext.getResponseMessage();
1173: SOAPEnvelope resEnv = resMsg.getSOAPEnvelope();
1175: Object b = resEnv.getFirstBody();
1176: if (b instanceof SOAPFaultElement) {
1177: return new AxisFault(b.toString());
1178: }
1180: RPCElement body = (RPCElement) b;
1182: Object result = null;
1183: HashMap outParams;
1184: Vector resArgs = body.getParams();
1186: if (resArgs != null && resArgs.size() > 0) {
1187: RPCParam param = (RPCParam) resArgs.get(0);
1188: result = param.getValue();
1190: if (resArgs.size() > 1) {
1191: outParams = new HashMap();
1192: for (int i = 1; i < resArgs.size(); i++) {
1193: RPCParam p = (RPCParam) resArgs.get(i);
1194: outParams.put(p.getName(), p.getValue());
1195: }
1196: setResponseMessageParameters(outParams);
1197: }
1198: }
1199: return result;
1200: } catch (Exception ex) {
1201: Trc.exception(ex);
1202: throw new WSIFException(ex.getMessage());
1203: }
1205: }
1207: /**
1208: * Extracts the output or fault message parts from the axis response.
1209: */
1210: private boolean buildResponseMessages(Object resp,
1211: WSIFMessage outMsg, WSIFMessage faultMsg)
1212: throws WSIFException {
1214: boolean respOK;
1216: if (resp instanceof AxisFault) {
1217: respOK = false;
1218: if (faultMsg != null) {
1219: AxisFault f = (AxisFault) resp;
1220: faultMsg.setName(WSIFConstants.SOAP_FAULT_MSG_NAME);
1221: faultMsg.setObjectPart(WSIFConstants.SOAP_FAULT_OBJECT,
1222: f);
1223: }
1224: } else {
1225: respOK = true;
1226: populateOutMsgReturnPart(resp, outMsg);
1227: populateOutMsgParts(outMsg);
1228: }
1230: return respOK;
1231: }
1233: /**
1234: * Populate the outMessage with the response return value.
1235: */
1236: private void populateOutMsgReturnPart(Object resp,
1237: WSIFMessage outMsg) throws WSIFException {
1238: if (outMsg != null) {
1240: // style=wrapped uses the unwrapped parts
1241: List soapParts;
1243: .equals(operationStyle)) {
1244: soapParts = outputUnwrappedSOAPParts;
1245: } else {
1246: soapParts = outputSOAPParts;
1247: }
1249: Part returnPart = null;
1250: if (soapParts.size() > 0) {
1251: returnPart = (Part) soapParts.get(0);
1252: setSOAPMessagePart(outMsg, returnPart.getName(), resp);
1253: } else if (outputMIMEParts.size() > 0) {
1254: returnPart = (Part) outputMIMEParts.get(0);
1255: setMIMEMessagePart(outMsg, returnPart.getName(), resp,
1256: resp == null ? null : resp.getClass());
1257: }
1258: }
1259: }
1261: /**
1262: * Populates the outMessage with the expected parts.
1263: * (this only does the out parameters not the return part)
1264: */
1265: private void populateOutMsgParts(WSIFMessage outMsg)
1266: throws WSIFException {
1267: if (outMsg != null) {
1268: HashMap respParms = getResponseMessageParameters();
1270: if (respParms != null) {
1271: // style=wrapped uses the unwrapped parts
1272: List soapParts;
1274: .equals(operationStyle)) {
1275: soapParts = outputUnwrappedSOAPParts;
1276: } else {
1277: soapParts = outputSOAPParts;
1278: }
1279: for (int i = 1; i < soapParts.size(); i++) {
1280: Part p = (Part) soapParts.get(i);
1281: String name = p.getName();
1282: Object value = respParms.get(name);
1283: setSOAPMessagePart(outMsg, name, value);
1284: }
1285: int startMIMEindex;
1286: if (soapParts.size() > 0) {
1287: startMIMEindex = 0;
1288: } else {
1289: startMIMEindex = 1;
1290: }
1291: for (int i = startMIMEindex; i < outputMIMEParts.size(); i++) {
1292: Part p = (Part) outputMIMEParts.get(i);
1293: String name = p.getName();
1294: Object value = respParms.get(name);
1295: setMIMEMessagePart(outMsg, name, value,
1296: value == null ? null : value.getClass());
1297: }
1298: }
1299: }
1301: }
1303: private static void setSOAPMessagePart(WSIFMessage msg,
1304: String name, Object value) throws WSIFException {
1305: Trc.entry(null, msg, name, value);
1307: //TODO type checking against the WSDL part type
1308: msg.setObjectPart(name, value);
1310: Trc.exit();
1311: }
1313: private static void setMIMEMessagePart(WSIFMessage msg,
1314: String name, Object value, Class type) throws WSIFException {
1315: Trc.entry(null, msg, name, value, type);
1317: MIMEHelper.setMIMEMessagePart(msg, name, value, type);
1319: Trc.exit();
1320: }
1322: /**
1323: * Gets the type of a Part, if the Part doesn't have a type,
1324: * then gets the Element name as WSIF treats this as the same thing.
1325: * (for now? probably the wrong thing to be doing)
1326: */
1327: private QName getPartType(Part p) {
1328: QName type = p.getTypeName();
1329: if (type == null) {
1330: type = p.getElementName();
1331: }
1332: return type;
1333: }
1335: public boolean invokeRequestResponseOperation(WSIFMessage inMsg,
1336: WSIFMessage outMsg, WSIFMessage faultMsg)
1337: throws WSIFException {
1338: Trc.entry(this , inMsg, outMsg, faultMsg);
1339: boolean workedOK = false;
1341: Call call = wsifPort.getCall();
1343: // Make sure we're making a fresh start.
1344: call.removeAllParameters();
1345: call.clearHeaders();
1347: call.setTargetEndpointAddress(wsifPort.getEndPoint());
1349: if (inputSOAPParts == null) {
1350: prepare(call);
1351: }
1352: call.setSOAPActionURI(getSoapActionURI());
1354: if (WSIFAXISConstants.STYLE_DOCUMENT.equals(operationStyle)
1355: && isInputMessageUnWrapped(inMsg)) {
1356: operationStyle = WSIFAXISConstants.AXIS_STYLE_WRAPPED;
1357: }
1359: // TODO: what about wrapped messaging? Not supported yet
1360: if (isMessaging(inMsg)) {
1361: operationStyle = WSIFAXISConstants.AXIS_STYLE_MESSAGE;
1362: }
1364: Transport axistransport = getTransport();
1365: WSIFJMSDestination dest = null;
1366: if (axistransport != null) {
1367: call.setTransport(axistransport);
1368: if (axistransport instanceof WSIFJmsTransport) {
1369: WSIFJmsTransport jmst = (WSIFJmsTransport) axistransport;
1370: dest = jmst.getDestination();
1371: dest.setAsyncMode(isAsyncOperation());
1372: jmst.setSyncTimeout(null); // reset timeouts to defaults
1373: jmst.setAsyncTimeout(null);
1374: }
1375: }
1377: if (dest != null && inJmsPropVals != null
1378: && !inJmsPropVals.isEmpty()) {
1379: checkForTimeoutProperties(inJmsPropVals, dest);
1380: dest.setProperties(inJmsPropVals);
1381: }
1383: //TODO: jms:property parts
1385: setDestinationContext(dest);
1386: setCallContext(call);
1388: if (WSIFAXISConstants.AXIS_STYLE_MESSAGE.equals(operationStyle)) {
1389: workedOK = invokeAXISMessaging(call, inMsg, outMsg,
1390: faultMsg);
1391: } else if (WSIFAXISConstants.STYLE_RPC.equals(operationStyle)) {
1392: workedOK = invokeAXISRPCStyle(call, inMsg, outMsg,
1393: faultMsg, dest);
1394: } else {
1395: workedOK = invokeAXISDocStyle(call, inMsg, outMsg, faultMsg);
1396: }
1398: setResponseContext(call);
1400: Trc.exit(workedOK);
1401: return workedOK;
1402: }
1404: /**
1405: * This attempts to determine if the WSIF input message parts are
1406: * for a wrapped or unwrapped style operation. Tricky to tell for
1407: * sure so this just checks parts with the correct names exist in
1408: * the message.
1409: * @return true if the input message has a multiple parts matching
1410: * the unwrapped SOAP parts, otherwise false
1411: */
1412: private boolean isInputMessageUnWrapped(WSIFMessage msg) {
1413: boolean unWrapped = true;
1415: Object style = null;
1416: try {
1417: WSIFMessage context = getContext();
1418: style = context
1419: .getObjectPart(WSIFConstants.CONTEXT_OPERATION_STYLE);
1420: } catch (WSIFException e) {
1421: Trc.ignoredException(e);
1422: }
1423: if (WSIFConstants.CONTEXT_OPERATION_STYLE_WRAPPED.equals(style)) {
1424: unWrapped = true;
1426: .equals(style)) {
1427: unWrapped = false;
1428: } else if (inputUnwrappedSOAPParts != null
1429: && inputUnwrappedSOAPParts.size() > 0) {
1430: unWrapped = true;
1431: for (Iterator i = inputUnwrappedSOAPParts.iterator(); i
1432: .hasNext()
1433: && unWrapped;) {
1434: Part p = (Part) i.next();
1435: try {
1436: msg.getObjectPart(p.getName());
1437: } catch (WSIFException e) {
1438: unWrapped = false;
1439: }
1440: }
1441: } else {
1442: unWrapped = false;
1443: }
1445: return unWrapped;
1446: }
1448: /**
1449: * This attempts to determine if the WSIF input message parts are
1450: * for a 'message' style document operation.
1451: * Note: messaging cannot use unwrapped parts
1452: * @return true if all the WSIF input message part types for the
1453: * soap parts have a type of DOM Element, otherwise false
1454: */
1455: private boolean isMessaging(WSIFMessage msg) {
1456: boolean allDOMElements = true;
1457: boolean anyDOMElements = false;
1459: if (msg != null) {
1460: for (Iterator i = inputSOAPParts.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
1461: Part p = (Part) i.next();
1462: try {
1463: Object o = msg.getObjectPart(p.getName());
1464: if (o instanceof Element) {
1465: anyDOMElements = true;
1466: } else {
1467: allDOMElements = false;
1468: }
1469: } catch (WSIFException e) {
1470: Trc.ignoredException(e);
1471: }
1472: }
1473: }
1474: return anyDOMElements && allDOMElements;
1475: }
1477: /**
1478: * This does the AXIS Call invoke for document style operations
1479: * when the WSIF input message parts are NOT DOM elements
1480: */
1481: private boolean invokeAXISRPCStyle(Call call, WSIFMessage inMsg,
1482: WSIFMessage outMsg, WSIFMessage faultMsg,
1483: WSIFJMSDestination dest) throws WSIFException {
1485: call.setOperationName(new QName(getInputNamespace(),
1486: portTypeOperation.getName()));
1488: setCallParameterNames(call);
1490: Object[] inputValues = getInputMessageValues(inMsg, dest);
1492: Object response = null;
1493: boolean respOK = true;
1494: try {
1495: String name = portTypeOperation.getName();
1496: Trc.event(this , "Invoking operation ", name,
1497: " input namespace ", getInputNamespace(),
1498: " parameters ", inputValues, " call object ", call);
1500: response = call.invoke(getInputNamespace(), name,
1501: inputValues);
1503: } catch (AxisFault e) {
1504: Trc.exception(e);
1505: response = e;
1506: respOK = false;
1507: }
1509: Trc.event(this , "Returned from operation, response ", response);
1511: // setJMSOutPropsInContext( dest ); TODO doesn't work yet
1513: if (!isAsyncOperation()
1514: && (outputSOAPParts.size() > 0 || outputMIMEParts
1515: .size() > 0)) {
1516: Map callParams = call.getOutputParams();
1517: if (callParams != null) {
1518: HashMap outParams = new HashMap();
1519: QName qn;
1520: for (Iterator i = callParams.keySet().iterator(); i
1521: .hasNext();) {
1522: qn = (QName) i.next();
1523: outParams
1524: .put(qn.getLocalPart(), callParams.get(qn));
1525: }
1526: setResponseMessageParameters(outParams);
1527: }
1528: respOK = buildResponseMessages(response, outMsg, faultMsg);
1529: }
1531: return respOK;
1532: }
1534: /**
1535: * This tells AXIS the name and type of the input, return, and output parameters.
1536: */
1537: private void setCallParameterNames(Call call) throws WSIFException {
1539: String inputNamespace = getInputNamespace();
1540: String outputNamespace = "";
1542: List soapParts;
1543: // style=wrapped uses the unwrapped parts
1544: if (WSIFAXISConstants.AXIS_STYLE_WRAPPED.equals(operationStyle)) {
1545: soapParts = inputUnwrappedSOAPParts;
1546: } else {
1547: soapParts = inputSOAPParts;
1548: }
1550: /* If there are no attachments take the part ordering from the
1551: * soap:body. If there are attachments then the soap:body will
1552: * not include the attachments, so take the part ordering from
1553: * the ordering of the parts in the original message.
1554: */
1555: if (inputMIMEParts.isEmpty()) {
1556: // setup the input SOAP parts
1557: for (int i = 0; i < soapParts.size(); i++) {
1558: Part p = (Part) soapParts.get(i);
1559: String partName = p.getName();
1560: if (!inJmsProps.containsKey(partName)) {
1562: .equals(operationStyle)) {
1563: QName qn = p.getElementName();
1564: if (qn != null) {
1565: partName = qn.getLocalPart();
1566: }
1567: }
1568: QName name = new QName(inputNamespace, partName);
1569: QName type = getPartType(p);
1570: call.addParameter(name, type, ParameterMode.IN);
1571: }
1572: }
1573: } else {
1574: // This order should include both the attachments and
1575: // the non-attachments.
1576: List order = portTypeOperation.getInput().getMessage()
1577: .getOrderedParts(null);
1578: Iterator it = order.iterator();
1579: while (it.hasNext()) {
1580: Part p = (Part) it.next();
1582: // Only add the part if it hasn't been excluded by the
1583: // soap:body parts="?"
1584: if (inputMIMEParts.contains(p) || soapParts.contains(p)) {
1585: QName name = new QName(inputNamespace, p.getName());
1586: QName type = getPartType(p);
1587: call.addParameter(name, type, ParameterMode.IN);
1588: }
1589: }
1590: }
1592: // style=wrapped uses the unwrapped parts
1593: if (WSIFAXISConstants.AXIS_STYLE_WRAPPED.equals(operationStyle)) {
1594: soapParts = outputUnwrappedSOAPParts;
1595: } else {
1596: soapParts = outputSOAPParts;
1597: }
1599: // setup the return part
1600: Part returnPart = null;
1601: if (soapParts.size() > 0) {
1602: returnPart = (Part) soapParts.get(0);
1603: } else if (outputMIMEParts.size() > 0) {
1604: returnPart = (Part) outputMIMEParts.get(0);
1605: }
1606: if (returnPart == null) {
1607: call
1608: .setReturnType(org.apache.axis.encoding.XMLType.AXIS_VOID);
1609: } else {
1610: QName type = getPartType(returnPart);
1611: call.setReturnType(type);
1612: }
1614: // setup output SOAP parts
1615: // from 1 to skip the return part
1616: for (int i = 1; i < soapParts.size(); i++) {
1617: Part p = (Part) soapParts.get(i);
1618: QName name = new QName(outputNamespace, p.getName());
1619: QName type = getPartType(p);
1620: call.addParameter(name, type, ParameterMode.OUT);
1621: }
1623: // setup the output MIME parts
1624: // if no soap parts dont add 1st as its the return part
1625: int startMIMEIndex = (soapParts.size() > 0) ? 0 : 1;
1626: for (int i = startMIMEIndex; i < outputMIMEParts.size(); i++) {
1627: Part p = (Part) outputMIMEParts.get(i);
1628: QName name = new QName(outputNamespace, p.getName());
1629: QName type = getPartType(p);
1630: call.addParameter(name, type, ParameterMode.OUT);
1631: }
1632: }
1634: /**
1635: * This does the AXIS Call invoke for document style operations
1636: * when the WSIF input message parts are NOT DOM elements
1637: */
1638: private boolean invokeAXISDocStyle(Call call, WSIFMessage inMsg,
1639: WSIFMessage outMsg, WSIFMessage faultMsg)
1640: throws WSIFException {
1642: boolean respOK = false;
1644: // setup the call object
1645: call.setOperationName(new QName(getInputNamespace(),
1646: portTypeOperation.getName()));
1647: call.setScopedProperty(Call.SEND_TYPE_ATTR, Boolean.FALSE);
1648: call.setScopedProperty(AxisEngine.PROP_DOMULTIREFS,
1649: Boolean.FALSE);
1650: call.setOperationStyle(operationStyle);
1651: setCallParameterNames(call);
1653: Object[] inputValues = getInputMessageValues(inMsg, null);
1655: // invoke the AXIS call
1656: Trc.event(this , "Invoking AXIS call", call, inputValues);
1657: Object response;
1658: try {
1659: response = call.invoke(inputValues);
1660: respOK = true;
1661: } catch (RemoteException ex) {
1662: Trc.exception(ex);
1663: throw new WSIFException("exception on AXIS invoke: "
1664: + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);
1665: }
1666: Trc.event(this , "Returned from AXIS invoke, response: ",
1667: response);
1669: // process the AXIS response
1670: if (!isAsyncOperation()) {
1672: // style=wrapped uses the unwrapped parts
1673: List soapParts;
1675: .equals(operationStyle)) {
1676: soapParts = outputUnwrappedSOAPParts;
1677: } else {
1678: soapParts = outputSOAPParts;
1679: }
1681: if (soapParts.size() > 0 || outputMIMEParts.size() > 0) {
1682: Map callParams = call.getOutputParams();
1683: if (callParams != null) {
1684: HashMap outParams = new HashMap();
1685: QName qn;
1686: for (Iterator i = callParams.keySet().iterator(); i
1687: .hasNext();) {
1688: qn = (QName) i.next();
1689: outParams.put(qn.getLocalPart(), callParams
1690: .get(qn));
1691: }
1692: setResponseMessageParameters(outParams);
1693: }
1694: respOK = buildResponseMessages(response, outMsg,
1695: faultMsg);
1696: }
1697: }
1699: return respOK;
1700: }
1702: /**
1703: * This does the AXIS Call invoke for 'messaging' - when all the
1704: * WSIF input message parts are DOM elements
1705: */
1706: private boolean invokeAXISMessaging(Call call, WSIFMessage inMsg,
1707: WSIFMessage outMsg, WSIFMessage faultMsg)
1708: throws WSIFException {
1710: boolean workedOK = false;
1712: List attachments = addAttachments(inMsg, call);
1714: Object[] inputValues = getInputMessageValues(inMsg, null);
1715: ArrayList soapBodies = new ArrayList();
1716: for (int i = 0; i < inputValues.length; i++) {
1717: if (inputValues[i] instanceof Element) {
1718: Element el = (Element) inputValues[i];
1720: if ((attachments.size() > 0) && (i == 0)) {
1721: fixAttachmentPartsCID(el, attachments);
1722: }
1724: soapBodies.add(new SOAPBodyElement(el));
1725: } else {
1726: throw new WSIFException("unexpected input type: "
1727: + inputValues[i]);
1728: }
1729: }
1731: Object[] axisInputs = soapBodies.toArray();
1733: Trc.event(this , "Invoking AXIS call", call, axisInputs);
1734: Object axisResponse; // the response should be a Vector of RPCElement objects
1735: try {
1736: axisResponse = call.invoke(axisInputs);
1737: } catch (RemoteException ex) {
1738: throw new WSIFException("exception on AXIS invoke: "
1739: + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);
1740: }
1741: Trc.event(this , "Returned from AXIS invoke, response: ",
1742: axisResponse);
1744: setOutputMessageValues(axisResponse, outMsg);
1746: workedOK = true;
1747: return workedOK;
1748: }
1750: /**
1751: * Fix the CID in the href of an attachment.
1752: * When sending an attachent with messaging two parts will
1753: * be in the WSIF input message, a DOM Element for the SOAP body contents,
1754: * and a DataHandler for the attachment. The contents Element must
1755: * include a href part for the attachment. This method will find
1756: * that href part and correct the CID value for the new AttachmentPart.
1757: * SOAPBody example with a href part named 'file':
1758: * <ns1:bounceImage4 xmlns:ns1="http://mime/">
1759: * <ns1:shouldBounce xsi:type="xsd:boolean">true</ns1:shouldBounce>
1760: * <ns1:file href="cid:413B07CE410E48EB9D89DC0A4DDD715D"/>
1761: * </ns1:bounceImage4>
1762: */
1763: private void fixAttachmentPartsCID(Element body, List attachments)
1764: throws WSIFException {
1766: // find all the attachment Elements in the body
1767: ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
1768: getAttachmentElements(al, body);
1770: /* this isn't so nice: the AttachmentPart has no name
1771: * so we have to assume the the List is in the same
1772: * order as the attachment Elements in the body.
1773: */
1774: if (al.size() != attachments.size()) {
1775: throw new WSIFException("unexpected number of attachments,"
1776: + attachments.size() + " AttachmentParts, "
1777: + al.size() + " attachment href elements");
1778: }
1780: // fiddle the cid: for each attachment
1781: for (int i = 0; i < attachments.size(); i++) {
1782: AttachmentPart attachment = (AttachmentPart) attachments
1783: .get(i);
1784: Element attachmentElement = (Element) al.get(i);
1785: attachmentElement.setAttribute("href", "cid:"
1786: + attachment.getContentId());
1787: }
1788: }
1790: /**
1791: * Gets all attachment Elements within an Element
1792: * This recurses through the DOM tree structure adding any
1793: * attachment Element's to the ArrayList.
1794: * An attachment Element is one which has an href attribute
1795: * which has a value starting with the String "cid:"
1796: */
1797: private static void getAttachmentElements(ArrayList al, Element el) {
1798: NodeList childNodes = el.getChildNodes();
1799: for (int j = 0; j < childNodes.getLength(); j++) {
1800: Node n = childNodes.item(j);
1801: if (n instanceof Element) {
1802: Element childElement = (Element) n;
1803: String s = childElement.getAttribute("href");
1804: if (s != null && s.toLowerCase().startsWith("cid:")) {
1805: al.add(childElement);
1806: } else {
1807: getAttachmentElements(al, childElement);
1808: }
1809: }
1810: }
1811: }
1813: /**
1814: * Prepares this operation.
1815: * The intention of this is to setup everything that can be reused
1816: * by the WSIFOperation. Clients must not reuse a WSIFOperation
1817: * but a WSIFPort may cache WSIFOperation instances and use the
1818: * WSIFOperation copy method to return copies to clients
1819: */
1820: private void prepare(Call call) throws WSIFException {
1821: Trc.entry(this , call);
1823: /* Note: if you change anything here make sure you consider
1824: * the impact to the constructor, copy and prepare methods
1825: * and to if any instance variables are transient
1826: */
1828: /* Create the ArrayList identify each part and populate
1829: * by calling the appropriate parseXxxx method.
1830: */
1831: this .inputSOAPParts = new ArrayList();
1832: this .inputMIMEParts = new ArrayList();
1833: this .outputSOAPParts = new ArrayList();
1834: this .outputMIMEParts = new ArrayList();
1836: parseSoapOperation();
1837: parseBindingInput();
1838: parseBindingOutput();
1839: unwrapSOAPParts();
1841: // register any jms:address propertyValues
1842: addInputJmsPropertyValues(wsifPort.getJmsAddressPropVals());
1844: if (!WSIFAXISConstants.STYLE_RPC.equals(operationStyle)) {
1845: call.setEncodingStyle(null);
1846: inputEncodingStyle = "";
1847: outputEncodingStyle = "";
1848: }
1850: if (inputNamespace == null || inputNamespace.length() < 1) {
1851: this .inputNamespace = getTargetNamespaceURI();
1852: }
1854: TypeMapping tm = call.getTypeMapping();
1855: WSIFMessage context = getContext();
1857: // register any default type mappings
1858: registerDefaultTypeMappings(tm, context);
1860: // register any mappings from WSIFService.mapType calls
1861: registerDynamicTypes(tm, typeMap, context);
1863: registerMIMETypes(inputMIMEParts, call);
1865: registerMIMETypes(outputMIMEParts, call);
1867: if (Trc.ON) {
1868: Trc.exit(deep());
1869: }
1870: }
1872: /**
1873: * Register any default mappings from the context with the AXIS Call
1874: */
1875: static void registerDefaultTypeMappings(
1876: TypeMapping callTypeMappings, WSIFMessage context)
1877: throws WSIFException {
1878: Object value = null;
1879: try {
1880: value = context
1882: } catch (WSIFException e) {
1883: Trc.ignoredException(e);
1884: }
1885: if (value == null) {
1886: return;
1887: }
1888: if (!(value instanceof List)) {
1889: throw new WSIFException(
1890: "context part '"
1892: + "' value is not an instance of java.util.List: "
1893: + value);
1894: }
1895: List defaultMappings = (List) value;
1896: for (Iterator i = defaultMappings.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
1897: Object o = i.next();
1898: if (!(o instanceof TypeSerializerInfo)) {
1899: throw new WSIFException(
1900: "context part '"
1902: + "' value List contains an entry that is not an instance "
1903: + "of org.apache.wsif.util.TypeSerializer: "
1904: + value);
1905: }
1906: TypeSerializerInfo ts = (TypeSerializerInfo) o;
1908: Class javaType = ts.getJavaType();
1909: QName elementType = ts.getElementType();
1910: Object tmp = ts.getSerializer();
1911: SerializerFactory sf = null;
1912: if (tmp instanceof SerializerFactory) {
1913: sf = (SerializerFactory) tmp;
1914: }
1915: tmp = ts.getDeserializer();
1916: DeserializerFactory df = null;
1917: if (tmp instanceof DeserializerFactory) {
1918: df = (DeserializerFactory) tmp;
1919: }
1921: if (javaType != null && elementType != null
1922: && (sf != null || df != null)) {
1923: callTypeMappings
1924: .register(javaType, elementType, sf, df);
1925: } else {
1926: Trc.event(null,
1927: "ignoring default TypeSerializer invalid for AXIS:"
1928: + ts);
1929: }
1930: }
1931: }
1933: /**
1934: * Register any mappings from WSIFService.mapType calls with the AXIS Call
1935: */
1936: static void registerDynamicTypes(TypeMapping tm,
1937: WSIFDynamicTypeMap typeMap, WSIFMessage context)
1938: throws WSIFException {
1940: Class objClass;
1941: String namespaceURI, localPart;
1942: WSIFDynamicTypeMapping wsifdynamictypemapping;
1943: for (Iterator iterator = typeMap.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
1944: wsifdynamictypemapping = (WSIFDynamicTypeMapping) iterator
1945: .next();
1946: objClass = wsifdynamictypemapping.getJavaType();
1947: QName xmlType = wsifdynamictypemapping.getXmlType();
1949: SerializerFactory sf = null;
1950: DeserializerFactory df = null;
1952: // the context may override the default (de)serializer for a type
1953: TypeSerializerInfo contextTypeSerializer = findContextTypeSerialzer(
1954: context, objClass, xmlType);
1955: if (contextTypeSerializer != null) {
1956: objClass = contextTypeSerializer.getJavaType();
1957: xmlType = contextTypeSerializer.getElementType();
1958: sf = (SerializerFactory) contextTypeSerializer
1959: .getSerializer();
1960: df = (DeserializerFactory) contextTypeSerializer
1961: .getDeserializer();
1962: }
1964: if (sf == null
1965: && tm.getSerializer(objClass, xmlType) == null) {
1966: if (objClass.isArray()) {
1967: sf = new ArraySerializerFactory();
1968: } else if (SimpleType.class.isAssignableFrom(objClass)) {
1969: sf = new SimpleSerializerFactory(objClass, xmlType);
1970: } else {
1971: sf = new BeanSerializerFactory(objClass, xmlType);
1972: }
1973: }
1975: if (df == null
1976: && tm.getDeserializer(objClass, xmlType) == null) {
1977: if (objClass.isArray()) {
1978: df = new ArrayDeserializerFactory();
1979: } else if (SimpleType.class.isAssignableFrom(objClass)) {
1980: df = new SimpleDeserializerFactory(objClass,
1981: xmlType);
1982: } else {
1983: df = new BeanDeserializerFactory(objClass, xmlType);
1984: }
1985: }
1987: namespaceURI = wsifdynamictypemapping.getXmlType()
1988: .getNamespaceURI();
1990: // Filter out XSD and SOAP-ENC types from those we explicitly map.
1991: // Axis already knows how to deal with these; using the BeanSerializer
1992: // would be wrong anyway as they represent simple types and not beans.
1993: if (!isDefaultSOAPNamespace(namespaceURI)) {
1995: localPart = wsifdynamictypemapping.getXmlType()
1996: .getLocalPart();
1997: QName qn = new QName(namespaceURI, localPart);
1999: if (sf != null || df != null) {
2000: tm.register(objClass, qn, sf, df);
2001: }
2002: }
2003: }
2004: }
2006: private static TypeSerializerInfo findContextTypeSerialzer(
2007: WSIFMessage context, Class clazz, QName xmlType)
2008: throws WSIFException {
2010: Object value = null;
2011: try {
2012: value = context
2014: } catch (WSIFException e) {
2015: Trc.ignoredException(e);
2016: }
2017: if (value == null) {
2018: return null;
2019: }
2020: if (!(value instanceof List)) {
2021: throw new WSIFException("context part '"
2023: + "' value is not an instance of java.util.List: "
2024: + value);
2025: }
2027: List typeSerializers = (List) value;
2028: for (Iterator i = typeSerializers.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
2029: Object o = i.next();
2030: if (!(o instanceof TypeSerializerInfo)) {
2031: throw new WSIFException(
2032: "context part '"
2034: + "' value List contains an entry that is not an instance "
2035: + "of org.apache.wsif.util.TypeSerializer: "
2036: + value);
2037: }
2038: TypeSerializerInfo tm = (TypeSerializerInfo) o;
2040: Class javaType = tm.getJavaType();
2041: QName elementType = tm.getElementType();
2042: Object serializer = tm.getSerializer();
2043: Object deserializer = tm.getDeserializer();
2045: if ((javaType != null)
2046: || (javaType.isAssignableFrom(clazz))
2047: && ((elementType != null) || (elementType
2048: .equals(xmlType)))) {
2049: if (serializer == null
2050: || serializer instanceof SerializerFactory
2051: && deserializer == null
2052: || deserializer instanceof DeserializerFactory
2053: && serializer != null || deserializer != null) {
2054: return tm;
2055: }
2056: }
2057: }
2059: return null; // couldn't find a TypeSerializer
2060: }
2062: private static boolean isDefaultSOAPNamespace(String ns) {
2063: boolean soapNamespace = false;
2064: if (WSIFConstants.NS_URI_1999_SCHEMA_XSD.equals(ns)
2065: || WSIFConstants.NS_URI_2000_SCHEMA_XSD.equals(ns)
2066: || WSIFConstants.NS_URI_2001_SCHEMA_XSD.equals(ns)
2067: || WSIFConstants.NS_URI_SOAP_ENC.equals(ns)) {
2068: soapNamespace = true;
2069: }
2070: return soapNamespace;
2071: }
2073: /**
2074: * Gets an array of all the input WSIFMessage values
2075: */
2076: private Object[] getInputMessageValues(WSIFMessage inMsg,
2077: WSIFJMSDestination dest) throws WSIFException {
2078: ArrayList axisInputs = new ArrayList();
2079: List soapParts;
2081: // style=wrapped uses the unwrapped parts
2082: if (WSIFAXISConstants.AXIS_STYLE_WRAPPED.equals(operationStyle)) {
2083: soapParts = inputUnwrappedSOAPParts;
2084: } else {
2085: soapParts = inputSOAPParts;
2086: }
2088: /* If there are no attachments take the part ordering from the
2089: * soap:body. If there are attachments then the soap:body will
2090: * not include the attachments, so take the part ordering from
2091: * the ordering of the parts in the original message.
2092: */
2093: if (inputMIMEParts.isEmpty()) {
2094: for (int i = 0; i < soapParts.size(); i++) {
2095: Part p = (Part) soapParts.get(i);
2096: String partName = p.getName();
2097: Object value;
2098: try {
2099: value = inMsg.getObjectPart(partName);
2100: } catch (WSIFException e) {
2101: Trc.ignoredException(e);
2102: value = null; // missing part values default to null
2103: }
2104: if (inJmsProps.containsKey(partName) && dest != null) {
2105: String name = (String) (inJmsProps.get(partName));
2106: if (!timeoutProperty(dest, name, value)) {
2107: dest.setProperty(name, value);
2108: }
2109: } else {
2110: axisInputs.add(value);
2111: }
2113: }
2114: } else {
2115: // This order includes both the attachments and
2116: // the non-attachments.
2117: List order = portTypeOperation.getInput().getMessage()
2118: .getOrderedParts(null);
2119: Iterator it = order.iterator();
2120: while (it.hasNext()) {
2121: Part p = (Part) it.next();
2122: String partName = p.getName();
2124: // Only add the part if it hasn't been excluded by the
2125: // soap:body parts="?"
2126: if (soapParts.contains(p)
2127: || (inputMIMEParts.contains(p) && !WSIFAXISConstants.AXIS_STYLE_MESSAGE
2128: .equals(operationStyle))) {
2129: Object value;
2130: try {
2131: value = inMsg.getObjectPart(partName);
2132: } catch (WSIFException e) {
2133: Trc.ignoredException(e);
2134: value = null; // missing part values default to null
2135: }
2136: if (inJmsProps.containsKey(partName)
2137: && dest != null) {
2138: String name = (String) (inJmsProps
2139: .get(partName));
2140: if (!timeoutProperty(dest, name, value)) {
2141: dest.setProperty(name, value);
2142: }
2143: } else {
2144: axisInputs.add(value);
2145: }
2146: }
2147: }
2148: }
2149: return axisInputs.toArray();
2150: }
2152: /**
2153: * adds all the attachments to the AXIS call
2154: * returns a List of all the AttachmentPart so that href parts
2155: * can be made for each attachment later if required.
2156: */
2157: private List addAttachments(WSIFMessage inMsg, Call call)
2158: throws WSIFException {
2159: ArrayList attachments = new ArrayList();
2160: for (int i = 0; i < inputMIMEParts.size(); i++) {
2161: Part p = (Part) inputMIMEParts.get(i);
2162: try {
2163: String partName = p.getName();
2164: Object value = inMsg.getObjectPart(partName);
2165: AttachmentPart ap = MIMEHelper
2166: .getAttachementPart(value);
2167: call.addAttachmentPart(ap);
2168: attachments.add(ap);
2169: } catch (WSIFException e) {
2170: throw new WSIFException("attachment part '"
2171: + p.getName() + "' not in input WSIFMessage");
2172: }
2173: }
2174: return attachments;
2175: }
2177: /**
2178: * This extracts the values from the AXIS response when using messaging
2179: * The response could have DOM elements for the SOAP parts, or
2180: * AttachmentParts for the attachments.
2181: * TODO: only tested with a single response part - either SOAP or MIME
2182: * need to test with multiple outputs as probably doesn't work yet.
2183: */
2184: private void setOutputMessageValues(Object axisResponse,
2185: WSIFMessage outMsg) throws WSIFException {
2186: if (!(axisResponse instanceof Vector)) {
2187: throw new WSIFException(
2188: "expect response type of java.util.Vector of SOAPBodyElement, found: "
2189: + axisResponse);
2190: }
2192: Vector v = (Vector) axisResponse;
2193: for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
2194: if (v.elementAt(i) instanceof RPCElement) {
2195: RPCElement rpcEl = (RPCElement) v.elementAt(i);
2197: QName qn = new QName(rpcEl.getNamespaceURI(), rpcEl
2198: .getName());
2199: Part p = findPart(outputSOAPParts, qn);
2200: if (p != null) {
2201: setSOAPPart(outMsg, rpcEl, p);
2202: } else {
2203: setAttachmentPart(outMsg, rpcEl);
2204: }
2206: } else {
2207: throw new WSIFException(
2208: "expecting response type org.w3c.dom.Element, found: "
2209: + v.elementAt(i));
2210: }
2211: }
2212: }
2214: /**
2215: * Extract a SOAP part from response and put in the output WSIFMessage
2216: */
2217: private void setSOAPPart(WSIFMessage outMsg, RPCElement rpcEl,
2218: Part p) throws WSIFException {
2219: Object responseValue = null;
2220: try {
2221: responseValue = rpcEl.getAsDOM();
2222: } catch (Exception e) {
2223: throw new WSIFException(
2224: "exception getting soap body as DOM: "
2225: + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
2226: }
2227: String partName = p.getName();
2228: outMsg.setObjectPart(partName, responseValue);
2229: }
2231: /**
2232: * Extract an attachment DataHandler from response and put in the output WSIFMessage
2233: */
2234: private void setAttachmentPart(WSIFMessage outMsg, RPCElement rpcEl)
2235: throws WSIFException {
2237: Vector params;
2238: try {
2239: params = rpcEl.getParams();
2240: } catch (SAXException e) {
2241: throw new WSIFException(
2242: "SAXException getting response MIME part: "
2243: + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
2244: }
2246: if (params == null || params.size() < 1) {
2247: throw new WSIFException(
2248: "no attachments found in response element: "
2249: + rpcEl);
2250: }
2252: //TODO: will there ever be more than 1?
2253: RPCParam rpcParam = (RPCParam) params.get(0);
2255: QName qn = rpcParam.getQName();
2256: Part p = findPart(outputMIMEParts, qn);
2257: if (p != null) {
2258: Object responseValue = rpcParam.getValue();
2259: if (responseValue instanceof AttachmentPart) {
2260: try {
2261: Object attachment = ((AttachmentPart) responseValue)
2262: .getDataHandler();
2263: String partName = p.getName();
2264: outMsg.setObjectPart(partName, attachment);
2265: } catch (SOAPException e) {
2266: throw new WSIFException(
2267: "SOAPException getting DataHandler from AttachmentPart: "
2268: + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
2269: }
2270: } else {
2271: throw new WSIFException(
2272: "expecting response AttachmentPart but found: "
2273: + responseValue);
2274: }
2275: } else {
2276: throw new WSIFException(
2277: "cannot find a WSDL output MIME part for response element: "
2278: + rpcEl);
2279: }
2281: }
2283: /**
2284: * Searches the list of parts for one that matches the name.
2285: * The list of parts will be the outputSOAPParts or outputMIMEParts
2286: */
2287: private Part findPart(List partsList, QName partName) {
2288: Part part = null;
2289: for (Iterator i = partsList.iterator(); i.hasNext()
2290: && part == null;) {
2291: Part p = (Part) i.next();
2292: if (partName.equals(p.getElementName())) {
2293: part = p;
2294: } else if (partName.getLocalPart().equals(p.getName())) {
2295: part = p;
2296: }
2297: }
2298: return part;
2299: }
2301: /**
2302: * Automatically register MIME types as DataHandler.
2303: */
2304: private void registerMIMETypes(List mimeParts, Call call) {
2305: if (mimeParts != null && !mimeParts.isEmpty()) {
2306: for (Iterator i = mimeParts.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
2307: Part p = (Part) i.next();
2308: QName type = getPartType(p);
2309: MIMEHelper.registerAttachmentType(call, type);
2310: }
2311: }
2312: }
2314: /**
2315: * Sets the response handler that will be used to
2316: * process the response to an asynchronous request.
2317: * @param responseHandler the responseHandler to use
2318: */
2319: private void setResponseHandler(WSIFResponseHandler responseHandler) {
2320: this .responseHandler = responseHandler;
2321: }
2323: /**
2324: * Gets the response handler that will be used to
2325: * process the response to a asynchronous request.
2326: * @return the current response handler.
2327: * package visable as its used by the transport
2328: */
2329: WSIFResponseHandler getResponseHandler() {
2330: return responseHandler;
2331: }
2333: /**
2334: * @deprecated should anyone be calling this?
2335: */
2336: public void setDefinition(Definition definition1) {
2337: Trc.entry(this , definition1);
2338: throw new RuntimeException("method nolonger supported");
2339: }
2341: public void setDynamicWSIFPort(
2342: WSIFPort_ApacheAxis wsifport_apacheaxis) {
2343: Trc.entry(this , wsifport_apacheaxis);
2344: wsifPort = wsifport_apacheaxis;
2345: Trc.exit();
2346: }
2348: public void setInputEncodingStyle(String s) {
2349: Trc.entry(this , s);
2350: inputEncodingStyle = s;
2351: Trc.exit();
2352: }
2354: public void setInputNamespace(String s) {
2355: Trc.entry(this , s);
2356: inputNamespace = s;
2357: Trc.exit();
2358: }
2360: public void setOperation(Operation operation1) {
2361: Trc.entry(this , operation1);
2362: portTypeOperation = operation1;
2363: Trc.exit();
2364: }
2366: public void setOutputEncodingStyle(String s) {
2367: Trc.entry(this , s);
2368: outputEncodingStyle = s;
2369: Trc.exit();
2370: }
2372: public void setSoapActionURI(String s) {
2373: Trc.entry(this , s);
2374: soapActionURI = s;
2375: Trc.exit();
2376: }
2378: private void setResponseMessageParameters(HashMap hm) {
2379: this .responseMessageParameters = hm;
2380: }
2382: /**
2383: * Sets if the currently executing request is an asynchronous request.
2384: *
2385: * @param b true if the current request is a asynchronous request,
2386: * otherwise false
2387: */
2388: private void setAsyncOperation(boolean b) {
2389: asyncOperation = b;
2390: }
2392: /**
2393: * Gets the target namespace URI of this WSIFOperation
2394: *
2395: * @return the target namespace URI
2396: */
2397: public String getTargetNamespaceURI() {
2398: Trc.entry(this );
2399: Definition d = getDefinition();
2400: String s = (d == null) ? "" : d.getTargetNamespace();
2401: Trc.exit(s);
2402: return s;
2403: }
2405: /**
2406: * This sets up the output JMS property values in the context
2407: */
2408: private void setJMSOutPropsInContext(WSIFJMSDestination dest)
2409: throws WSIFException {
2410: if (dest == null) {
2411: return;
2412: }
2413: HashMap props = dest.getProperties();
2414: if (props != null) {
2415: getContext().setParts(props);
2416: }
2417: }
2419: /**
2420: * This sets up any context JMS property values in the Destination
2421: */
2422: private void setDestinationContext(WSIFJMSDestination dest)
2423: throws WSIFException {
2424: if (dest == null) {
2425: return;
2426: }
2427: WSIFMessage context = getContext();
2428: HashMap jmsProps = new HashMap();
2429: for (Iterator i = context.getPartNames(); i.hasNext();) {
2430: String partName = (String) i.next();
2431: try {
2432: Object value = context.getObjectPart(partName);
2433: if (!timeoutProperty(dest, partName, value)) {
2434: if (partName
2435: .startsWith(WSIFConstants.CONTEXT_JMS_PREFIX)) {
2436: String propertyName = partName
2437: .substring(WSIFConstants.CONTEXT_JMS_PREFIX
2438: .length());
2439: jmsProps.put(propertyName, value);
2440: }
2441: }
2442: } catch (WSIFException ex) {
2443: Trc.ignoredException(ex);
2444: }
2445: }
2446: if (jmsProps.size() > 0) {
2447: dest.setProperties(jmsProps);
2448: }
2449: }
2451: /**
2452: * This sets up the context headers in the axis
2453: * Call object prior to invoke method being issued.
2454: */
2455: private void setCallContext(Call call) throws WSIFException {
2456: Object o;
2457: String name;
2458: WSIFMessage context = getContext();
2460: name = WSIFConstants.CONTEXT_HTTP_USER;
2461: try {
2462: o = context.getObjectPart(name);
2463: if (o instanceof String) {
2464: addHTTPHeader(call, name, (String) o);
2465: }
2466: } catch (WSIFException ex) {
2467: Trc.ignoredException(ex);
2468: }
2470: name = WSIFConstants.CONTEXT_HTTP_PSWD;
2471: try {
2472: o = context.getObjectPart(name);
2473: if (o instanceof String) {
2474: addHTTPHeader(call, name, (String) o);
2475: }
2476: } catch (WSIFException ex) {
2477: Trc.ignoredException(ex);
2478: }
2480: try {
2482: o = context.getObjectPart(name);
2483: if (o instanceof List) {
2484: addSOAPHeader(call, name, (List) o);
2485: }
2486: } catch (WSIFException ex) {
2487: Trc.ignoredException(ex);
2488: }
2489: }
2491: /**
2492: * This sets up any context from the response message
2493: */
2494: private void setResponseContext(Call call) throws WSIFException {
2495: org.apache.axis.Message m = call.getResponseMessage();
2496: if (m != null) {
2497: javax.xml.soap.SOAPEnvelope env;
2498: try {
2499: env = m.getSOAPEnvelope();
2500: } catch (AxisFault e) {
2501: throw new WSIFException(
2502: "AxisFault getting response SOAP envelope", e);
2503: }
2504: if (env != null) {
2505: javax.xml.soap.SOAPHeader soapHeader;
2506: try {
2507: soapHeader = env.getHeader();
2508: } catch (SOAPException e) {
2509: throw new WSIFException(
2510: "SOAPException getting response headers from SOAP envelope",
2511: e);
2512: }
2513: addContextResponseSOAPHeaders(soapHeader);
2514: }
2515: }
2516: }
2518: /**
2519: * Sets any SOAP headers from the context message.
2520: */
2521: private void addSOAPHeader(Call call, String name, List soapHeaders) {
2522: for (Iterator i = soapHeaders.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
2523: Object o = i.next();
2524: if (o instanceof Element) {
2525: call.addHeader(new SOAPHeaderElement((Element) o));
2526: }
2527: }
2528: }
2530: /**
2531: * This adds any SOAP headers in the response to the context
2532: */
2533: private void addContextResponseSOAPHeaders(
2534: javax.xml.soap.SOAPHeader soapHeader) throws WSIFException {
2536: if (soapHeader != null) {
2537: ArrayList headers = new ArrayList();
2538: for (Iterator i = soapHeader.getChildElements(); i
2539: .hasNext();) {
2540: Object o = i.next();
2541: if (o instanceof SOAPHeaderElement) {
2542: SOAPHeaderElement she = (SOAPHeaderElement) o;
2543: try {
2544: headers.add(she.getAsDOM());
2545: } catch (Exception e) {
2546: throw new WSIFException(
2547: "exception getting response SOAP header",
2548: e);
2549: }
2550: } else {
2551: Trc.event("unexpected response SOAP header type: ",
2552: o);
2553: }
2554: }
2555: if (headers.size() > 0) {
2556: WSIFMessage context = getContext();
2557: context.setObjectPart(
2559: headers);
2560: setContext(context);
2561: }
2562: }
2563: }
2565: /**
2566: * Sets the HTTP header value in the message context.
2567: * How these are used depends on the underlying transport,
2568: * eg. org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender
2569: * will use the 'user.id' and 'user.password' headers
2570: * for HTTP basic authentication..
2571: */
2572: private void addHTTPHeader(Call call, String name, String value) {
2573: if (name.equals(WSIFConstants.CONTEXT_HTTP_USER)) {
2574: call.setProperty(Call.USERNAME_PROPERTY, value);
2575: } else if (name.equals(WSIFConstants.CONTEXT_HTTP_PSWD)) {
2576: call.setProperty(Call.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, value);
2577: }
2578: }
2580: /**
2581: * This checks if any of the JMS propertyValues are for the
2582: * sync or async timeout values. If so it set the appropriate
2583: * value on the JMS transport and removes the property from
2584: * the JMS propertyValues list.
2585: */
2586: private void checkForTimeoutProperties(HashMap inJmsPropVals,
2587: WSIFJMSDestination dest) throws WSIFException {
2588: for (Iterator i = inJmsPropVals.keySet().iterator(); i
2589: .hasNext();) {
2590: String name = (String) i.next();
2591: Object value = inJmsPropVals.get(name);
2592: if (timeoutProperty(dest, name, value)) {
2593: i.remove();
2594: }
2595: }
2596: }
2598: private boolean timeoutProperty(WSIFJMSDestination dest,
2599: String propertyName, Object value) throws WSIFException {
2600: boolean isTimeoutProperty = false;
2601: try {
2603: .equals(propertyName)) {
2604: isTimeoutProperty = true;
2605: Long syncTimeout = new Long(value.toString());
2606: WSIFJmsTransport transport = (WSIFJmsTransport) getTransport();
2607: transport.setSyncTimeout(syncTimeout);
2608: Trc.event(this , "overridding syncTimeout to "
2609: + syncTimeout);
2610: } else if (WSIFConstants.WSIF_PROP_ASYNC_TIMEOUT
2611: .equals(propertyName)) {
2612: isTimeoutProperty = true;
2613: Long asyncTimeout = new Long(value.toString());
2614: WSIFJmsTransport transport = (WSIFJmsTransport) getTransport();
2615: transport.setAsyncTimeout(asyncTimeout);
2616: Trc.event(this , "overridding asyncTimeout to "
2617: + asyncTimeout);
2618: }
2619: } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
2620: Trc.ignoredException(ex);
2621: }
2622: return isTimeoutProperty;
2623: }
2625: /**
2626: * Returns true if primitive is the equivalent primitive class of clazz.
2627: * Why doesn't java provide this function?
2628: */
2629: private static boolean isPrimitiveOf(Class clazz, Class primitive) {
2630: if ((primitive.equals(boolean.class) && Boolean.class
2631: .isAssignableFrom(clazz))
2632: || (primitive.equals(char.class) && Character.class
2633: .isAssignableFrom(clazz))
2634: || (primitive.equals(byte.class) && Byte.class
2635: .isAssignableFrom(clazz))
2636: || (primitive.equals(short.class) && Short.class
2637: .isAssignableFrom(clazz))
2638: || (primitive.equals(int.class) && Integer.class
2639: .isAssignableFrom(clazz))
2640: || (primitive.equals(long.class) && Long.class
2641: .isAssignableFrom(clazz))
2642: || (primitive.equals(float.class) && Float.class
2643: .isAssignableFrom(clazz))
2644: || (primitive.equals(double.class) && Double.class
2645: .isAssignableFrom(clazz)))
2646: return true;
2647: else
2648: return false;
2649: }
2651: // package visable as it's used by WSIFJmsTransport
2652: void setAsyncRequestID(WSIFCorrelationId asyncRequestID) {
2653: Trc.entry(this , asyncRequestID);
2654: this .asyncRequestID = asyncRequestID;
2655: Trc.exit();
2656: }
2658: /**
2659: * @deprecated use getOperationStyle
2660: */
2661: public String getStyle() {
2662: return operationStyle;
2663: }
2665: /**
2666: * Returns the operation style.
2667: * @return String
2668: */
2669: public String getOperationStyle() {
2670: return operationStyle;
2671: }
2673: /**
2674: * @deprecated use setOperationStyle
2675: */
2676: public void setStyle(String style) {
2677: this .operationStyle = style;
2678: }
2680: /**
2681: * @deprecated should anyone be doing this?
2682: */
2683: public void setOperationStyle(String style) {
2684: this .operationStyle = style;
2685: }
2687: public String deep() {
2688: StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
2689: try {
2690: buff.append(super .toString()).append(":\n");
2691: buff.append("wsifPort:").append(wsifPort);
2692: buff.append(" portTypeOperation:").append(
2693: Trc.brief(portTypeOperation));
2694: buff.append(" bindingOperation:").append(bindingOperation);
2695: buff.append(" soapOperation:").append(soapOperation);
2696: buff.append(" operationStyle:").append(operationStyle);
2697: buff.append(" inputSOAPParts:").append(inputSOAPParts);
2698: buff.append(" inputUnwrappedSOAPParts:").append(
2699: inputUnwrappedSOAPParts);
2700: buff.append(" inputMIMEParts:").append(inputMIMEParts);
2701: buff.append(" inputSOAPHeader:").append(inputSOAPHeader);
2702: buff.append(" inputSOAPHeaderFault:").append(
2703: inputSOAPHeaderFault);
2704: buff.append(" outputSOAPParts:").append(outputSOAPParts);
2705: buff.append(" outputUnwrappedSOAPParts:").append(
2706: outputUnwrappedSOAPParts);
2707: buff.append(" outputMIMEParts:").append(outputMIMEParts);
2708: buff.append(" outputSOAPHeader:").append(outputSOAPHeader);
2709: buff.append(" outputSOAPHeaderFault:").append(
2710: outputSOAPHeaderFault);
2711: buff.append(" inputEncodingStyle:").append(
2712: inputEncodingStyle);
2713: buff.append(" inputNamespace:").append(inputNamespace);
2714: buff.append(" actionUri:").append(soapActionURI);
2715: buff.append(" inJmsProps:").append(inJmsProps);
2716: buff.append(" outJmsProps:").append(outJmsProps);
2717: buff.append(" inJmsPropVals:").append(inJmsPropVals);
2718: buff.append(" context:").append(context);
2719: buff.append(" asyncOperation:").append(asyncOperation);
2720: buff.append(" asyncRequestID:").append(asyncRequestID);
2721: buff.append(" responseHandler:").append(responseHandler);
2722: buff.append(" responseMessageParameters:").append(
2723: responseMessageParameters);
2724: buff.append(" outputEncodingStyle:").append(
2725: outputEncodingStyle);
2726: buff.append(" typeMap:").append(typeMap);
2727: } catch (Exception e) {
2728: Trc.exceptionInTrace(e);
2729: }
2730: return buff.toString();
2731: }
2732: }