Method Summary |
public void | decrementDepth() This method decreases the current parser instance depth and should
only be called when a parser instance exits. |
public void | decrementTemplateDepth() This method decreases the current template inclusion depth and should
only be called when a template finishes processing. |
public boolean | getAllowSectionEdit() This method will return true if edit links are allowed
next to each section heading. |
public String | getContext() Get the servlet context associated with the current parser input
instance. |
public int | getDepth() Since it is possible to call a new parser instance from within another
parser instance, depth provides a way to determine how many times the
parser has nested, thus providing a way of avoiding infinite loops. |
public Locale | getLocale() Get the locale associated with the current parser input instance. |
public TableOfContents | getTableOfContents() Get the table of contents object associated with the current parser
input instance. |
public Hashtable | getTempParams() Get the Hashtable of arbitrary temporary parameters associated with
the current parser input instance. |
public int | getTemplateDepth() Get the depth level when template code is being parsed. |
public String | getTopicName() Get the topic name for the topic being parsed by this parser input
instance. |
public String | getUserIpAddress() Get the user IP address associated with the current parser input
instance. |
public String | getVirtualWiki() Get the virtual wiki name associated with the current parser input
instance. |
public WikiUser | getWikiUser() Get the wiki user object associated with the current parser input
instance. |
public void | incrementDepth() This method increases the current parser instance depth and should
only be called when a instantiating a new parser instance. |
public void | incrementTemplateDepth() This method decreases the current template inclusion depth and should
only be called when a template begins processing. |
public void | setAllowSectionEdit(boolean allowSectionEdit) Set method used to indicate whether or not to allow edit links
next to each section heading. |
public void | setContext(String context) Set the servlet context associated with the current parser input
instance. |
public void | setDepth(int depth) Since it is possible to call a new parser instance from within another
parser instance, depth provides a way to determine how many times the
parser has nested, thus providing a way of avoiding infinite loops. |
public void | setLocale(Locale locale) Set the locale associated with the current parser input instance. |
public void | setTableOfContents(TableOfContents tableOfContents) Set the table of contents object associated with the current parser
input instance. |
public void | setTemplateDepth(int templateDepth) Set the depth level when template code is being parsed. |
public void | setTopicName(String topicName) Set the topic name for the topic being parsed by this parser input
instance. |
public void | setUserIpAddress(String userIpAddress) Set the user IP address associated with the current parser input
instance. |
public void | setVirtualWiki(String virtualWiki) Set the virtual wiki name associated with the current parser input
instance. |
public void | setWikiUser(WikiUser user) Set the wiki user object associated with the current parser input
instance. |